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The Indentured Publication


TikTok kid
Staff member
Sep 26, 2022
Reaction score

Amidst the chaotic display of letters adorning the boards, a familiar lavender parchment stands out. Yet, it is not alone; another letter is firmly affixed beside it as if skewered together in a curious arrangement.
As my Mother says;

"Swallow scorching sand after thirsting for a hundred nights,

Swallow a thousand blades after starving for a hundred days.
Endure a thousand waves, while struggling a hundred times.

Then to stand the proudest before the mightiest of waves."


To my dearest faithful, citizens and the knights who have pursued me,

As the dust gently descends upon the grounds of our Estelley temple, you may have encountered myriad tales bearing my name—perhaps as a turncoat, a heretic, or perchance a hapless victim.
I seek to cleanse my tarnished name, for only Leyon, in their highest grace, shall pass judgment upon my soul.

I wish to publicise a letter that I found within a Lothar study, a discovery made amidst my reluctant incarceration. One that unequivocally proclaims the coerced circumstances of my role as a retained prisoner during the siege.
I beseech you, dear brethren, to peruse it with the utmost fervour, for I shall not permit any solitary mind to deprive me of the rightful opportunity to defend my faith.

Know this, the Lothar, as well as the complacent bystanders, shall be held to account for their transgressions against my revered deities, for they have perpetuated the ignominy that stains our sacred sanctuary.

Penance Leads,



And as reads the following letter,
Esteemed Grauwald Knights and Associates,
I write to inform you of the brief, three-day indenture of an individual named Wisteria.
Wisteria possesses significant magical talent and is a catalyst of motivation and morale for our enemies who pose a threat to our Order and our realm. For this reason, we have decided to make them an unconventional prisoner during the upcoming siege.
Wisteria is a captive of the Grauwald order under my tutelage.
We will try to assimilate them under threat of execution for long enough to fight for us.
Their service will be a thorn in the hearts of our opponents to break down their morale.

This will not only make it easier for us to keep an eye on Wisteria but also prevent them from joining the fight on our opponent's side. In addition, their captivity will be currency if the need for ransom arises.

For her secure assimilation into our Order and to facilitate her 3-day rehabilitation, we have taken Wisteria into custody for a limited duration of three days, during which time she will undergo training and evaluation under threat of firing line. Rest assured, this action aligns with our principles and objectives.
Our goal is to harness her abilities for the greater good while ensuring the safety of our realm.
We kindly request your understanding and support during this brief period.
When the siege is over they will be ransomed back to our enemy.
Until then, force them to fight for us.

For any urgent concerns, please contact me directly.
Yours in service to the Grauwald Order,
Purger Puck Van Der Heide

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