• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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    2. Posts are in-character.
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The Interior State Minister Proclamation I

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On the evening of February the 11th, Sunday of the Year 306 AC, the following is announced from a Herald and posted to Notice Boards in the Imperial City.

1. On behalf of the Imperial Steward, it is hereby announced The Black Hand has been disbanded until further notice. No further details were released.

2. An Honor Duel shall take place between Percival Karalais and Luchs Kade will take place Saturday, 4pm US Central Time, in the Fang's Throng Lounge in the Park District.

2. Talented Warriors flock to Regalia en masse, and with an ever-expanding list of Charters and Organizations, a new tier of Warrior comes along in small numbers, with benefits to those below as well. The Wandering Warband and Companions are hereby added to ...

3. The Fighter's Guild is named as the official Guild for coin and work seeing Warriors in the Empire. No longer a mere registry, anyone who wishes to swing a sword to work in the Empire can now sign up and take up work in the Empire, based in the Fang's Throng Lounge in the Park District. In time, the now defunct Chivalric Orders, and potentially House Guards, will be merged into this new Guild.

4. The Interior State Minister announces the Regalian Order of Chevaliers are stripped of their rights, being welcome to train those within their ranks in their Keep as they wish. If they wish further rights, they may apply to the Fighter's Guild.

5. The Interior State Minister announces The Military Division 1st Recon Forces has had their Charter Rights reworked, and are currently under investigation for alleged misuse and corruption.

6. The Interior State Minister announces the Chivalric Orders must redefine their purpose in the wake of the dissolution of the Privy Council Government, and meet with the Interior State Minister to clarify their worth.

May the Imperial Spirit keep you Wise and Walking,
-- Imperial State Minister, and Spring Jousting Champion Luchs Kade

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@Miss_Ortonnaise @Mooffins @Walrusaur_ @FireFan96

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