So, like how is this going to work? What you informed us about so far is that you are making some kind of cult. Is there anything else to it? Who will you fight for? What's the purpose? There has to be more than just a Cult.. Like, yes, you are fighting for the greater good, but what does that mean, what team are you on man! Look, you are dealing with a serious cause here. Are you going to be a Rebellion? If so, then you need to inform the people more about your group, of being more than just cults worshiping some idol or something, give us more information, be more descriptive. I for one, am a RP Vigilante myself, and yes i fight for the cause of fighting for justice, what needs to be done, that needs to bring Regalia to a new future. Look, if you are fighting for the same cause, i can understand, and i would support you every step of the way, because i have came far myself.
Don't listen to the haters, listen to yourself, that's all that matters.
It doesn't matter about who wins the fight, because Determination will always win.
The people don't judge your life, you do, that's why you are here to make a difference.
Don't worry, if you want to make a cult, be my guest, and i hope you succeed.
Good luck man!