The Mcnabb Famlee


Dec 11, 2016
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The Family is very, VERY un-common.

Hiya folks! Welcom t thuh mcnabb famlee!

Name: McNabb
Sigil: "Whats a sigil? Tommy Lee! Can ye' tell me what a si-j-uhll is?"
Motto: "Don't rob people!"
Colors: "Uhh, blue I guess. Like the wa'er"
Family culture: Culture? Well, they gots one thats for sure,
Values: Farmin', sleepin', buildin', boatin', and floatin'

Basic informoation
The McNabb famlee is uhh... we's real nice like.

'causeuh our boathouse, we's got some fishin' poles.

The McNabb family likes makin' sure we's got more kids 'n a two rabbits dumped in a hole, to make sure our bloodline real successful like.

Oh yeah! The boathouse! We's got like two boats, we married 'em with rope wood 'n nails. then built our houses on 'em.

Famlee histree
Known history
Well, Uncle cletus says...
it all started out on a farm, he's was livin' good with maw 'n paw 'n THEIR maw 'n paw, all the other famlee members, 'till some big storm came and blew away half the house! We aint never seen 'em again... sept cletus course.
mosta the kids died on that day, 'cept cletus, maw, 'n paw. they's went on and had kids.
Then we's got great grandpappy's journal, it goes even further back.
(Unknown) During that storm, on family member survived other than Maw, Paw, and Uncle. He grew a large hatred for the family, due to being left in the rubble. He wen't on and had a family of his own.
Famlee tree 'n stuff
Pm me for the part of the family tree you wish to see.
Blue is alive and playable
Green is alive and played
Gray is dead

Light blue is Playable, but the chars marked in it are old and will die soon
Red is long lost, I may let you play one if I trust you enough. due to these roles having to write most their own lore.
Dark red is Topper McNabb

Joey McNabb, Presumed dead.
Joey's wife, unknown to most.
Joey's son, unknown to most.
Maw, alive enough 48.
Paw, same as Maw, 46
Harry Keyton, close to death, but still active. 52
Tommy McNabb, 21: Legoclub22
Cy McNabb, 19: Crothic
Uncle cletus, 45.
Uncle Topper McNabb, 42.
Freddy McNabb, son of cletus. 20.
Jane McNabb, daughter of Maw. 15.
Boian McNabb, daughter of Maw. 12.
Eli McNabb, son of Maw. 17.
Dale McNabb, son of Maw. 24.
Peggy Kayton, daughter of Maw, married to Frank Keyton. 23
Frank Keyton, son of Harry Keyton. 27.
Jolene McNabb, daughter of Maw. 13.
Mary McNabb, daughter of Maw. 18.
Jones Keyton, son of Peggy Keyton. 10.
Jilly McNabb, Married to Cletus. 43.

  • IGN: (Your current Minecraft username.)​
  • Character applying for: (Note: We do not allow custom characters, but most characters are only a rough concept, and are thus able to be personalized.)​
  • References: (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first. Be sure to say so if you don't have any.)​
  • Activity: (How often and for how long are you online?)​
  • Time Zone: (What time zone you live in)​
  • RP Skill: (On a scale of 1-10, rate your RP ability.)​
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: (Self explanatory.)​
  • Able to use Discord: (Discord will allow us to communicate important events or happenings easily. Don't put your Discord info here, just state if you have it or not.​
Definitely isn't stolen from Legoclub22's page, much like most of this.
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Just for the heck of it.