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The Imperial Times ~ Issue Two


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
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Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox
Saturday, 25 May, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Two​



NOTICE: We have become aware of a misprint in the last issue: in it, it was stated that the deposed heir of House Harhold was Aethelric the High Reverend of the Synod. This is not the case and we do apologize to the noble House Harhold. The High Reverend is in fact, Aelfric Harhold. Aethelric is a different personage to the High Reverend.

MESSAGE OF THANKS: To the Digmaan Yoatl for becoming this paper's first subscriber! We look forward to publishing many more papers that are informative and pleasing to its readers.


~ 25 May, 307​

The latest round of ministerial appointments has seen quite a progressive slate: The Lord Chancellor is a woman; Secretary for the City is a Cro-Allar; Secretary of Heritage is a Varran. Time will tell if this progressive administration will hold against a likely conservative backlash or will fall apart from the inside.


~ 19 May, 307​

The latest chapter of the Violet Order is calling for new recruits! This chapter seeks to combat the "grotesque and impure" by means Magical Experts, Aberrants, Witchbloods, and those who seek to conduct holy work. Contact Eléonore Ravenstad for questions or to apply!


~ 24 May, 307​

Countess Anastasie de Letoirneau of Loiree-Bas married Ernesta Letoirneau née von Rahm in a ceremony that will undoubtedly cause scandal among the conservative elements in the Empire. It has yet been ascertained on which Reverends of the Synod approve or disapprove of this union or even if the entire Synod will declare the ceremony religiously invalid. Since the civil union, Ernesta has adopted the surname Letoirneau and has become the Countess-Consort.


~ 18 May, 307​

"On the eighteenth day of the fifth month, 307 AC, following an unparalleled level of dishonour and foolishness, with a constant tirade of idiocy and having brought great shame to my family: I, Countess Anastasie de Letoirneau hereby disown Cyprien de Letoirneau, dissociating him from my family name and all connections to it, the privilege of nobility it brings, and the vast fortunes from my house he may have squandered.

For months now this man and his poor sighted decisions and innumerable mistakes have dragged upon the De Letoirneau family - myself and my relatives only overlooking such out of an evidently misplaced feeling of loyalty to one's own kin, amongst other reasons. However, as of the past week, Cyprien has conducted himself in a manner inexcusable to any member of the peerage, let alone an individual supposedly of a culture and people of poise and proper conduct.

Furthermore, as a part of my disownment, I issue a thorough denunciation of his practices and efforts, so flagrant and horrific in their nature that they have disgusted me into making this announcement. Manipulating my house guard into his personal militia force to fulfill his own delusions of power, associating in grotesque ways with criminals and disgraceful sorts and even inviting them within my estate for his own twisted purposes. That a member of the Marshalry Cabinet could conduct such acts and bare no shame is beyond my own fathoming.

May the righteous authorities do with him as the law demands and deliver justice where it is due, should it be in their wishes to do so. I refuse to defend him any longer.

Spirit Protect All,

Lady Anastasie de Letoirneau,

Countess of Loiree-Bas

Vicereine of Brassigny.


~ 15 May, 307​

The two houses allied each other through the marriage of one Ser Caspian Rote and one Madame Haeddi Harhold, youngest of His Grace, the Duke Vlissinghelm. The stipulations of the alliance are as follows:

"The marriage of the two houses will bind them in a mutual defense pack before and after the ceremony is to take place, meaning that if any foreign entity were to march on either land, Vlissinghelm or Griptham, it is considered a direct attack on either house and it shall be acted upon accordingly. Each house will defend the other and their interests if they are under attack. To lend defense is considered as sending soldiers, gold, or support in whatever way they can manage. To neglect to maintain this part of the treaty is considered a violation of the alliance (unless prior agreed upon.) When planning an invasion or plotting at court, the houses are required to be transparent with each other on intention and political alignment to save the families embarrassment.

