The Olennais Society -(disbanded Group)


The Black Wolf-Bear
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Mithrilian Kingdom
The Olennais Society



It was seemingly a completely normal day in Regalia, the skies were bright blue, not a cloud on the horizon and the sun was shining down onto the brick rooftops. The city was once more thriving with citizens that went about with their day, trying to get accustomed and getting back to their old lives after the recent ordeals that had been taking place in the Holy city. The marketplace was once more thriving with merchants and salesmen trying to earn their pay through honest work. Shop-owners had once more opened up their stores for the public, tailors were once more put to work and politicians had never been more busy. The town square was once more filled with life and chitchatting, children running around playing games as various nobles stood about discussing the latest news of the Crown Isles. Two noblewomen took their places upon the podium located in the middle of the town square, a town crier beginning to shout about to get the attention of the people.

"Hear ye, Hear ye! I present to you, Lady Dianne Black and Lady Roselyne d'Eluise!"
The town crier then stepped aside, allowing the d'Eluise to step forward. She held a clipboard pressed to her chest, offering the crowds a wide smile before she cleared her throat.

"Citizens of Regalia! My name is Roselyne d'Eluise, and I'm here together with my sister-in-law Dianne Black. We approach you here today, proud to present you all to The Society of Olennais, which is a newly created healing order, founded by myself and Lady Black. Unfortunately, recently we have seen faults in the current healing orders and charters that are already present in the city. The people of Regalia is as of now not getting what they need. The Olennais will strive to make the conditions better, with proper and educated personnel to create a more suitable and safer experience in clinics all around the Holy city. A clinic where all can feel safe in the care of our nurses and healers. Not only do we want to provide better healing for the people, we also want to improve the conditions of the lower classes through charity, seeing as many of the citizens doesn't have the privilege to have a roof over their heads, clothes on their backs and food in their stomachs. We are as of now recruiting. All healers, scholars and alchemists are welcome to apply. May the spirit bless you all!"

As the woman had finished her speech, she took a step back, offering a wide smile before making her way down from the podium together with her colleague as both applause and intrigued murmuring echoed across the square.


The Olennais Society order were established after the Lo reign at the start of 305 A.C. The charter was established to provide medical assistance to all the citizens of the city, be it Unionist or not. Composed of the finest medic in the city, the order has made it self known to be assist those in need. Co-founded by Dianne Black and Roselyne d'Eluise, the two noble ladies have taken it upon themselves to assist the city with the establishment of this charter. The main reason the two decided to start this new charter was due to concerns of the conditions of any current medical charters already existing in the city and the way that they were being run. Their goal is to improve the conditions for the people of the Holy city by providing a better medical center with esteemed nurses and other personnel. The charter also strives to hold charity events and raise money for the good cause of aiding the unprivileged citizens of the Holy city, host soup kitchens and such, all in good will and in the Imperial spirit.


۞ Ranks۞


The founders of the Olennais society . Their duty is to keep the clinic running, if one can't complete their duties it's the other to take over. One found to cover for the other.

The few trusted advisers of the Founders, these esteemed members overall keep things in check for the founders. They also act as the voice of the Founders, should they not be present.
  • (TBA)​
  • (TBA)​

The staff on the Olennais society who run the clinic day in and day out. The staff is required to record their activity and patients on the patient charts that is provided to them when they first join. If there are any lessons going on, they must attempt to attend one or seek private advisory from the founders.

The alchemist of the Olennais society are the creates of the medicine and should know basic medical skills. Their main role is to keep the medicine supply in stock. They should seek counsel from the founders when medicine is running low. They will be given permission to track of medical inventory.
Healing Apprentices

An apprentice is what you would guess, Healers under training by a nurse or a scholar, learning the basics of healing or alchemy.

Light Mages

Light magic is not to be used unless extremely necessary. However, the society knows that the mages are quite helpful when and will allow some light mages to work in the clinic.

Do you wish to join the Olennais?

If you wish to join the Olennais of society , pen a letter to Lady Dianne Black (@darkarely) or Lady Roselyne d'Eluise (@Femma). The two ladies will review you applications and will contacted with their decision.

