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The Imperial Times ~ Issue Sixteen


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
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Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox

Wednesday, 24 July, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Sixteen



MESSAGE OF THANKS: To Thea Rote for becoming this publication's 30th subscriber!


~ 16 July, 307​

As the summer begins and the Imperial Courtiers come out from their summer homes and spring break, the Palace has begun to thrum with activity once again. With this comes new positions to be held in order to serve His Imperial Holiness and better his household. The Lady Grace of the Inner Court, Genevieve Howlester, has seen fit to select the following as representatives of the Court:

  • The Imperial Chamberlain is Ser Marceau Delmotte.

  • The Grand Curator is Duke Christopher Black.

  • The Imperial Jeweler is Duke-Regent Elros Typhonus.
The position of Great Steward is unfilled thus far. Any applications should go to Lady Grace Howlester to fill it.


~ 21 July, 307​

"The Imperial Jeweler, the Duke-Regent Elros Alarick Typhonus, has formally announced the first rewards given to two particular heroes from the recent Battle of Nuthotehk. While the overall battle was noted to be a failure, it was the actions of two individuals that saved the day and preserved the safety and honor of the Regalian Armed Forces. Mateo Silva heroically took control of the enemies Scorpian Ballistae, turning the enemies weapons upon themselves, and buying time for the armies tactical retreat. A fitting jade gemstone has been sent to him in recognition for his role. The Court specifically recognizes the Duke of Vlissinghelm, Hengest Harhold, for taking it upon himself to save many soldiers and preserving the interests of the Crown. The Imperial Court presents him with an ailor-made, finely crafted Blacksteel Shield, emblazoned with a roaring Hound. The Imperial Court recognizes it was the Hound Lord who stood between the evil enemy and the heart of the Empire, and sends this reward as an appreciation for his defense of the Empire and hopes the rest of the Peerage will take note of this exemplary defender of the Crown and its interests."


~ 18 July, 307​

Seemingly out of nowhere, a new race of violet, red, and other colorful creatures have begun walking the streets- they call themselves Manathar. It is unknown how or why these things came to be, but nevertheless, they seem to be former Kathar. The leader of them, Azsh'alla Baal'ial, posted a missive for the people to view:

"As to the notice of the Regalian people, the Manathar under the Leadership Of Azsh'alla Baal'ial speak out to terms of these new and strange times that we as two peoples have faced.

We come forth to speak out not as a race, but people who wish to seek change for the mistakes of the past. What rumors spread among the people, we come to answer today. We were born Kathar. This is true. We were born corrupted, filled with evil blood and evil intent. But we are not them.

The Manathar are not villains of evil blood, We are not demons, we are not our former selves. We are but people trying to make for better lives, to forge our own destiny in a new era where we can be something other than puppets to the void.

I cannot and will not speak for the Manathar people as a whole. We, like many people, do not have the same interests, however, I speak for those under me who wish for a better future. For that future, We state this.

  1. We Denounce our former empire of evil, the dread empire.
  2. We Denounce ties to our old blood and push to make a new name as Manathar.
  3. We Denounce the Kathar, and all void or exist corrupted beings.
  4. We Denounce Void Worship and all its evil, to deem it pure heresy and the patron of evil.
  5. We Denounce the criminal and Silven Manathar who have been deemed race-traitors by the Violet Order. We do not recognize them as us, and further do not recognize their willingness for change as us.
As to the grace of the Lord Commander and the Regalian Empire, We choose to serve. We choose to serve to eliminate the corruption of this world and contain its evil spread. Under the grace of the Lord Commander, my people shall serve to protect the streets of the Empire under a newly formed charter in the Violet Order's name.

For a better peace, we will right the wrongs of our forefathers for a better future.

Despite these claims, only three Manathar have signed up to assist the war effort thus far.


~ 24 July, 307​

The Secretary of Finance, His Grace Archduke Louis Delmotte, has announced a trial subsidy of educational materials for the improvement of literacy and "other desirable employment skills." Though he has for now limited the subsidy to five regions, he has also contemplated the rotation of such subsidies to other lands within the Archipelago. Three major criteria were selected in the process of choosing the beginning regions:

  1. Suffering an economic depression; having a poor and/or limited economy,
  2. Having low education rates,
  3. Or recovering from conflict.

Here are the aforementioned five regions as stated by the Secretary:

  1. Lokinge (Duchy of Vlissinghelm)
  2. Basta & Irvelle (Archduchy of Basta & Irvelle)
  3. Drixagh (Duchy of Zastor-Byla, County of Gotland, Barony of Ostyr, Skarvaland Autonomy & The Free Baron Lands)
  4. Calemberg (Duchy of Duerrstein, Duchy of Calemberg)
  5. Opper Calemberg (Calemberg Margraves, Duchy of Drachenwald)
The Adventures of Matteo and Mercedes:

Issue Two​

As we approached Arc Sepulcrum, the castle was a sight to behold. It stood tall on a mountain overlooking much of the countryside, Carroburgen, and the ocean surrounding the Island. While one of the older castles of the realm, it looked as if it was painted with a glowing white. Mercedes, however, pointed to scaffolding on the side of one of the towers. "It looks as if his Grace made this whole castle out of marble. It must be he is repairing some damage," Mercedes said. Augustine barked at Mercedes and me as if he was agreeing, wagging his tail as he trailed next to our horses. She laughed heartily at my dog, replying to Augustine, "I see you agree as well. Quite queer indeed that our Duke of the Veer has a marble castle." Our bodies were soon slowly eclipsed by the ever growing shadows of the Marble Castle.

