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The Martinez Capture

The spring breeze would make its way briskly through the streets of the Crown City, the shuffle of the crowds overpowering, and the sent of Market foods and summery flora filling the air. From the sidestreets, a number of golden masked men would pin parchments to the notice boards, and chapel doors of the capital. These parchments would read as follows:



From the Office of the Divine Regent of the White Order

The heretic Cesar Martinez has been captured. His sins are many, though among them: defacement of the Imperial Spirit and Divine Emperor, via written document; an unspoken acceptance of the High Heretic Lorenzo Martinez; undermining of Divine authority; weakness of faith; and many more crimes of the soul. For these crimes, Cesar Martinez has been punished, by the most severe of beatings.

Cesar Martinez has been given a chance to ammend himself in the most holy eye of the Spirit. From this day forward, Cesar Martinez is no more: Brother Michael will be his new address, and he shall live the rest of his days in service to the Spirit, as a Father of piety. This exile shall serve as a chance for Brother Michael to atone for the grave sins of his past life, as a member of the vile Martinez family. Furthermore, Brother Michael shall cast down all his wordly goods, his property, and gold, to worthier causes. Brother Michael shall not leave the Chapels or Monasteries of the Sancella, for any reason other than providing alms, or services to the good people of Regalia. Brother Michael shall never again utter, praise, or accept the name of House Martinez; instead shunning its vile utterance when ever he can.

Bellow, may one find the Confession, and repentance of Cesar Martinez:

I, Cesar of the House Martinez have committed a crime of the soul. I confess to showing the greatest of disrespect to the Under Crown Alexander I, and by proxy the most Divine and Holy Emperor, Cedromar I. In this, I have broken the Imperial Face Law. I confess to showing a weakness of faith, in attempting to use supposed loopholes in our most Imperial Legal system, to my own selfish gain.

As a result of my mental instability, caused by the horrid uprbrining provided by my heretical father: I ventured into the poor-district, I purposefully contracted Great Pox. I did so due to my own greed and overwhelming need. I have lived a selfish and egocentric life, unbefitting of a decent Unionist. When tasked to put my fellow man before myself, I spat on the Creeds, and disputed our utopian future. I have wounded the progress of the Great Way, and convinced others around me to do the same. For all my life, I have been sick; now due to the White Order, and the guidance of the Divine Regent, I at once feel free. The corruption that spread my soul and body has been lifted from me, and in my servitude to the Imperial Spirit, I at last feel liberated. I shall spend the remaining days of my life, to make up for, and progress further, the Great Way for which I have damaged for all my Brothers and Sisters.

I can only hope that the Spirit one day finds me worthy of forgiveness. I can only hope that the Emperor finds me one day worthy of existence. I can one day only hope, that my worthless life will have the meaning, and value, of my fellow Unionists, and Regalian people. May the Spirit bless all who tread in the light of Union, and may my continued life benifit the progress of our mighty task.

Signed: Cesar Martinez
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Me thinks we need a -Scary- rating.

He remained silent as the golden masked troop walked before the noticeboard in the Willow, not wanting any attention to be attracted to himself.

Borug Steelhide isn't fond of public beatings, especially when he's the one being beaten.- he thinks to himself, the conscious effort of keeping in the third person allowing him to distract himself while the Order does what they do. Being nothing more than a wallflower in this scene, the masked flock moves elsewhere without so much as noticing him, they have notices to pin on other signs after all... He hopes.

The slight crowd disperses, the interest dropping back to a low as the majority continues up into the main tavern room or amble on out, dissallowed from drinking by a well-intentioned bartender of one sort or another. The few literate among the dispersed onlookers migrate to the board, their curiosity leading them to read the parchment. To his own surprise, Borug finds himself amongst them, his eyes straining as he slowly reads over the shoulder of a highly uncomfortable and mildly agitated Altalar.

". .Heretic. . . Martinez. . . Sins. . . Defacement o' th' Emporer. . Void tha' sounds bad already. . Where was. . Right.

Written document. . . High Heretic. . Shite, they make tha' focker sound important. .

Cesar. . . Punished. . . Most severe of bea- Oh damn.."

His right-hand rises up to his chin, rubbing it with a crooked forefinger as his heart silently goes out to the poor bastard. Common is hard enough to read without knowing that the main subject likely lost a few teeth. .

After a quick berating by the Altalar, infuriated by Borug's incessant muttering, he decides to remain silent for the rest of his reading. .

Walking away a few minutes later, he finds himself instilled with a quiet, icy fear. He had never met Cesar, nor had he really ever heard of him, but to be beaten to the point of.. He didn't have a proper word for it. Monkhood? Chastity?
He decides on Reclusion, feeling that it fits better than the other two.
The word hardly matters though, it's the fear that he cares about. To be able to take a man from his home for words only spoken, and break him until he transforms into something.. else. Trolls won't do that. Neither will Orcs, or Ogres, or Frosthorns. Not a beast nor man he has ever encountered had such a deep cutting weapon their disposal before. . .

And that terrefies him

I tried damnit
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The annoyed Altalar by his side contemplated things in just the same manner, albeit... The fellow; Borug, had likely never experienced such beatings, or even heard of them. It became all too clear to Whitlock that the world viewed Cesar in a much more pale light... He sneered, but nodded... At least the chapter had closed, and he hoped that not another beating was due or to be as brutal as the last.
Looks at the gold mask, as Cesar is about to be beat.
"Hmph.." He huffed.
"His fault."
He took a copy of the confession and walked to his apartment. He opened the brown, creaky door unto the so called 'living space'. He sat down at his desk and read the confession.
"This Alexander..Is he the man who Sigurna Wodenstaff talked of when she discussed her losing her position in the government and was beaten? Damn..And this 'Brother Michael' blames his father? Pfft. I wouldn't play 'The Devil Made me do it' against the people here..I need to do something about this..I need to get started.."