The Obscure Oyster


The Worst
Apr 14, 2016
Reaction score


"Drink till you feel like you did the right thing."

Resting below the Harbor District sits a place not only for the sailors who dock in the port but any folks looking for a less spectated location for a drink or other pleasures and dubious dealings. Should one wish to simply be out of the limelight or seek out a hired hand for a task, the Obscure Oyster can provide for all. Once lost to the sands of time, the hidden comfort of the tavern has risen once more to offer its services to the people of the holy city.

The Obscure Oyster is reopening. To keep things interesting and not simply have pleasantry tavern RP we are incorporating a merc/rogue hiring section which is entirely under the table and off the records. Those who are familiar with the Underworld will be far more likely to know what goes on than those without the knowledge. There will also be various events to be held once an expansion is added to the building. Finally, this is neutral ground. While barfights and feuds are welcome, anyone seeking to take over will be met with force.

The entrance can be found within the red circle on this map. It is within the southern section of the Harbor District.



Obscure Owner
The owner and overseer of the establishment.
Eyanaeil Faenin (@Timisc )

Obscure Council
The Obscure Council helps decide what the business does but more so aids in the shadier dealings found below. This is unknown to the public and is here for OOC convenience, however, it can be assumed they are higher ups.
Aesling Sylfina (@Bellarmina )
Ilmadia Luleth (@Nesstro )
Tullion Kearney (@ShipIt )
Nieven Weassys (@TheMoistestMan )

The bartenders of the establishment. Usually in on the shady business in order to pass those interested along to the aforementioned.
Sacshekhi (@The_Western_Fox )
Myalla Himmils (@Ringo0310 )
Nouveau Tempete (@SnashuuPomaymay )
Syruscaliu Ebreos (@WrongChat )

The guardians of the establishment. They will not step in until absolutely necessary or ordered otherwise by the highers.
Delphine Olsus (@Walnoodle ) - Head of the Bouncers
Vaell'aer (@JarrettdaCarrot )
Itzal (@Blacksheep )

On-call healers namely for the pit fighting matches but also should a member or ally find themselves in a tight spot.


Unknown to the general public and naked eye, the Oyster offers more than simply drinks and pleasures. Hidden behind closed doors one could find mercs, rogues, and other shady individuals for hire. Furthermore, one could request for contraband or otherwise to be acquired for them. All comes with a price, of course.

All one needs to do for such assistance is to offer what isn't theirs.


Discord is required for communication and you will receive an invite should you be accepted. Furthermore, hiring is as much IC as it is OOC. Trust must be earned and should you be rejected for any reason you can always prove us wrong through interactions.​

Character Name:
Character App:
(Bartender, Bouncer, Healer, Rogue (being one for hire). If there is a custom position you wish to pitch you can also put that and explain in your letter.)
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: (If so, why?)
Letter: (IC letter to the owner & heads of the business expressing why they should consider hiring you. Put the letter in a spoiler.)

An IC meeting will follow should interest be peaked.
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IGN: FireFan96
Character Name: Walthur Drake
Character App:
Position: Navigator to the Public, Smuggler to "Customers"
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: Nope
To the Oyster,

I used to work across the street a few years back, good to see someone picking up the slack. Anyways, I'm a navigator and I know a few good men. We can talk details later.

-Walthur Drake
Free drinks for me
IGN: Nice_One_Bruva
Character Name: Margot Anika Lorenz
Character App: Under Review
Position: Bartender
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: All clear, unlike Charlie Sheen.

Hello Oyster Staff,
I'd like to apply for a bartender role within the Obscure Oyster, I've seen the business grow across the years through different owners but I would love if I was given the opportunity to join the work-force. It'd be great to have a chat and see what I can offer to the business.

~ Margot Anika Lorenz
IGN: @WrongChat
Character Name: Syruscaliu Enbreos.
Character App: WiP.
Position: Bartender, also courier if needed.
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: Nada.

The letter was written on the back of the staff application itself, in a messy, yet legible, handwriting.
Dear whoever reads this,

Hello, I'm Syruscaliu, a Kathar based out of Daendroque and now Regalia. I wander, do odd jobs which has included pouring drinks and being a fetcher/messenger for several people of several authorities. Though, as winter makes its way toward the Crown City I seek to find myself in warm living then on a park-bench, in order to do so I need to scrap up some coin in time. Send a the response letter to the Bartender and I will make my way over to see in a day or two.
-Syruscaliu Enbreos-
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IGN: AtticCat
Character Name: Azra min Eazim
Character App:
Position: Rogue
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: No uwu
A familiar crow would flutter to find Eyanaeil, cawing as it held a letter in a little tube attached to its foot.

Hi Eyan,

I want job as rogue secret yeah. Im good at things like sneaky. Have good day.

- Azra
IGN: Blacksheep65
Character Name: Itzal
Character App: Here (under re-review)
Position: Bouncer/Bartender if needed.
Have you ever been muted, jailed, or banned?: No
To the Oyster,
I'm the Varran that spoke briefly about a position here. As mentioned, while I was seeking a bartender position I consider myself capable and would be just as happy to work here as a bouncer. I look forward to a response
~Itzal Vera Ajam