The New Sun


The Regalian Nuke
Dec 29, 2015
Reaction score

Be it from a bartender, talkative passerby, or some other medium of communication, word makes it to your ear that a Dakkar clan has grown active in Regalia. Some may recognize the resurging tribe as the New Sun, while others don't even remember the name.

But sooner or later, that will change.



Seeing as it is by Nal Roh, the New Sun is a fairly simplistic group. With a heavy focus on Combat Roleplay and Alliance Roleplay, the New Sun should always have something to do!

The higher ranks of the New Sun are less gang-like and more familial. When it comes to the clan, competence takes the backseat to loyalty and connection. You will not rise unless you are liked.

The New Sun holds itself to the Hal-Doorin ideology, its leaders preaching that this new world is Paradise, but it does not come without its conflicts. Aside from aligning itself with the Hal-Doorin, the New Sun demands loyalty to the Regalian Empire, or at the very least a lack of hate towards it. As such, there will be no anarchy, terrorism, or combating the Regalian Guard within the New Sun.

The New Sun does not hold itself to traditional Hael worship, despite it's obvious references to Dakkar culture. If someone cared to find out, it will be found leaning towards something very similar to Allar ideology, but with Hael included.

While primarily for Dakkar, the New Sun does have places for most other races. Dwarves are of course, not allowed.

If you are not confidant in your Combat Roleplay skills, don't worry! The New Sun has many opportunities to grow and learn through fights and challenges with allied and opposing gangs.

We currently do not have an official base, although this will not be perminant.



Neta: The leader of the New Sun. Currently held by Nal Roh.

Afasar: Second in command. Can be of any race. Someone who can make major decisions in the absence of the Neta.

Currently open.

Paribara: Full fledged and tested members of the New Sun. Can be of any race, and are usually included on important decisions that should not be made alone. A Paribara must know how to fight, and has some authority over the Taja.


Chaloor: Food gatherers and workers, the Chaloor are the lowest ranking official members. All non-Dakkar are tossed into Chaloor, which largely involves carrying some amount of Gassa-moss on them if they can manage, or tending to the Gassa-moss within the base.


Taja: New or untested members. The Taja will remain so until they can prove themselves to be reliable.





Do not challenge anyone in any way and not expect to get brutalized. Fights started must be carried out to the end!

Do not challenge the Guard, the Black Hand, or the Confessors. We don't need that kind of trouble, so let them be.

Your fellow clan members are your brothers and sisters, don't be a dick.

Drugs of any kind are not allowed.

You don't need to worship Hael, you just need to not talk shit.

What a higher ranking member says, goes.

Remember your rank.


There will be no Metagaming, Powergaming, or God-Rp. Repeated offences will result in the ejection of the offending members.

Skype is a necessity. If you do not have skype, you will not be accepted.

Shitposting in the Banter chat is fine, but there will be no porn, excessive spam, or political talk. @Beetletoes and @memeosupremeo have something for that.

Cause problems in the Skype chat, and you will be kicked. We have fun here.


Clan Relationships


Red Leopard Pride


None declared.


List of members

Nal Roh--Neta ( @KiddingAround )
Jitendra Ravi--Taja ( @Heretics )
Sahl--Taja ( @ScaledSupremacy )
Kruddha Dka--Paribara ( @The Golem )
Sahnkar--Taja @NariTheKamikaze
Ersskin Ssereg--Taja @Eternal_Wrath


IG name:

OOC age (optional):

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10):

Rate your activity (1-10):


Character name:

Character age:

Character race:

Character application (strongly encouraged):

Character skills:

Desired rank:

References (if any):

IC Goals

The New Sun hopes to gain a positive reputation on the surface, while involving itself in as much conflict as possible in the undercity.

The New Sun will be leaving Regalia (if possible when the Adventure System comes out) to search for great beasts or Dakkar relics, if any can be found.

Have each member fight at least one troll (or something similar).

Have a throw at becoming a mercenary charter.​
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IG name: GolemsAround
OOC age: not the clock
Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 9
Rate your activity (1-10): 6
Skype: Yeep
Character name: Kruddha Dka
Character age: 58
Character race: Dakkar
Character application (strongly encouraged): W.I.P., will PM
Character skills: Strong, smart for his type, and aware
Desired rank: Taja until further notice
References (if any): @KiddingAround @Beetletoes
IG name: GolemsAround
OOC age: not the clock
Rate your roleplay skill (1-10):9
Rate your activity (1-10): 6
Skype: Yeep
Character name: Kruddha Dka
Character age: 58
Character race: Dakkar
Character application (strongly encouraged): W.I.P., will PM
Character skills: Strong, smart for his type, and aware
Desired rank: Taja until further notice
References (if any): @KiddingAround @Beetletoes

On Trial!