The gate rather normal compared to other castles I have been to. There was many slits in the wall for Anglian bowmen to shoot through as well as holes in the roof over the archway to drop boiling oil onto invaders. The gatesman hailed us. "Halt!" He commanded us, "state your names and business for seeking entry into this castle." The gatesman looked rather young, I am guessing closer to eighteen than to nineteen. He was of a strong physique, had a light beard, blue eyes, and blonde hair.

"I am Ser Matteo of Vizia and this is Dame Mercedes di Loretta," I called back, "we seek an audience with his Grace of the Veer." The gatesman nodded, responding, "You may proceed," opening the gate immediately. The raising of the gate revealed a beautiful courtyard hidden behind it. Many roses, violets, lilies, daisies, and poppies lighting up the whole garden space. The gatesman issued a command to a watcher next to him and went down the battlements to come down to us.

"I am Osmund of Kaalburg," the gatesman stated, "please follow me as I guide you to his Grace's court." We followed him the courtyard, seeing various statues depicting various rulers that were placed throughout. At the center of a ring stood Magnantine, the second ruler of House Tyrannian, known for good deeds he committed like healing the wounds of the war-torn providence he owned. In a dark corner stood a statue without a head with the plaque underneath removed. I asked our friend who exactly that was. "Ser Osmund, pray, who may that man be?" Osmund responded rather darkly, "I am not a knight, ser, only a levy for a few more months. That statue was the Hadrian Usurper." I knew little and less about Konrad Hadrian, but the name was full of hate and remembrance of the bloody civil war many years ago. Through the courtyard Osmund finally led us through the long doors, into the Great Hall of Magnantine.

The hall had tapestries hanging from them with the Oppian's Seat (the name of Tyrannian court). The tapestries were rather diverse. Some consisted of the first Tyrannian founder, Oppian the Tyrant, others consisted of the history of the Regalian Empire. One looked as if it was Gallus Tyrannian's lady-wife, Catherine of Brilonde. Nonetheless, we went through the scarlet hall where our eyes found those of the Duke of the Veer and a few courtiers discussing details I may not include in this story. The stoic Duke eyes bore into my soul. All of his courtiers stopped discussing as the Duke began to speak.

"Welcome to Arc Sepulcrum, Ser Matteo of Vizia and Dame Mercedes di Loretta."

--written by Enzo Celso and edited by Elias Holt

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Milena du Brierüst frowns at the paper, setting it down with a huff.

Charlotte Hayes eyes the page with a raised eyebrow. "Why ain't he educatin' the Colonies? Half o' us ain't know how t' read. Maybe it's just them noble politics since we ain't got a lord?"
Elros Alarick Typhonus read over the latest issue of The Times, sipping from a small glass of whiskey and starting to light up a cigar. He eyed an image of Ulric Typhonus on the wall, his glorious mustache and full military regalia on display. "I've made the paper Father, and I did it rewarding those who deserve it. I'll do you proud." He nodded stoically, before inhaling on the cigar.

A few moments later, he was cleaning up his own spit, spilled whiskey, tobacco bits, and what remained of his hacked up lungs off his desk. Alas.
@MrH_ and @Jonificus
A frozen, skeletal hand traced each word as dancing wisps absorbed the text, taking note of what they read. Haunting laughter seeped out from the levitating creature, yet it's chest did not heave. Its use now expired the parchment was swiftly disregarded into the sewer canal though the splash was muffled under the roar of shifting chains as the creature drifted deeper into the city's underground tunnels. "What a shame..."
Levay Quicedo noticed an issue of the times that had blown in through a sewer entrance. After picking it up and reading over it, taking off his unnecessary sunglasses to reveal blood red eyes (and skipping over the governmental changes and notices), he scoffed a bit.

"These Manathar ... Even their name sounds made up. Their views on Void Worship are particularly annoying. I guess I'll deal with them anyway," he finished with a shrug. Business was business, despite whatever views one might conform to.
Hengest produces a smug smile as he inspects his new Blacksteel shield. "Give it another good polish and put it together with the rest of my treasure. I'll have a look at it again tomorrow." The Duke maintains his grin, tapping at the steel twice with the back of his hand. "And be careful with it, this isn't cheap.."


In response to the news letter, an additional transmittal was affixed upon the board outside the Golden Willow tavern via parchment and iron nail as a form of joinery. The transmittal stood independent from any post, a copy of the Imperial Times Issue Sixteen cited beside it.


The population of Manathar in the city is so small that it cannot even be referred to as a populace. Amongst the hundreds of thousands of denizens in the Empire, there are less than twenty Manathar. Amongst that quantity only a handful are able to fight, others fight in their own methods via working jobs and paying taxes, which in turn also supports the war effort. With the signature of three Manathar, a large percentile of Manathar in the city, there should be no quantifiable evidence pointing them into a state of nonsupport.

"Despite these claims, only three Manathar have signed up to assist the war effort thus far."

Cited at the end of Violet Commander Azsh'alla's denunciation is an opinionated comment presumably regarded to be a coup for public insurgency within Regalia. Focus should be entirely on the war effort. A more specific cite of grievance is needed to support such an accusation

@Havsbris_ @HereticTakao @Katiesc @Athelois