The Houses of Harhold and Rote hereby agree to seek to further each other's interests wherever their influence may stretch, be this at court or otherwise. The two will to best of their ability to support the other in their times of need and duress. As part of this, each house has a right to declare the foolishness of the other to halt dangerous endeavors which could bring about disastrous, detrimental circumstances.

It is unclear at this time whether the alliance may continue due to the increasing irrelevance of House Rote.


~ 13 May, 307
House Eliopolous, now Tounis, under the Baroness Veronika Tounis, has converted to the Imperial fashion. This has caused cheers amongst those who ardently support the Imperial fashion, among them former Emperor Cedromar, though His Imperial Highness has yet to publicly praise the move by House Tounis specifically. Conversely, the change has likely upset many of their people who cherish their culture more than the modern way.


Written by the Lady Genevieve Howlester

===Chapter Two: Hosting a Ball===​

Hosting a ball bears little resemblance to the hosting duties in the previous chapter bar one: always be attentive to your guests' needs. Balls follow the same general format as a rule, with small alterations to the programs depending upon individual needs. Prepare the musicians well beforehand, as artists are notoriously unreliable. The hosts of the ball should stand near the entry to greet their guests. Guests should not linger in the reception line, but rather proceed into the ballroom after saying their hellos and let their hosts perform their social duties while they enter discussion with other attendees.

After the hosts have greeted guests for an appropriate amount of time, they should signal for the dancing to begin. Refreshments and bench seating should be placed about the room, for when dancers need a break from their exercise. Sixteen songs are the ideal length of a first set; these songs being the more lively and energetic of the evening. A small break should then be had for supper, after which the second set of dances – more sedate like the waltz, should be given. After the final set, see to it that all parties have a carriage to get home. It would be most thoughtful for the host to have their own carriage ready, in case there are any mishaps with one of the guest's horses. If a guest has overindulged, it is better to send them home in their own carriage rather than offer your guest room. Spare them the embarrassment of leaving the house in the morning.

A dressing room for a lady, with a maidservant that can sew, should be provided. So that young ladies may attend to any mishaps or tears in their finery in privacy. As is often expected at events where young ladies and gentlemen meet, there may also be the occasional rush of emotions. Having both smelling salts and extra lace fans at the ready to meet these challenges. A spare pair of gloves or two would be an extra touch of hospitality.

One Faust Sokolov, Greywitch guard, seeks to utilize their unemployed skill in Alchemy. The one in question has 12 years of experience.




Automatic delivery to subscribers: @Yigit @Shibani @Caduceus_Clayy
Benjamin Delmotte passes over the Regals for the paper as soon as he spies it on a stall. He nods to the vendor. "If you'd be so kind as to subscribe me to this, that'd be just lovely," he requests, folding it under his arm and making his way off!
Eliza Rote read the paper as soon as it was released, she went to send a letter to the author to advertise a charity gala she was co hosting.
The newly appointed Varran Secretary stood within his chambers in the morning, an albino Sarran adorning him with his golden mantle and usual vast array of jewelry. The Corsair Lord rolled his neck as the mantle was set onto his shoulders, idly listening to a rusty brown Rakrran reading off both recent issues of the new times, "Huh, I did miss a lot whilst away, this is useful. Send the writer a sum of regals and ensure I continue to find this on my desk." He flicked a wrist towards the Rakrran who quickly scurried out of the room later delivering a pouch of one hundred and twenty regals from House Frisque to the author.
Reading the latest issue over breakfast, the Lord Chancellor frowns at something.

She pays for five subscriptions, each sent to a different address of hers.

"Bless the work you do. Do let me know if you're ever interested in an interview."

Agatha daintily held a teacup in one hand with the paper in the other, taking a sip as she read the morning news. An amused cackle left her lips when she eventually reached the section speaking about the alliance she had organised with Rote.

"Haeddi, come see what the papers are saying about your sweet Caspian's family!"

She called from across the estate, placing the paper flat on the table as she wrapped both hands around the teacup, sporting a devilish grin.

Haeddi wandered in and leaned over the paper to scan it before a frustrated sound escaped her,

"They aren't irrelevant!"
