Preserved Sheet The Knave Of Rats

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The Knave of Rats
Jun 15, 2013
Reaction score
Michigan, USA


Basic Information

Full Name: the Knave of Rats
Race: Sihai
Age: 18
Gender: Male


Core Concept
• The Knave of Rats is an agent of chaos. He likes causing trouble and stirring up problems. He is not a critical thinker and often makes poor life choices. A reclusive, awkward, teen vampire, who should probably know better by now.


• Strength: 2
+Pinning Throw allows the user to throw a Short Blade (it does not have to be their main hand weapon, it can also be a pocket knife) to pin a person against a wall or floor surface for long enough to allow the user to chain up another Mundane Technique or attack Emote. Note, this does not Stun the Target, they are still able to fight back, just not dodge or escape. This Mundane Technique has a 30 minute cooldown. If the user doesn't attack or intend to attack, the target is freed after a minute.
+Ranged Dodge - Ranged Dodge gives the user 2 Dodge Counters. They can be consumed to dodge 1 default attack (NOT Technique) from the Ranged Weapon Point Buy or Firearms Point Buy categories, and refresh at Server Restart. They cannot refresh mid Combat Roleplay.

• Constitution: 2
The Resilience Pack has several effects. The user has been trained through microdosing to resist anything but the most severe toxins and rotten substances. They can safely ingest spoiled food as well as poison without risk, although large quantities are still dangerous, and they are never as safe as a Sarang Allar. As well, they cannot die from disease, no matter how severe the symptoms, even though they still feel all of them. The user is also immune to Blood and Soul Sickness from Vampires and Cahal.

• Wisdom: 3
Engineered Movement allows the user to use technology to assist in movement and displacement.
⁃ The user may aesthetically change their method of movement with tech. For example, instead of walking, they may hover above the ground with hover or jet-boots.
⁃ The user may (out of combat or a chase) shoot a grappling hook up to a high surface and lift themselves and one additional passenger up to a higher ledge, or rappel down.
⁃ The user may (out of combat or a chase) shoot a grappling hook level to cross a gap or ravine, to traverse it, including one additional passenger.
⁃ The user may construct or self-use vehicles or methods that would mimic the function of a wheelchair, thus giving those with a walking disability movement.
Obstructive Alchemy Pack allows the user to be a general nuisance with Alchemy. This is an excellent pack for pranksters.
⁃ This Pack specializes in the creation of alchemy that uses loud sounds and flashes of light to jump-scare others (though it cannot affect Combat Roleplay). Other examples of Obstructive Alchemy are for example single-use fart pillows, instant floor-lubrication projectiles, and rapid door-knob heaters. This Pack also grants a Mundane Technique: ⁃ ⁃ Foam Alchemy - This Mundane Technique has two uses. Primarily, it can be used by the user themselves to create a hardened foam barrier anywhere in Emote Distance. This barrier then counts as Cover or Obstacle for any Abilities or Mundane Techniques that would otherwise require direct line of sight on their Target (thus intercepting them). The second use is to create a barrier of rapidly expanding and hardening foam on a passageway or doorway. The maximum size this barrier can produce is 5x5 blocks. The user must stay within 10 blocks of this foam barrier to keep it up. The foam barrier can be instantly destroyed by the Bruteforce Pack from the Training Point Buy, or destroyed with constant weapon attacks for 3 minutes or destroyed by the user themselves. This Ability (regardless of which way it is used) has a 1 hour Cooldown.
The Common Alchemy Pack allows the user to do general Alchemy. General Alchemy refers to creating aesthetic potions, mixtures, tinctures, pills and injections.
The user can run an Alchemy shop, or sell Alchemical ingredients and mixtures of their own making. Examples are mixtures to ward off ants, turn iron into fool's gold, cause flowers to turn from red to blue, instantly dye a dress in a different color, or experience some form of recreational sedation.
⁃ Common Alchemy cannot be used in Combat Roleplay (unless all parties agree that it should be allowed). It cannot be used to replace or usurp functions of other Alchemy Packs or Abilities or Mundane Techniques in other Point Buy pages.
⁃ Common Alchemy allows a great deal of player freedom in deciding what their products are, but there is a fair use policy. Generally speaking players are expected not to out-do each other's proprietary products and remain reasonable within the world's setting.
⁃ For Alchemy Combat Roleplay, we recommend applying an Alchemy aesthetic to the Sling weapon in Ranged Combat Point Buy.

