The Mad'ouk Syndicate


Absent, Indefinitely
Feb 9, 2016
Reaction score



Who are they?
The Mad'ouk group are a variety of people. Though the core is made up of the N'ajjar; a family of Qadir that deals in an Emporium. Multiple Alchemists have been employed into the family and are paid to process and put together the required Alchemicals. One of the main things that the group deals in is the potions. Private dealings and contact with the family members is the only way to acquire what they sell. Opium and a few other happy "drugs" are a big thing they sell as well. Multiple connections have been formed with sellers and the group gets their materials from them. However, they are constantly looking for new contacts to sell them materials and keep them in supply. Skill sets of all ranges are employed; furthermore, they are not overly picky about whom they employ. As long as they can trust their employees of course. Brutes, Alchemists, Linguists, Medics, Fighters, and other forms of skills will be accepted into the group. It is a very lax group most of the time but they believe in protecting one another. Someone within the Mad'ouk gets hurt, it is then the entire group's responsibility to stay by them.
What do they do?

Like I explained above they deal in many forms of Alchemicals, Drugs, and sometimes Bioweapons. Though the more dangerous the item gets, the more expensive it becomes. Through connections and employed workers, they have accumulated a nice stock of all of this. Qorrijjian Auzar is a big deal within the group for them as well. It sells big time since it is seen as very relaxing and calming by most people. Business is usually very nice and running for them. Also, a lot of time is spent making Alliances with other Sewer gangs and groups. Alliance negotiations are strictly done by one of the family members. Furthermore, there is a lot of fighting done by them within the Sewers and Slums. Especially when the family is out at the Tavern, a riot usually breaks out of some sort. Seems to bring out the "best" in people. So they are a very diverse group when it comes to specifics, the quest of "What do they do?" isn't really easy to answer with small details.
How do you join?
You can either join OOCly here on the forums or one of your characters can find one of the family members ICly and talk to them. Or of course, we will find you and offer you a place within the group. Though we do prefer meeting your character ICly since we want to make sure we aren't hiring people who will be future traitors.
Alliance Negotiations
Usually, they offer a surmount of their stocks to anyone who makes an Alliance with them, and a few other benefits along with that. This supplies the characters within the allied group to have a claim to whatever they had gutted from the Mad'ouk. Also, if the allied group comes under attack the trained combatants within the Cartel will come to aid the group in question. What does our group expect back? We expect full cooperation with your group and that we get your support in different situations. Mostly our group does the finding and asking to align and all of that good stuff. Though if you are interested in forming an Alliance, you would either pen a letter to Aaliyah or Khair N'ajjar.
Getting Supplied with the Stock

(Note: Obviously there won't be any OOC items being passed out since that's really hard to do unless it's made by a premium which still, isn't overly professional but might consider doing it).
Contact with one of the members or a family member is the way to do this. What does this do? Well, it gives you the claim to say that you have a supply of Alchemicals and really, gives you a reason to having dangerous Alchemicals for your character in the first place. Though they do have a few questions when you are buying the more toxic and lethal Alchemicals. Just so they can kind of, stay out that whole ordeal. Pricing is depended on the quantity and the item you are buying, though most single bottles of the Alchemical can be between 20-50) Regals or less. Like a bottle of Somnium would be 20r, but if you are buying a large stock they don't go up by twenties. It would be ridiculously expensive if they did that.
Current Members:

Played N'ajjar Family Members-

@Aliyya Khair N'ajjar

@Altalar (yes I just tagged myself) Aaliyah N'ajjar

@GoldWolfGaming Nadeem N'ajjar

@HeyoFreyo Aleena N'ajjar
Current Employees ICly-

@Masterman120 Volker Bileth

@Saivalthar Stefan (cute Yanar)

@flareskies Shae Wren
Application to Join:
In Game Name:

Who is your character?:

Are they approved? [Y/N]:

Do you have Discord? Or can you get it? [Y/N]

Would your character be loyal to the group? [Y/N]:

Are they involved with any other groups? [Y/N]:

What is their main Skillset?:

Do you have a basic knowledge of Lore? Rate yourself 1-10:

How long have you been on Massivecraft?:

According to all known laws of aviation (fill it in as you see fit):

Letter to Aaliyah or Khair N'ajjar:

Btw, Mad'ouk is an Arabic word. Meaning, hardened or toughened through life experiences