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The Imperial Times ~ Third Monthly Poll Results

Should I keep the changes in points registry?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 35.7%
  • No

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • Add more details to the poll please

    Votes: 8 57.1%

  • Total voters


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox


The Imperial Times is pleased to release the third monthly opinion poll of His Imperial Holiness's Government. We do not endorse any comments given freely by poll takers who exercised the option to say something. We thank you for your business.
Question One: Are you confident in Lord Chancellor Peirgarten?
  • Very Confident: 27.4%

  • Somewhat Confident: 27.6%

  • No Opinion: 6.9%

  • Somewhat Unconfident: 20.7%

  • Very Unconfident: 17.4%
  • Total Confidence: 55.2%

  • Total Unconfidence: 38.1%
Question Two: Do you approve of Kaya Viduggla's performance as Secretary for the Commons?
  • Fully Approve: 51.7%

  • Somewhat Approve: 27.6%

  • No Opinion: 6.9%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 3.4%

  • Fully Disapprove: 10.3%
  • Total Approval: 79.3%

  • Total Disapproval: 13.7%
Question Three: Do you approve of LorenƧo Garza's performance as Secretary for the Whip?
  • Fully Approve: 13.8%

  • Somewhat Approve: 13.8%

  • No Opinion: 34.5%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 20.7%

  • Fully Disapprove: 17.2%
  • Total Approval: 27.6%

  • Total Disapproval: 37.9%
Question Four: Do you approve of Garth Viduggla's performance as Secretary for the Army?
  • Fully Approve: 31%

  • Somewhat Approve: 13.8%

  • No Opinion: 17.2%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 20.7%

  • Fully Disapprove: 17.2%
  • Total Approval: 44.8%

  • Total Disapproval: 37.9%
Question Five: Do you approve of Cro-Zzhin Yaotl's performance as Secretary for the Southmark?
  • Fully Approve: 17.2%

  • Somewhat Approve: 37.9%

  • No Opinion: 24.1%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 13.8%

  • Fully Disapprove: 6.9%
  • Total Approval: 55.1%

  • Total Disapproval: 20.7%
Question Six: Do you approve of Jared Kade's performance as Secretary for the Faith?
  • Fully Approve: 20.7%

  • Somewhat Approve: 34.5%

  • No Opinion: 6.9%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 24.1%

  • Fully Disapprove: 13.8%
  • Total Approval: 55.2%

  • Total Disapproval: 37.9%
Question Seven: Do you approve of Catherine Tyrannian's performance as Secretary for the Finance?
  • Fully Approve: 27.6%

  • Somewhat Approve: 27.6%

  • No Opinion: 6.9%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 13.8%

  • Fully Disapprove: 24.1%
  • Total Approval: 55.2%

  • Total Disapproval: 37.9%
Question Eight: Do you approve of Aeralaanys Rhylovas's performance as Secretary for the Magi?
  • Fully Approve: 10.3%

  • Somewhat Approve: 20.7%

  • No Opinion: 24.1%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 6.9%

  • Fully Disapprove: 37.9%
  • Total Approval: 31%

  • Total Disapproval: 44.8%
Question Nine: Overall: How confident are you in the entire present Government?
  • Fully Approve: 10.3%

  • Somewhat Approve: 37.9%

  • No Opinion: 17.2%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 24.1%

  • Fully Disapprove: 10.3%
  • Total Approval: 48.2%

  • Total Disapproval: 34.4%

"I'm an owner of a small business and I know for dang sure that them there people in that government are doin' their best to watch out for me! 'Less they decide I ain't worth the effort no more, I think they're mighty fine. 'Specially the Secretary for the Finances- thank y'kindly for lettin' me support the war in my own way without breakin' my bank. Now I can make more stuff and donate what I can to the war effort!" - Charlotte Hayes
Lord Chancellor Peirgarten

Approval: 65 to 55.2 | Loss of 9.8 points

Disapproval: 30 to 38.1 | Gain of 8.1 points

Commons Secretary Viduggla

Approval: 71.1 to 79.3 | Gain of 8.2 points

Disapproval: 11.7 to 13.7 | Gain of 2 points

Army Secretary Viduggla

Approval: 41.6 to 44.8 | Gain of 3.2 points

Disapproval: 50 to 37.9 | Loss of 12.1 points

Southmark Secretary Yaotl

Approval: 76.6 to 55.1 | Loss of 21.5 points

Disapproval: 8.3 to 20.7 | Gain of 12.4 points

Faith Secretary Kade

Approval: 26.6 to 55.2 | Gain of 28.6 points

Disapproval: 60 to 37.9 | Loss of 22.1 points

Finance Secretary Tyrannian

Approval: 30 to 55.2 | Gain of 25.2 points

Disapproval: 50 to 37.9 | Loss of 12.1 points

Magi Secretary Rhylovas

Approval: 55 to 31 | Loss of 24 points

Disapproval: 31.6 to 44.8 | Gain of 13.2 points

Confidence in Government

Confidence: 65 to 48.2 | Loss of 16.8 points

Unconfidence: 26.7 to 34.4 | Gain of 7.7 points
"Mildly concerning."