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The Imperialization Of House Ignaard

Ignaard Family Crest.jpg

A formal note would be posted on notice boards around the city, it was embedded with the Ignaard Family Crest. It's message as such.
To the people of the Holy City, I Avilda Ignaard, hereby devout my heart and soul to the empire and choose, under the influence Of House Von Duerr and the Guidance of the Grand Effleurs, Sigurna Wodenstaff, and Amelina Peirgarten. to Imperialize both myself and my family. This will entail...
  • Hereby changing my name to Avynn Ignace.
  • Hereby taking lessons from the Grand Effleurs to improve my common and work on losing the accent I carry.
  • To adopt Imperial Style, in that our outward appearance should leave no doubt as to the loyalty and love we have for our Imperial Holiness.
  • And lastly, in order to continue my dedication to the Unionist faith, I will be seeking guidance from our most Holy Reverends.
Ooc points:
  • House Ignaard is Imperialized and now House Ignace.
  • House Von Duerr and The Grand Effleurs, Sigurna Wodenstaff
    and Amelina Peirgarten
    . Are to be given credit for the conversion.
"It's about time." Leonzio stated as he read the notice from aboard his ship back to the Regalian homeland.
Alexander would let out a slow sigh as he read the letter, turning to walk away, saying "It's for the best I suppose.. I should buy her a drink next time I see her.. she deserves it.."
A completely exhausted, pale and mostly detrimental looking Anthonius reclined within his seat. Solemn a huff it was which left his being as he tiredly glanced up with narrowed eyes focused at a distant glint on one of the walls. A being sat in a chair, reclined and all exhausted. Their visage covered in shadows, robes much akin to the matter of the nightly skies on a December eve.
Seated, unmoving in all manners, eerily familiar for one reason or another. The man within the mirror. He forgot that the weave of this plane is thin around such anomalies... Then in truth, what was it the Young Reverend viewed? Was it his uncertainty? His disbelief? Perhaps an image from the future, an alternative identity of his own self in another form and existence- Yet not. The room's darkness only thickened as the evening hours continued to grow late.

"We shall bear witness then." Said Anthonius to no-one in general, but the man in the mirror.

Then it all turned to black... as the invading tides of dreams finally breached the veil, and granted the Reverend a well-deserved rest for the remainder of that eve.
The Baron spent a long time looking over the announcement, offering a few hums and nods as he went. Though, after about ten minutes of staring at the sheet of paper he grabbed another member of the peerage, having them read it. Víðarr couldn't even allow the noble to make it halfway through the sheet before sending him away, squinting in distaste before walking off.


House Úlfurtönn
The Ulvtænder : The Hule Personale

@skullpanda90 @A_r_e_s @Eternal_Wrath
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Agnette took in a light breath dusting off her hands and turning her gaze from one of the posted notices back to Avilda, giving her arm a friendly nudge. "Ignace-- not a terrible surname. Surely better than Ingersleben, ja?"
Avynn swayed a little as she was nudged but she nodded "Ingersledurr" she teased back as she looked at the poster once more. "Avynn" she muttered under her breath as if trying to get used to it.
Eske quietly pondered this new development. A silent air of disheartening aura would wash over him as he read over the Notice. He spoke out loud, a notible hitch to his voice as he did so, "One down....who is next?"
Silver would've glanced over the usual grouping of papers upon the notice board as she sauntered past. She pauses mid-step when she catches eye of the all-too familiar swan. Giving a hum of appeal, she lurks closer, grinning in interest as her eyes dance over the words upon it. Yet, her energy dwindles the more she reads, The remains of her smile turn just a bit more spiteful before letting off a huff of a laugh. With that, the woman casually continues her walk, tucking her hands into her back pockets whilst muttering in Skodje. "Three left, it seems. A shame."
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Juliette lifted a brow at the poster before grinning with a content nod, "Glad to hear it- though, I do prefer the name Avilda rather than this new one. Oh well, it will have to do." She shrugged before continuing off with a hum- good Unionist, Avynn, I applaud you.
Vedrfolnir saw the swan, taking the notice to a tavern goer that could read Common, as he heard that Avilda imperialized and denounced their gods completely, he spat, then going to order a tankard to remove the taste of betrayal from his mouth. "I've lost my sister."

@CRASHIR @Mortisian @JennaLikesCoffee