• Dexterity: 4
The Disguise Skill Pack allows the user to disguise themselves. It can obscure their sex, race, appearance, face, voice and anything that would lead to identification. It is impossible to identify a person who is actively using a Disguise from the Disguise Skill Pack. However, if the user is Knocked Out or Restrained, a disguise can be removed and their identity revealed. Note that all these changes do not actually occur on the body and are purely cosmetic. There are no real limits on how they can disguise themselves, but it should generally involve some form of face mask, and can be multiple variations of different disguise. If the user carries an Artifact, this Artifact can also be disguised as a normal weapon, but this disguise ends if they use any of its abilities or powers. This cannot be applied to Abilities or Mechanics like Engineering Golems. This Special cannot be combined with, or used at the same time as, any other Disguise Ability or Special.
The Vandalism Pack allows the user to deploy anonymous Vandalism in the City of Regalia, or even frame another person or group as being responsible. Normal Vandalism is possible for anyone without this Pack, however it always leads to them being detected and announced OOC. By using this Pack, the user becomes anonymous and they may choose to hide their identity, or frame another person or group, thus causing the OOC announcement to carry their name(s). Additionally, this Pack allows the user to sabotage important buildings, historical sites, temples or other such buildings in Progressions. When submitting a Progression Order where this Pack becomes relevant, please be sure to mention it in the description of the Order.
The Stealth Skill Pack allows the user to sneak and stealth their way around the city and Progressions without being easily noticed. While sneaking, the user produces no sounds even if they walk on creaky floors or use hand-held items. Any items they can feasibly hold in their hands also do not produce any sounds. This Pack has no effect if the user is actively being seen, or wearing armor including and above half-plate. In Progressions, this Pack allows the user to sneak into places without raising the alarm, though some places may have tighter security than anticipated and force the user to flee, though they will never be captured. When submitting a Progression Order where this Pack becomes relevant, please be sure to mention it in the description of the Order.
The Parkour Pack allows the user to deploy Parkour or urban free-running in Regalia that other Characters normally would not be able to do. The Character becomes as "Fast as an Asha" (thus being able to outrun any other Race, except Asha, or those who have this Mechanic also). Asha speed confers no benefits in combat, it is only for escaping/running fast to a point. Additionally, the Character is able to walk on the roofs of Regalian houses (which are normally too steep to allow a person to walk on them without this Pack). The user may move around Regalia with Jump 2 and reach any part they could feasibly reach without the use of Enderpearls and without using leaf blocks to stand on. All other players without similar mechanics cannot use Jump 2 in roleplay. This pack confers no benefits while the user is wearing heavy armor.

• Magic: 3 (Primal pushed to Void with vampirism)
⁃ Power Burst - The user disrupts any and all Channel Abilities or Mundane Techniques within Emote Distance. Any Channel Abilities or Mundane Techniques Canceled by this Ability have their Cooldown forcibly set to 5 Minutes, regardless if that Cooldown was shorter or longer prior. This Ability has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
⁃ Cosmic Manifestation - The Mage is able to project any number of constellations, celestial bodies or cosmic entities such as nebula's, solar systems, galaxies, or starmaps in Emote Range around themselves, move these around, animate them, zoom in and out, et cetera. These illusions can never obscure vision and can also be passively created somewhere, like a moon-hologram table ornament in the Mage's home.
⁃ Body of Stars - The Mage is able to make their body see-through and a space-like projection of the night-sky, with stars, celestial bodies and a star where their heart would be. These bodies can be animated, such as for example starry sparkles of shooting stars. This still allows them to be identified. They can manifest it on their entire body, or only parts of it.
⁃ Dream Nightlight - The Mage is able to enter a trance near a person who is going to sleep or is sleeping. If the person sleeping has lucid dreams (such as for example the Sihai), the user is able to enter this dream and experience it with them. If the person who is dreaming experienced a dream-based vision in the past 48 hours, the Mage can re-trigger this vision while entering their dream-state and witness it with them.
⁃ Defense Break - The user can use this Ability to break magical Barriers. The effect is instant the moment the user can touch or get in reach of the barrier. This Ability has a 1 Hour Cooldown. This Ability does not damage Mundane shields or doors, but can break Mundane Techniques that create Barriers.
⁃ Chain Breaking - The user can cause any restraints such as chains, ropes, belts etc. to just melt off of them when applied to them. They can still be restrained by people, but inanimate restraints cannot hold them down. Keep in mind that melting State Metropolitan handcuffs and escaping from custody is a crime and may increase criminal charges.
⁃ Prison Breaking - The user can smash down a prison cell or clandestine base or rental region cell, or a room designed to imprison a person or object. While doing this, the Ability must be done with an Announce Emote as it is very loud and audible in a large area around. Keep in mind that prison-breaking a prisoner is a High Crime and may result in worse consequences for the prisoner and the breaker.
⁃ Memory Breaking - The user is able to voluntarily wipe parts of their own memory, whether it be entire minutes, hours, days, years, or their entire life if need be. The memories that are lost are consumed by the Void or Exist Gods depending on what the dimension of the user is, but cannot be retrieved in any other way than to be voluntarily given back by them.

