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Played Character The Madrigal

This character is actively played.


Scottish Egg
May 11, 2013
Reaction score
Anor Londo / Scotland




Colony Information |
» Known As | The Madrigal
» Classification | Colony Spirits

Colony Spirits are less defined by what they inhabit (they can for example inhabit living bodies, corpses, or inanimate objects). What more so defines them, is that they are a grouping of multiple smaller or greater Spirits, who all inhabit the same physical form, thus forming a colony. Each separate Spirit can have its own identity and quirks, thus resulting in an entity with multiple split personalities, or different personalities inhabiting different aspects or body parts of the host, acting together or with free will.
» Occult | Void Revenants
Remnant Spirits are more common, and occur when someone would normally become Undead, but their body was utterly destroyed and their soul was left to drift. Some of them evaporate, but strong ones tied to purpose and emotion can become Remnant Spirits, thus becoming Revenants.

Core Concept |
Abomination ☵ | An amorphous entity, existing in a state of perpetual torment; a writhing amalgamation of pagan corpses, mud, ash, and the anguished spirits of the cultists who brought it into being. It is the cursed embodiment of their suffering, driven by the intense hatred of the damned who remain trapped within its wretched form.

Proficiencies |
» Strength | 2
› Diving Tackle
› Combat Sight
» Constitution | 5
› Shield Cover (Free)
› Shield Block
› Shield Deflect
› Shield Snare
› Shield Brace
› Shield Bunker
» Arcane |7
› Magic
› Magic
› Magic
› Magic Cleanse
› Magic Snare
› Magic Smog
› Magic Shove
» Intelligence | 6/7


Appearance Information |
Appearance ☵ | Embedded within the dark, churning mass are the charred corpses of the ill-fated victims and the skulls of the deceased, fused together in a cruel amalgamation. The numerous arms of the dead, grotesquely elongated and mangled, writhe and lash out from the main body of the creature. These limbs seem to have a life of their own, grasping and reaching, as if they are attempting to escape the horrific entity. The smell of ash, thick smoke and burning wood radiates out from the thing as it shifts and undulates, and when it speaks it does so with many voices at once.


Lore |
In the depths of a secluded, mist-shrouded wood, a group of non-violent cultists gather to worship the The Eldertide. These devoted followers revere the Eldertide as a guardian of the unnatural, a force to be celebrated and protected. They believe in safeguarding, raising, and helping the Eldertide's creations – especially its Godborn.

Their ultimate aspiration is to receive a blessing from The Eldertide in a dream, a vision that would grant the cult its own child of Godborn lineage, a being they believe will be their saviour and guide. Although traditionally the Eldertide Cult has no rituals, the leader of this particular gathering claimed to have discovered one in his sleep, and thus they prepare for a sacrament deep within the forest, where they shall commune with their monstrous deity in a joint dream and seek this divine blessing.

However, their secret gathering is discovered by Darkwald Lothar, who had been tracking the cult for some time. In the midst of their ritual, whilst the cult is sleeping, The Darkwald ambush them, and set the pagan congregation ablaze. Many of them do not wake -- and the few that do, die screaming.

Their fervent prayers and devotion take on a horrifying twist. Failing to catch the attention of The Eldertide, their collective agony and hatred, the anguish of their unjust deaths, merge together into a vortex of vile inclination.

The forest is engulfed in an eerie darkness, and the earth quakes as the cult's spirits are bound to the mass of charred corpses and burned mud.

This unholy transformation results in the birth of a Colony Spirit, an amalgamation made from all who perished that terrible night.
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