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The Lady Of Forgiveness Bears Witness.


Jul 5, 2022
Reaction score


{!} The following piece of parchment would be pinned up at most major locations in Regalia.



Passers-by may notice the lack of title. Thank you for reading!
Affiliated character sheet: Saphaya

Hello! I have a particular interest in poetry and rhyming at the minute, so this is among one of my first creations. The following is an informational outlet for me to geek out, and a breakdown on a few parts of the poem. Feel free to disregard this entirely if you're not interested!

The Petrarchan Sonnet formatting follows the following rhyming scheme:
The fourteen lines are broken down into an eight-line octave stanza, and six-line sestet stanza, with all lines being 10 syllables long. There is a similar formatting named the Italian Sonnet, which details the sestet stanza as CDDCEE instead.

Regarding the poem, there is a few double entendres (phrases with double meanings);
My favourite of which is the ending line, which is a triple entendre: "Keep praying to be everwatched when you rise."
To break it down, the first understanding can be to be watched over through prayer
The second is could be regarding "The Everwatcher"
The third is, and its literal, meaning is to be watched over by Nes, the Lady of Forgiveness!

Outside of this, I've really enjoyed messing around with metaphors. I personally think that Nes is such an incredible concept for writing around, a lot can be explored in regards to her being able to see but not see at the same time. For example: "All-seeing butterflies astride the land."

Once more, thank you for reading!