The Janissaries


That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
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Artist's depiction of the Padisah's Janissaries being drilled and trained in Guneysehir
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Introduction and Background

Named after the Guneyliler Padisah's elite infantry unit and personal guard, the Janissary Company was founded by Ibrahim Batunoglu in 305 A.C., intended as both a company of sellswords and armed defenders of the Ibadet faith outside of Sendras. Having moved operations to Regalia in 307 A.C., the company has opened its personal mercenary ranks to more than just Ibadet Guneyliler as a way to expand their numbers in the Holy City. This move has ended up causing some controversy among both the original members and other outsiders, as the decision to recruit non-Ibadet may diminish the original religious intent of the company while also ruffling feathers of devout Unionists. The Janissaries work to protect the city population while respecting Regalian Law, though the company holds a complicated relationship with the Holy City due to originating as a primarily non-Unionist mercenary group. While the Janissaries have yet to fully test their mettle in Regalia, the company's members have full intent to prove that not only can they perform on par with the rest of the mercenaries, but showcase their dedication to fighting whatever enemies may face them on the field or lurk in the corners of Aloria.

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Ranks and Registry
  • Agha
    • The agha is the leading head of the Janissaries, directing their operations and arranging contracts on behalf of the company.
    • Ibrahim Batunoglu is the current agha.
  • Corbaci
    • Petty officer position within the Janissaries that acts on behalf of the agha by commanding member mercenaries or takes on various necessary duties that may involve company activities. Also made up of commanders trained in Tactical Proficiencies.
  • Janissary
    • Regular member of the company trained and ordered by the agha and his corbaci, intended to take part of mercenary assignments and carrying out the strength of the company. Janissaries are provided basic Guneyliler military training as a means to enhance their performance, whether in melee or ranged weapons. Janissaries include a broad range of positions including but not limited to:
      • Soldiers
      • Medics
      • Scouts
      • Scholars
Rights of the Janissary Company


Rules & Recruitment
  1. Remain respectful of other players as well as their right to RP, regardless of IC disputes or conflicts.
  2. OOC toxicity and poor conduct will not be tolerated. We also ask that you have a relatively clean reputation before applying.
  3. Do your best to make Janissary roleplay engaging and fun for everybody involved, and do your best to represent the Janissaries both IC and OOC.
  4. While a character application isn't mandatory upon recruitment, having one greatly improves your chances of being accepted and allows player members to participate in progressions that the Janissaries may be involved with.
    1. Note: Those with certain positions such as (though not limited to) fellow Commanders, Officers and Medics require apps for Progressions. Members wanting to help with Progressions also require apps.
  5. Though the Janissaries are somewhat influenced by Guneyliler culture, members are not required to either be Guneyliler or to convert to Ibadet. Anybody willing to more or less respect Regalian Law and maintain some standard of discipline is allowed to join.

Character Name and/or App (if possible):
Activity (1 to 10):
Relevant Profs:
IC Letter to the Agha:
Last edited:
Character Name and/or App (if possible):
Activity (1 to 10):8
Jails/Bans/Mutes: none
Discord: Bwmwags#1271
IC Letter to the Agha:

Hello Agha,
I am James Treji Larkson a newcomer to regalia from the highlands, I've been searching for a groups unafraid to be associated with my....sort. I will preface my offer with a personal disclosure, I am a ritualist of the Old Gods, a faith and power which is born regulated and dissoaraged heavily by the ruling unionists. I hoped your group could look past such differences and see my skills useful to your cause.

I am a deft hand with a sword and an formidable student of the fields of Sanguinology ( Vampirism) and Shatterology (Were-beasts). I hope to find work with you Agha.

James Treji Larkson
(The Pagan, Avenger of Francis Larkson, Ritualist of Alu, Bathur, and Julla)​
Character Name and/or App (if possible):
Activity (1 to 10):8
Jails/Bans/Mutes: none
Discord: Bwmwags#1271
IC Letter to the Agha:

Hello Agha,
I am James Treji Larkson a newcomer to regalia from the highlands, I've been searching for a groups unafraid to be associated with my....sort. I will preface my offer with a personal disclosure, I am a ritualist of the Old Gods, a faith and power which is born regulated and dissoaraged heavily by the ruling unionists. I hoped your group could look past such differences and see my skills useful to your cause.

I am a deft hand with a sword and an formidable student of the fields of Sanguinology ( Vampirism) and Shatterology (Were-beasts). I hope to find work with you Agha.

James Treji Larkson
(The Pagan, Avenger of Francis Larkson, Ritualist of Alu, Bathur, and Julla)​

Your knowledge in Sanguinology and Shatterology can be useful to the operations of the Janissaries, but your admission to possessing Old Gods ritualism is rather concerning due to its status in Regalia. I require that I have an interview with you first about your possible employment and your commitment to holding up Regalian Law.

Mustafa Bey
Agha of the Janissaries

Application is pending for until an interview can be arranged.
Your knowledge in Sanguinology and Shatterology can be useful to the operations of the Janissaries, but your admission to possessing Old Gods ritualism is rather concerning due to its status in Regalia. I require that I have an interview with you first about your possible employment and your commitment to holding up Regalian Law.

Mustafa Bey
Agha of the Janissaries

Application is pending for until an interview can be arranged.

I must mournfully Inform you that I'm currently on the run. After defending a woman from a disgusting noble man he has tried to have me arrested for slander. I am not interested in losing a finger so I can' at his time join the Janisarries