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The Imperial Times ~ Second Monthly Poll Results


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox


The Imperial Times is pleased to release the second monthly opinion poll of His Imperial Holiness's Government. We do not endorse any comments given freely by poll takers who exercised the option to say something. We thank you for your business and further regular issues will be forthcoming very soon!

Are you confident in Lord Chancellor Peirgarten?

Very Confident - 55%

Somewhat Confident - 10%

No Opinion - 5%

Somewhat Unconfident - 6.7%

Very Unconfident - 23.3%

Total Confidence: 65%

Total Unconfidence: 30%

Do you approve of Aelderich Typhonus's performance as Secretary for the Whip?

Fully Approve - 11.7%

Somewhat Approve - 30%

No Opinion - 21.7%

Somewhat Disapprove - 21.7%

Fully Disapprove - 15%

Total Approval: 41.7%

Total Disapproval: 36.7%

Do you approve of Garth Viduggla's performance as Secretary for the Army?

Fully Approve - 13.3%

Somewhat Approve - 28.3%

No Opinion - 8.3%

Somewhat Disapprove - 21.7%

Fully Disapprove - 28.3%

Total Approval: 41.6%

Total Disapproval: 50%

Do you approve of Cro-Zzhin Yaotl's performance as Secretary for the Southmark?

Fully Approve - 43.3%

Somewhat Approve - 33.3%

No Opinion - 15%

Somewhat Disapprove - 5%

Fully Disapprove - 3.3%

Total Approval: 76.6%

Total Disapproval: 8.3%

Do you approve of Jared Kade's performance as Secretary for the Faith?

Fully Approve - 8.3%

Somewhat Approve - 18.3%

No Opinion - 13.3%

Somewhat Disapprove - 21.7%

Fully Disapprove - 38.3%

Total Approval: 26.6%

Total Disapproval: 60%

Do you approve of Catherine Tyrannian's performance as Secretary for the Finance?

Fully Approve - 10%

Somewhat Approve - 20%

No Opinion - 20%

Somewhat Disapprove - 8.3%

Fully Disapprove - 41.7%

Total Approval: 30%

Total Disapproval: 50%

Do you approve of Aeralaanys Rhylovas's performance as Secretary for the Magi?

Fully Approve - 36.7%

Somewhat Approve - 18.3%

No Opinion - 13.3%

Somewhat Disapprove - 8.3%

Fully Disapprove - 23.3%

Total Approval: 55%

Total Disapproval: 31.6%

Do you approve of Kaya Viduggla's performance as Secretary for the Commons?

Fully Approve - 45%

Somewhat Approve - 26.7%

No Opinion - 16.7%

Somewhat Disapprove - 6.7%

Fully Disapprove - 5%

Total Approval: 71.1%

Total Disapproval: 11.7%

Overall: How confident are you in the entire present Government?

Very Confident - 41.7%

Somewhat Confident - 23.3%

No Opinion - 8.3%

Somewhat Unconfident - 20%

Very Unconfident - 6.7%

Total Confidence: 65%

Total Unconfidence: 26.7%


"In the constant drive onward for the glory of our Empire, I believe it necessary to look inwardly from time to time to best represent the common interests of the people, though I would much rather gauge people's opinions on the War than what a few people have only just begun to get to do." -Deo dei Termini

"I have yet to see the effects of most of the governance, though I am confident in what I have seen that our governance is led by fine, faithful stewards." -Milena du Brierüst

"Lord Chancellor Peirgarten has been active, but still rather irrelevant when it comes to law changes. All she's done thus far is state things we already know. Not to mention the Manathar change? You mean to say we're still obligated to respect something that was once Kathar when they make no motivation to actually assist the city giving them mercy?" -Winifred Marth

"To think that we find ourselves governed again by a woman, it begs the question of the state's efficacy to govern our state of affairs. Spirit forbid that they would entrust the safety of the Empire to a woman who has thrice-over had her seat of Lorhauser occupied. Amelina Peirgarten is a meek, witless doll whose place is better served in the household and not in a seat of government, not to mention that Daendroquin weasel pulling at her strings! Next thing I'll hear is the good Lady-Chancellor demanding that the Duke of Vlissinghem returns all those cattle he stole from Lorhauser. Can't wait for that diplomatic crisis." -Claude du Pont
"The Peirgartens may have had their lands occupied three times, but at least they still retain their noble status. You on the other hand are the ex-Patriarch of a failed family." Louis Delmotte remarked in defense of his ally upon reading the paper.
"Hmmmm" Aster thinks. "Wouldn't it be cool if the paper said how much the overall opinion of a minister has changed in the month Like, next to the total confidence/unconfidence? I'd love to see that."
A copy of the paper was left on the Duke of Maraisburke's desk by a blonde haired, spectacled editor, momentarily drawn away from penning down the latest warrant. He paused in contemplation, squinting down to the last entry before a grim laugh seeped out.
"I am surprised the good Reverend found time to take this interview, what with his busy schedule of assault and torture."
Aleck could barely get past Claude du Pont's comment, howling with laughter and wiping at his tears. He struggled to breathe in those few moments of sheer hilarity, finally quelling his laughter only to be replaced with snickers every now and then. He wiped his eyes, blew his nose and spoke. "I like the Lord Chancellor personally, but fuck me that was funny."

The Ithanian mumbled as a carriage drove her through the Regalian city.

''When the one with the most support isn't an ailor.''​
Winifred squinted at her copy of the paper before commenting, "I think I worded my comment wrong at the end there."
"I do this for the good of our Empire without want. To find that the people appreciate my leadership is a bonus, and with that I offer my gratitude as a servant of the Empire."

This comment a publicly addressed one before a small moderated crowd.