• Charisma: 0



Blooded Vampire Commutable Point-Buy
⁃ Escape Power - This Ability can only be activated if the user and their allies are outnumbered 2 to 1. (ex, if the user is alone, they can use it if there are 2+ enemies, if the user has 1 friend, they can only use it if there are 4+ enemies, etc). The user activates their magic as a distraction or obstacle against opponents, and then makes a run for it. When this Ability is used, escape is guaranteed, but the user must run away and cannot turn back into conflict. This Ability does not work if the user has an Artifact. This Ability has a 24 hour Cooldown.
⁃ Shadow Wardrobe - The Afflictied can magically summon or create clothing that acts as an extension of themselves, and any clothing they wear will automatically fit them, no matter what changes occur to them due to Abilities, Shifts, etc. They can instantly change the color, shape, material, appearance, and texture of their clothing at will, instantly and on the fly, even changing magically to entirely new outfits. This clothing cannot emulate armor or any tough materials, and cannot be used competitively or mid-combat. This altered appearance can be used in combination with Disguise Roguery pack, Afflicted Glamour, or Glamour Magic.
⁃ Night Travel - The Afflicted is capable of maintaining a consistent speed by turning into a cloud of mist, smoke, bats, or aesthetic effect appropriate for their affliction. They can only move as fast as they are normally capable of running, but they are able to use this altered form to jump over or onto obstacles. The user may move around Regalia with Jump 2 and reach any part they could feasibly reach without the use of Enderpearls and without using leaf blocks to stand on. All other players without similar mechanics cannot use Jump 2 in roleplay.
⁃ Umbral Step - Afflicted can walk on any surface, whether it be the ceiling, the walls, pillars, water, etc. This cannot be used in combination with combat however, it is not possible to use Abilities or Mundane Techniques while standing on the ceiling out of reach for balance sake, an Afflicted would have to come down to the ground. Afflicted are able to sleep upside down and function normally without any detrimental side effects.
⁃ Arcane Mimicry - The user can immediately recreate the effects of an Ability or Mundane Technique used within range that they can see, but only if it was gained from a Point Buy pack, and only if someone else used it. If the original range is self, it instead affects the user. If the original range is emote range, the user is able to freely choose who they target for the recreation. This Ability forcibly copies the specific Modifier the target used. This ability has a 24 Hour cooldown.
⁃ Shadow Puppetry - The Mage is able to summon and animate shadows on the floor or walls around them, creating visual displays for others to watch. The mage may also animate the shadow of another person, distorting its appearance in any way they deem fit.
⁃ Shroud of Darkness - The Mage can choose to aesthetically coat themselves or items that they are holding in clouds of inky shadows. Items can be coated in darkness entirely, giving off wisps of shadow that slowly dissipate within the air. Shadows can never cover more than 50% of a Mages body, and cannot be used to disguise them.
⁃ Umbral Passage - When within their main residence or business that they work in, the Mage can use the shadows inside of it as mini-portals or containers. They can, for example, stick their hand into one shadow to grab a bottle or object through another one, or temporarily store an item in their shadow to carry over to another part of the building. This cannot be used competitively, or to confer advantages in combat.
⁃ Home Advantage - While within their own Rental Region/Regalian Business Region or a Noble Estate / Clandestine Base that they are a member of, the user gains +1 Constitution while inside the Building. Additionally, any /dice roll they perform inside the building may be done a second time to re-try.
⁃ Lair Illusions - The user gains an ability to deceive and affect anyone's senses who is inside the Rental Region/Regalian Business Region or Noble Estate / Clandestine Base that they are a member of. They can create smells that aren't there, illusions of items or people that aren't there, animate inanimate objects, or create sounds that aren't real. These effects can never be so debilitating it would prevent someone from initiating and executing Combat, but they are otherwise as free as the player's imagination.
⁃ Lair Senses - The user gains an intimate knowledge of anyone present inside their Rental Region/Regalian Business Region or Noble Estate / Clandestine base with them. While they are inside the building, they know exactly how many people are in there with them, who they are, and exactly where they are, even if they are using Abilities or Mundane Techniques to hide or conceal themselves. The only thing this Ability does not see through is Disguises.
⁃ Lair Abundance - The user's Rental Region/Regalian Business Region or Noble Estate / Clandestine Base is always fully supplied with the basic essentials of food and drinks, scented candles, bath soaps and essential oils. The user can summon banquets of succulent food, pour glasses of exquisite wine, and conjure all manner of entertainment items. They can summon them subtly out of view, or use telekinesis to levitate them through the air and more them around, but this only works on items conjured.



