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The Imperial Times ~ Issue Seventeen


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
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Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox

Tuesday, 30 July, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Seventeen




~ 30 July, 307​

The Imperial Times would like to offer a sincere apology to Lord Commander William Howlester and the public. Last Saturday, we ran a special issue that gave false information to the character of the arrests of six Ailor individuals. The Lord Commander has corrected The Imperial Times on the false information we were given by witnesses with treasonous agendas and has wonderfully offered that a Guard Liaison be established so as to clear up miscommunication and false reports in the future. This is an offer we gladly accept.


~ 29 July, 307​

On the 29th of July, Lord Commander William Howlester held an Assembly for inquiries on the Violet Order. After the first few persons to have their piece came and went, one Edmure Howlester came up to the stand and spoke of a "Process by which one becomes a Manathar." The Howlester elocuted further with a rumor that Manathar become such by a 'Pact' with an Arken.

He was subsequently shouted down by some attendees of the Assembly. However, moments later an Arken who later identified 'herself' as Griffin appeared in the middle of the Hall, stunning everyone. Swords which were drawn by the guards present were suddenly ordered to be sheathed, for there was worry by the Lord Commander and Ser Jared Kade that many civilians would be harmed if hostilities commenced.

The Arken, 'Griffin', spoke about how she despised the Arken Betrayal and sought to right the wrongs in this world. Claims were made that she was raised by Unionists and that she helped kill the Elven god Estel. Apparently, this was not the first appearance to mortals, for there were among the Manathar guards Manathar that recognized her and were recognized by her in turn.

A full transcript of what was said will be available in the next issue due to the amount of parlance that occurred.


~ 29 July, 307​

Lord Chancellor Constanze du Brierüst resigned last evening on the 29th of July. She was the first Chancellor appointed by His Imperial Holiness Alexander I of the new model of government in May. In her tenure of two months and seven days, she codified new laws on the nature of treason against the Empire, which was met with some criticism - particularly by Ser Jared Kade - and established alongside her Secretariat a Cabinet of rotating advisors in addition to creating the Office of the Apothecary General. Already after her public announcement, two candidates thus far have proclaimed their intention to apply to the Emperor:

  1. The Grand Duchess of Lorhauser and Secretary of Feudal Affairs, Her Grace Amelina Peirgarten

  2. Theadora Rote

The Secretary of Feudal Affairs called for the Secretariat to 'remain dutiful in their individual responsibilities' in her announcement of self-nomination. The first contendant to announce their ambition to the High Office was Theadora Rote, a former member of the Peerage now Commoner by her own words. His Grace Duke Hengest Harhold made a statement to The Imperial Times in regards to the Grand Duchess's self-nomination:
"I know Lady Amelina. Great woman. Terrific. She is many things, but a leader? Hardly. If you seek leadership and authority then you know to not hedge your bets with her."


~ 29 July, 307​

All around the city, men and women call out for wares to be bought and sold, in tents and shops decorated in eye-catching color. Some of the brightest businesses in the Holiest of Cities include the Nestled Nook and the Hidden Dragon of Rose Court, the Rose Fermentée and La Culliere d'Argent of New Town, and the Gauntlet and the Blind Basilisk of Old Town. Charlotte's Colonial Carving Co. has two locations- one Old Town, one New Town. In the coming issues, we'll focus on each individual business and their wins, woes, and ways to serve the public, as well as give coupons out to our wonderful readers to support our local businesses.

Q: What will the Government do in response to what has just happened?

A: Nothing. Besides, in any case, it is no longer my problem. I am resigning.

Q: What do you think of the Office?

A: An improper place to aid the Empire from. The real protectors are the Lord Commander and the Swords and Shields who raise their weapons to fight our battles.

Q: Do you have any parting words for you Cabinet? Any advice for whoever is the next Chancellor?

A: That will be covered in my letter.

Q: When can we expect this letter; the effective resignation?

A: Soon after this conversation, actually.

Q: What did you think of the opinion poll? Did it factor into your decision?

A: No. I'm actually shocked as many people seemed to approve of me. I certainly don't approve of myself.

Q: Will this not feel like a betrayal then, that you are resigning amidst popular support?

A: I'm sure someone would be more popular than me.

Q: Can you take me into the average day of a Chancellor? What was it like; how many decisions did you have to make?

A: My decisions typically ranged from what liquor to drink until I felt like vomiting, which side of my empty bed to sleep on, and how loud to scream at my walls.

Q: What would you want seriously changed, or will you cover that in your letter also?

A: I would like the Office to be abolished. It serves no purpose.

Q: Do you feel you were constricted in actually administering the Empire?

A: Yes.

Q: Do you know what specifically hampered your efforts?

A: My inability to manage the Ministries.

Q: Why not reform instead of abolishing?

A: I mean, I certainly tried.

[L.U] - But you were overturned.

[L.C] ~ Precisely.

Q: When you resign, does the Cabinet fall with you or will they remain in place? If so, do you think a current minister will arise to the post or will an outsider take it? If so, who do you think will get the post?

A: I've not a clue what will happen from here on out. The Empire has clearly proven to be an unpredictable place: an Arken just appeared in our meeting.

Q: Any other remarks?

A: Ah- that it was an honor to serve.

Q: Final question: Does this mean you are retiring completely from political life?

