The Light O' The Moon Tavern

Mar 20, 2021
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'The Light O' The Moon'
, or 'The Moon' is an unassuming and quiet bar located in the East World Road area. It offers food, drink and lodgings at very reasonable prices.

  • (!) Anyone claiming to be a member of the 'worm' cult will be kicked out and banned for life.

  • Ale: 2R
  • Beer: 3R
  • Apple Juice: 1R
  • Redwind's Knockout Ultra Whammy Surprise: free, if you're brave enough.
  • Pie: 4R
  • Sausage: 3R
  • Soup: 1R
  • Cornflakes with Lettuce: 10R

  • Room (1/3): 7R/week

(It's the one with the little tower)

The Moonlit Crusade (disbanded)

Archie Redwind, the tavern's proprietor, is looking for noble-spirited individuals to join a secret society he calls The Moonlit Crusade. The aim of the group is to help the good people of Regalia by thwarting evil and aiding good in whatever form either ideal may present itself, be it taking on street thugs or helping cats out of trees.
The Crusade is a rather chill organisation and holds occasional meetings in the tavern's basement. Redwind is recruiting volunteers of any ability (from fighting/magery to dexterity/strategy) to help him attempt to make Regalia a safer place.

*: All the tavern's services are free to Crusade members, excluding rooms if none are available.

DM @Lord_Duckington_ on Discord to apply for the Crusade, or reply to the thread. (although I am unlikely to respond in time if you reply here because I don't often check forums.)

[UPDATE] The Crusade's adventures came to a sudden and sorry end when the gang were voyaging on the merchant ship Fire Giant, which was attacked by pirates. The Crusaders were all made to walk the plank, other than Redwind; the pirates wanted revenge for Redwind stealing their pirate king's cutlass. Redwind made a narrow escape and now mourns the loss of his friends.
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