• Common

Appearance Information

Eye Color: Gray
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Unkempt
Skin Color: Dirty
Clothing: Often a gray trench-coat he once found in the garbage.
Height: 5'0"


Life Bullets

Childood - Born in Regalia to neglectful parents who abandoned him to life to the slums and sewers. He fought with largish rats and other sewer kids. He learned about the dark and about mysterious sewer rashes.

Tween - His early tween years were filled with bad decisions; breaking bottles in the street and child vampirism.

Teenage - During his teen years he straightened up a bit. No more messy hunting. No more drinking. He tinkered with junk and learned to cook it from some of the old timers. He made some money.

Came to Regalia - The Knave of Rats has never left Regalia. He was born here. He is your child.


Life Story

The Knave of Rats, as he came to be known, was born out of the wreckage of another, far easier life. In one great calamitous night, the silver spoon was ripped from his lips and replaced with a fistful of hot garbage. His family was gone. His legacy was gone. It was all replaced with a burning hatred for those who had never truly accepted his kind. Those who had taken from him and his family.

His life before didn't matter. He had been born aboard an opulent golden pleasure barge off the coast of Regalia. Daily life had been a collection of frivolous nothings. As he entered adolescence, he was reborn in the filth and decay. Only the rats knew his secrets now. Sometimes, they whispered to him while he slept. Sometimes, he ate them to gain their strength and their power.

He knew only survival and hatred those first few months after the fall. He rummaged in the wreckage. He used his cunning and his claws to break into the few remaining unburned storage crates. He feasted for weeks on the candy floss inside until he threw up nothing but pink bile. It looked like blood. But the crates and the rats had grown less plentiful recently. The warming debris fires had mostly gone out. It was time to go back to Regalia.

I am shit

and shit is me

never felt so goddamned filthy

I am dirt

you can't hurt me

there is strength in being filthy

Regalia is a cruel mistress. Sewers and filthy squats are slightly better than burning to death in carnival wreckage. All sewers in Regalia eventually lead to Crookback Bay. Crookback Bay inevitably leads to breaking bottles out behind the Thieves Guild. Which then, without question, leads to hanging around with the wrong crowd. His nights were filled with knife fights and child-alcoholism. His days were circus tricks and balancing acts in the streets for chump change from people who thought they were better than him.

Knave did a lot of dumb things growing up on the streets of Regalia. He joined a band called the "Bard-barians", but left after a short time over creative differences and his "disturbing lyrics". He drank blood a skeleton gave him. He lived for a while in a seaside orphanage run by a different skeleton. Why are there so many skeletons in Crookback Bay? She was nice to him. Not many people cared about missing poor kids.

He wasn't sure if it was all the blood. Or maybe the Sihai ancestry. Could have been accumulated power from all the rats he ate when he was little. But some magical ability seemed natural to Knave. Fleeing from trouble came naturally too. Scampering up great heights. Tucking his chin and rolling when he landed. Even exploding into a swarm of rats to avoid obstacles.

Knave thought he knew what he wanted, but kids make bad choices when they grow up alone in the sewer. Knave robbed a general store with a crossbow. There wasn't even any money in the till. Knave needed to get his life together. Knave needed to grow up.

For when I destroy your worth

There'll be nothing left but dirt

Filthy feeling sends me reeling

Bloody footprints on the ceiling

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Here is my review:
  • Where was he born? It isn't mentioned in his life story.
  • The life story, while creative, does not really cover his life in much detail. He has a variety of skills. How did he acquire them? A lot isn't covered.
Mark these edits in blue and tag me with @AlphaInsomnia when you are done.
Finally reworking this after a year! Could use a new reviewer since it looks like mine has retired. Thanks!
Please make the following edits and tag @BiBiBirdie when complete!
Please correct this to 0, or include any abilities that would result in a -2 Charisma.
Please put this section in a spoiler!
Please include what dimension these abilities come from! Typically these would be Primal, but since they're currently a vampire it would be Void!