A: Most likely, unless something better is offered to me. I much prefer governing my people.

Profiles in Peerage


The Grand Duchess of Lorhauser, Her Grace Amelina Peirgarten

This is the first edition in a new series meant to highlight members of the nobility who have achieved much. If you believe a fellow member of the Peerage goes above and beyond in what they do, then you are encouraged to make a nomination.​

Q: How did you become the Grand Duchess of Lorhauser?

A: I was born and raised in a Matriarchal family, from the moment I learned to walk I was treated as if I would run the family. When my mother passed, the titles fell onto me; we have risen to the status of a Grand Duchy through our hard work and contributions to the Empire.

Q: Which of these contributions are you most proud of?

A: Ranking my contributions is difficult. One could say my family's dedication in contributing troops and finances to the war, or even our work in colonizing different areas of the Archipelago: New Ceardia namely.

Q: What prompted you to become Secretary of Feudal Affairs?

A: For as long as I can remember, I have been a woman of courtly behaviour and strong etiquette. I believe I have a great deal of social norms to teach our inexperienced little ladies in the Peerage who stare like a deer in the headlights when a true display of ladylike behaviour and self-presence is expected of them. Such was my driving motivation to pick up that job. To teach. To show. To example.

Q: Who do you consider to be your best and strongest mentor when you were coming up?

A: Ruthless experience. I am a woman who has been slandered and attacked, my lands invaded and my wealth robbed from me. I have been a victim of a great deal of opposition for half of my life. But I have never yielded. Now I reign as a woman of power and influence, while all my enemies lick their wounds or breathe their last breaths. Many of my friends, alliances, and the guiding words of knowledged people like the great Rodderick Howlester the Prince have provided me the ability to look out for myself and climb the latter ahead of me. But my best and strongest mentor? Experience. I've learned as I suffered. Built as I lost. And now I stand before you.

Q: Turning now to your recent self-nomination for Chancellor, what qualities do you believe you will bring to the Office?

A: Firstly, I will revive it from its state of stagnancy and ensure that all the Secretaries are doing their job - more importantly, doing it right. I have not been one to sit around idle, neither do I plan to now. The Government needs an active, invested, blunt-spoken, and initiative-taking leader. I believe myself to be the best possible fit for these qualities, a belief I will always defend. The Capital will not run itself and our Secretaries need to bear the responsibilities of their individual tasks. I'll look over everyone's shoulder if I need to, as long as I am certain and the public is aware that things are being done, and the right steps are being taken.

Q: Do you have any planned reforms or laws you wish to implement should the Emperor appoint you? Will you amend or abolish the Treason Laws? What of the Cabinet of advisors that are separate from the Secretariat?

A: I will not reveal too much of my plans, for while I am certainly a bold and determined candidate for the Office of the Lord Chancellor, it is still not determined that I will get to seat it. However, I will state that I plan to undo some of the choices the former Chancellor made in regards to the Treason Laws which, due to their flawed wording, have created a group of laws that disables many of us from utilizing our freedom of speech. I also plan not to shrink the cabinets of the Government but instead expand on it to allow for more opportunities to offer the other members of the Peerage and of course, the citizens of our City - the ones with knowledge and literacy.

Q: What did you think of the recent opinion poll of the Government? Would you welcome future assessments of approval?

A: Regardless of the results of the poll, I am confident of the things that I have done. I believe wholeheartedly that I have done my job as expected of me. There are many little girls in the Peerage who are rebellious against the idea of portraying themselves as they should. They try to switch a lady's fan for the masculine walking canes, they try to wear pants into the Palace when a true lady flows her dresses and long skirts. I believe all that to be nothing but foolery, and it surprises me that they are not feeling humiliated by their actions. Quite frankly, I do not care about the results of the poll, because I am aware that I have done my job correctly.

Elias Holt has sadly decided to leave The Imperial Times. In his place, we are glad to bring on Madame Milena du Brierüst as Editor! Any interviews left unfinished and letters left with no response by Mr. Holt should be directed to Madame du Brierüst at the du Brierüst Estate.

The Synod of the Sancella in coordination with the Secretary of Faith has promulgated a new Synodical Bull. The Bull grants Manathar the right to worship a 'Rite of Xenophane' and grants the Imperial Dragon worshippers their own Rite too, the 'Rite of the Imperial Dragon.'. An Evintarian Rite is to be discussed in a few weeks and those knowledgeable in the Evinatrian ways are asked to write to the High Reverend.

On the 26 of July, in one of the Lord Chancellor's final acts, the Office of the Apothecary General was created. The first Apothecary General to be appointed is one Doctor Jocelyn von Duerr. Any applications for a medical license are directed to his address- it is illegal to practice medicine in the city, outside of the Violet Order, without one. Apothecary General von Duerr is also granted the right to inspect commercial businesses for health reasons.

The Imperial Times is seeking a place to open a physical location! Please write if there is an availability near you.





Reina Berater looked over the paper taking her time while viewing the interview she said "We all know why you don't want to wear pants; lounging around all day sipping wine I'm not surprised you'd need a fan and dress with that figure." She then promptly threw the paper down on her table and returned to her book on Gallovian Encirclement Tactics.
Milena du Brierüst eyes the paper proudly, and- for the first time- openly.
you forgot to ping me :(

great work as always tho