Religious Guild The Inquisition Of The Hallowed Hand


As Useless As SupremeCripple's Legs
Dec 19, 2013
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New Zealand
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⚖︎ Ruhm und Reinheit dem Imperium ⚖︎


The Hallowed Hand is a Purist Inquisition founded in 311 AC by Lord-Protectors Volkner von Karlisle & Riftan Vaedra of the Lothar Order. The Hallowed Hand exists as the personal house guard regiments to these aristocratic knight families in the Crown Isle, and as a combined militant force of purists actively against mage-appeasement & heresies in the Holy City of Regalia.

The Hand is primarily made up of Lothar Knights, with invitations extended to certain Reliquary Knights, Red Hunter Archon and members of the Regalian public with purist ideals. They are known to have a presence in the Purity District and are assigned to patrol within the central districts of the city to combat illegal occult presence, illegal casting and restricted religious worship. The Inquisitors of the Hallowed Hand also act on assignments within and outside the Regalian Archipelago at the behest of the Grand-Inquisitors to protect the interests of the Regalian Empire.

The Hallowed Hand stands firm as enforcers of Regalian Laws, filling the gap left by the Metropolitan's reduction while ensuring all who call the Regalian Isle home adhere to the state religion. The Hallowed Hand vows to continue the work of previous organizations such as the Crimson Inquisition & Azure Order to bring control and security to the city.



The rank of Grand-Inquisitor is the highest rank within the Hallowed Hand. The Grand-Inquisitors have absolute authority over the company and its members, and are responsible for the direction of the Inquisition. The rank is currently shared by founders Grand Inquisitors Volkner von Karlisle (Greenie) & Riftan Vaedra (Aliendark12).

The rank of Captain-Inquisitor is extended to the most vigilant and loyal to the Hand. These Inquisitors act as officers, carrying out the directives of the Grand-Inquisitors and commanding Inquisitors in battle. Inquisitors usually lead the regiments of the Hand, overseeing their training and ensuring the loyalties of those below rank.
The current list of Captain-Inquisitors are:

  • High-Inquisitor Vincenz von Dreith (Yigit)
The rank of Inquisitor is the member file rank of the Hallowed Hand. They are tasked with ensuring the protection of Houses von Karlisle/Vaedra, supporting their combined interests, and maintaining the purity of the Regalian Empire. Inquisitors act in force to purify the city streets with district purges, anti-magic enforcement, and distribution of the one true faith, Dogmatic Unionism. They may also hold occult beings and enemies of the Inquisition prisoner in appropriate holding cells in order to exorcize afflicted beings or re-educate them. Inquisitors are expected to be fiercely loyal to the purist cause and to the founder families, ready to abide by commands without hesitation. Noble members of the Inquisition at this level are titled Lord-Inquisitors to differentiate their blood status, and members with knighthood are known as Knight-Inquisitors.
The current list of Inquisitors are:
  • Knight-Inquisitor Ylvi vum Floss (sadsoda)
  • Knight-Inquisitor Catherine Vaedra (Gabisnaill)
  • Knight-Inquisitor Yaotl Genran (Snulfur)
  • Knight-Inquisitor Renam Tumuros (Susow)
  • Knight-Inquisitor Arno vum Floss (Timetotalk)
  • Lady-Inquisitor Gabrille von Caldrin (HeyItzAPotato)
  • Inquisitor Erwin Braunschweiger (BeetrootSalad)
  • Inquisitor Collared-Marken Lovkyne (IGutTheMidasTuch)
Inquisition Quartermasters:
The Inquisition Quartermaster is a special administrative position that can be held by an Inquisitor. They oversee the resources of the Hand, ensuring all members have appropriate armor & arms as well as stockpiling reserves for the order's sustainability. This position is currently held by Countess Gabrielle von Caldrin (HeyItzAPotato) & Erwin Braunschweiger (BeetrootSalad).

Inquisition Surgeons:
The Inquisition Surgeons are a ward of mundane doctors who attend to the Inquisition's injured and incapacitated. All surgeons use mundane methods, with occult healing banned within the Hallowed Hand. The Surgeons are overseen by the High Surgeon, a position currently held by Lady Rhiannon von Karlisle (HeyoBiggums).
The current list of Surgeons are:

  • High Surgeon Lady Rhiannon von Karlisle (HeyoBiggums)
Hallowed Celate of the Inquisition:
The Hallowed Celate is a position held by a Dogmatic Unionist Arch-Celate. They might conduct sermons in order to spread the true faith, or advise Inquisitors and citizens of Regalia on their religious needs. This role is filled by Arch-Celate Henry Stevenson (Firefan96).


There is a list of duties members of the Hallowed Hand uphold. These are:
  • To prevent the tyranny and spread of magic and occult within the Holy City of Regalia and the Regalian Empire at large.
  • To protect the communities of the faithful from magical threats and religious heresies by patrolling the Purity District and Regalian Isle.
  • To purge Regalia of Afflicted threats and magical influence through exorcism and the sword.
  • To restrain the use of illegal magic in the Holy City of Regalia and the entrenchment of Mage-Appeasement.
  • To defend and raise arms for the Noble Houses von Karlisle & Vaedra.
  • To maintain law & order within the Holy City of Regalia.
  • To promote & educate citizens on the ideals of mundane superiority, Regalian expansionism and magic-abolishment.
Accolades are reserved for the most acclaimed Inquisitors of the Hallowed Hand. They are specialized titles that can be used as a style of address created for a dutiful deed or gallant act of bravery for purism. Knights in the Hand should strive to be remembered for their heroics and a title to be proud of.
List of Current Accolades:

  • n/a

Rights and Privileges:
Members of the Hallowed Hand have the following rights & privileges while on duty.
  • The right to wear the armor of the Hallowed Hand.
  • The right to use mundane weapons in the name of the Hallowed Hand.
  • The right to arrest citizens breaching Regalian Law while on duty.
  • The right to cure afflicted citizens and exorcize demonic spirits.
  • The right to guard members of Houses von Karlisle & Vaedra from threats.
  • The right to investigate criminal and occult activities.
  • The right to enforce the state religion Dogmatic Unionism.
  • The right to protect Regalian Citizens from occult and mage-appeasement through offensives.



Citizens wishing to join the Hallowed Hand must pen a letter of application declaring their allegiance to the Inquisition. It is also possible to express interest in joining the Inquisition in person, but only the Grand-Inquisitors and High-Inquisitors can approve membership. The Inquisition will only accept citizens of mundane backgrounds, making exceptions for Red Hunters
Application of Recruitment:
  • IGN:
  • Discord:
  • Character Name:
  • Letter of Application to the Grand-Inquisitors:
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