The clinic is located on lilacroad1.

Application template:
Character Name:
Is your Character Approved?:
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society ?:
How active are you?:
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?:
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?:
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?:
Is your character willing to follow orders?:​

This is not yet a legitimate charter, and does not have any charter rights, but of course that is what we strive for.​
Last edited:
Lady Black be makin' moves.
IGN: HobblingHobbit
Character Name: Vixi'striks Zztvst
Is your Character Approved?: Nope!
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society ?: Really I just want to expand my role play circle and try out medical/alchemy role play, which is something I have yet to do.
How active are you?: Being a high school student means that my activity varies each week; however, I usually pop on massive for at least a couple hours a week.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?: Nope!
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?: Yep!
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: Yep!
Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yep!
IGN: MourningDoves
Character Name: Ethlynn Vlasta
Is your Character Approved?: Yes
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society?: Ethlynn needs a place to put her knowledge of alchemy to use, and I've always wanted to be a part of healer roleplay. I also like the idea of joining a group at its beginnings and helping it grow.
How active are you?: I'm usually on most days of the week, 1-2 hours on weekdays and 3+ hours on weekends.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?: I was banned for a few months 2 years ago for ERP and have since gotten it removed from my /seen. I've had no other punishments.
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?: Yes
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: I'm fairly well-versed in lore, though I'm still catching up on the roleplay scene. I took a long break a couple months ago and have been re-introducing myself to roleplay slowly.
Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes
IGN: NariTheKamikaze
Character Name: Dahae Faerveren
Is your Character Approved?: Yes.
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society?: To get some of that dank healing. I also like to RP out being a medic, or being inside of a clinic.
How active are you?: I'm online almost everyday, definitely online on the weekends.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?: Muted once for misusing help chat.
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?: Yes.
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: Yes.
Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes, but mainly because she's a huge pushover and a coward.

emma sucks
IGN: HobblingHobbit
Character Name: Vixi'striks Zztvst
Is your Character Approved?: Nope!
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society ?: Really I just want to expand my role play circle and try out medical/alchemy role play, which is something I have yet to do.
How active are you?: Being a high school student means that my activity varies each week; however, I usually pop on massive for at least a couple hours a week.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?: Nope!
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?: Yep!
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: Yep!
Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yep!

Snip Rejected until application is acquired.

IGN: MourningDoves
Character Name: Ethlynn Vlasta
Is your Character Approved?: Yes
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society?: Ethlynn needs a place to put her knowledge of alchemy to use, and I've always wanted to be a part of healer roleplay. I also like the idea of joining a group at its beginnings and helping it grow.
How active are you?: I'm usually on most days of the week, 1-2 hours on weekdays and 3+ hours on weekends.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?: I was banned for a few months 2 years ago for ERP and have since gotten it removed from my /seen. I've had no other punishments.
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?: Yes
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: I'm fairly well-versed in lore, though I'm still catching up on the roleplay scene. I took a long break a couple months ago and have been re-introducing myself to roleplay slowly.
Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes

snoop Accepted! Message me your Skype details on the forums.

IGN: NariTheKamikaze
Character Name: Dahae Faerveren
Is your Character Approved?: Yes.
What is your motivation to become a member of the Olennais society?: To get some of that dank healing. I also like to RP out being a medic, or being inside of a clinic.
How active are you?: I'm online almost everyday, definitely online on the weekends.
Have you ever been banned/jailed/muted?If so, why?: Muted once for misusing help chat.
Do you have access to Teamspeak or Skype?: Yes.
Do you consider yourself well versed in Regalia's roleplay scene and its lore?: Yes.
Is your character willing to follow orders?: Yes, but mainly because she's a huge pushover and a coward.

sniiiip Accepted! I'll add you to the chat.

The Thread has been updated to reflex the new additions.
Roselyne Coen has retired from her position as a co-founder.
This organization is now close as per the fact that I am unable to keep up with activity due to work. I apologize for anyone that was still interested as I didn't get any feedback from my member. Sorry that I was unable to keep up with your expectations. Dianne will still be around the city and I will be able to be contact via forum or skype for those that have me. This group has been disbanded formally.