The actual approval/rejection will be IC.

I'm going to break your back if you don't make that app.
IG name: Heretics

OOC age (optional): 17

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 9

Rate your activity (1-10): 4(working on being more active though)

Skype: Yes

Character name: Jitendra Ravi

Character age: 94

Character race: Dakkar

Character application (strongly encouraged): Working on it.

Character skills: Being a tank in combat.

Desired rank: Taja until further notice.
IG name: ScaledSupremacy
OOC age (optional): :}
Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 7
Rate your activity (1-10): 7
Skype: riki5arkinn
Character name: Sahl
Character age: 48
Character race: Firebrand dakkar.
Character application (strongly encouraged): vacant
Character skills: Aggressive combat.
Desired rank: Afasar
IG name: Heretics

OOC age (optional): 17

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 9

Rate your activity (1-10): 4(working on being more active though)

Skype: Yes

Character name: Jitendra Ravi

Character age: 94

Character race: Dakkar

Character application (strongly encouraged): Working on it.

Character skills: Being a tank in combat.

Desired rank: Taja until further notice.

Accepted as Taja. Please send me your Skype username via PM.

IG name: ScaledSupremacy
OOC age (optional): :}
Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 7
Rate your activity (1-10): 7
Skype: riki5arkinn
Character name: Sahl
Character age: 48
Character race: Firebrand dakkar.
Character application (strongly encouraged): vacant
Character skills: Aggressive combat.
Desired rank: Afasar

Accepted as Taja. Afasar is going to need a character app, seeing as it is second in command. Adding you to the Skype chat.

IG name: GolemsAround
OOC age: not the clock
Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 9
Rate your activity (1-10): 6
Skype: Yeep
Character name: Kruddha Dka
Character age: 58
Character race: Dakkar
Character application (strongly encouraged): W.I.P., will PM
Character skills: Strong, smart for his type, and aware
Desired rank: Taja until further notice
References (if any): @KiddingAround @Beetletoes

Accepted as Taja. You're in the Skype chat.
IG name: NariTheKamikaze

OOC age: 17.

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 7.

Rate your activity (1-10): 9.

Skype: kanashibiri

Character name: Sahnkar.

Character age: 17.

Character race: Dakkar.

Character application (strongly encouraged): None at the moment. Will be done soon.

Character skills: Obviously strength. However, he breaks the concept that all Dakkars are mindless stone beasts. He is chatty, social, but keeps a serious demeanor. Sahnkar would rather solve disputes through peace and words, than clash.
Desired rank: Paribara, or possibly Chaloor.

References (if any): NA.
IG name: NariTheKamikaze

OOC age: 17.

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 7.

Rate your activity (1-10): 9.

Skype: kanashibiri

Character name: Sahnkar.

Character age: 17.

Character race: Dakkar.

Character application (strongly encouraged): None at the moment. Will be done soon.

Character skills: Obviously strength. However, he breaks the concept that all Dakkars are mindless stone beasts. He is chatty, social, but keeps a serious demeanor. Sahnkar would rather solve disputes through peace and words, than clash.
Desired rank: Paribara, or possibly Chaloor.

References (if any): NA.
Accepted as Taja. An application will move you up.
IG name: Eternal_Wrath

OOC age (optional): ;}

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 7.5

Rate your activity (1-10): 6.7

Skype: You has it boio

Character name: Ersskin Ssereg

Character age: 39

Character race: Sa-allar

Character application (strongly encouraged): WIP

Character skills: Tanking

Desired rank: Paribara, I'm coming back for my rank

References (if any): You @CRASHIR @Emperor_E @MugKing
IG name: Eternal_Wrath

OOC age (optional): ;}

Rate your roleplay skill (1-10): 7.5

Rate your activity (1-10): 6.7

Skype: You has it boio

Character name: Ersskin Ssereg

Character age: 39

Character race: Sa-allar

Character application (strongly encouraged): WIP

Character skills: Tanking

Desired rank: Paribara, I'm coming back for my rank

References (if any): You @CRASHIR @Emperor_E @MugKing
Approved as Taja. Approve your character to rank up.