The Isleborn Goor


The Flesh is Weak, the Machine is Strong
Apr 2, 2016
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The Isleborn Goor is a collective of most of the active Orcs and Half Orcs within the City, originating within Regalia the Isleborn have made it their mission to commit themselves to Honorable deeds and the promotion of Orken Culture amongst their own population. Having risen from the ashes that became the original Narrgoth Goor, Unric having separated himself from the path that Kalmar was halted at and no longer having faith that he will do what is right for the Orcs of the city, he rallied the like minded Orcs together with himself and has since begun a new path, one filled with prosperous ideas and plans for the future of the Goor. The Isleborn is the Newest Goor with the most potential to succeed, having been Founded in 307 A.C by Unric Dak-Hammovich and the Clan of Dak as a whole. He leads the Goor steadily as he slowly builds its population and internally prepares his people, for the Days to Come.




The hierarchy of any Orc Goor is paramount to anything else. Unlike other ranking systems, the Orken positions all have power and rely on one another to stand, or fall. Which is why it is smart to keep an equal and fair playing field amongst even your lowest-tier members. Everyone has a purpose and a role to accompany their placement, from guards to commanders. This hierarchy is officialized only through this forum post and is strictly enforces quality CRP (Combat Roleplay) through the Goor rolling system.

⇸The Hierarchy Roster

  • The Wargod | The Wargod is a crucial part of any Orc Goor, as they are the highest rank any Orc can obtain. They control the Goor, and the members within while also controlling outside influences and the future for the Orken within their ranks. This position is highly sought after, and can not be obtained through any subservient or elected system, duels only.
    • N/A
  • The Warlords | While there can be only one Wargod, there can be many Warlords. Warlords are valuable to the Goor on a basis of having more direct communication with the party under them and usually are respected fighters and commanders. Warlords can be found recruiting Orken for the Goor, or planning skirmishes. They are responsible for keeping the Warlord advised, and protected.
  • The Warcallers | The Warcallers is the first rank that any Orc can obtain, it is one higher than the common 'Grunt' and two below the highest rank of Wargod. The Warcaller's are like the captains of any guard force and have direct control over the Grunts beneath them. They are capable fighters and trusted to handle themselves and those beneath them when the time arises. They are responsible for keeping the Warlords safe and protected.
  • The Grunts | The lowest-tier ranking of the Goor, every common Orc can be filed under 'Grunt' status. Grunts may seem irrelevant to some, but a following is crucial to any Goor's running. A sufficient amount of Grunts always ensures a long-lasting, and effective run to any Orc-Goor. Grunts are responsible for protecting those above themselves but usually are under the control of the Warcallers.
*NOTE: This hierarchy is always changing, you should see to PM @Mortisian to see if there are any changes/clarification needed.*



To join the Goor you must speak with one of the Warcallers Directly for possibly admittance to join. PM or IC interactions are needed before admitting you into the Isleborn Goor.
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