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The Imperial Times ~ Issue 5


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
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Roleplay Guilds
Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox
Tuesday, 28 May, 307 AC - 2 Regals - Issue Five​




~ 26 May, 307​

A dwarf was founded murdered in the Gauntlet tavern whos killers were determined to be a group of Isldar cultists that worship something called 'Frisit'. Secretary of Faith Jared Kade in response to these aggressive and ill-mannered tactics has amended Holy Law III to the following: "To subject to vileness such as Demonism, Possession, and Frisit worship, is illegal".


~ 27 May, 307​

In another move to gain more territory for their malicious Coven, the so-called Hierarchy claimed another piece of the City to further sate their terrible nature. One must ask how long this will continue before they come for the Noble district, or other more inhabited parts of the City in which the average man lives and works.


~ 27 May, 307​

Division Admiral Christopher Black has announced that he will be hosting an Obstacle Course for all military inclined individuals in the Countryside on the 18th of June. While the Peerage is naturally invited to this event, the common people are too invited per the generosity of His Grace, Duke Black.


~ 27 May, 307​

At the start of the audience, Secretary Frisque set a defensive mood by immediately addressing his first acts defending them to those present and explaining his reasoning though that reasoning would slowly be put into doubt as more began to question it.

Secretary Frisque stated that the Altalar had failed to provide adequate supplies and soldiers in the war with the Kathar. This reasoning was vocally criticized by nobles and commoners alike due to the fact that the war effort and diplomacy related to it falls far beyond the responsibilities of The Secretary of Heritage. Members of House Kade proved very intrigued by Secretary Frisque's decision and asked him to elaborate on his reasoning. Embarrassingly, Secretary Frisque proved unprepared to give the peerage answers beyond a thinly veiled repetition of his opening statements.

This proved ineffective as many began to seek further elaboration and pointed out the fact that the Secretary's acts may prove deleterious to the alliance between the Altalar and Regalia. This led to a tense questioning as to the loyalty of Secretary Frisque and House Frisque as a whole which Secretary Frisque simply dismissed. This response proved inadequate and seemed to belittle the importance of the war effort. Secretary Frisque did, contrary to his perceived inability to give a direct response, say that he sees no reason at this time to alter the status of the Yanar in response to a question regarding the future of the Yanar.

Throughout the duration of the audience, Secretary Frisque and members of Clan Frisque were subject to deplorable comments regarding their heritage that I care not to repeat. This audience proved an underwhelming start to Secretary Frisque's tenure and one that all present can say we hope is not an indicator as to the future. We would hope that Secretary Frisque could in the future prepare himself better and possibly review his actions with the honorable temperate Lord Chancellor as to prevent another embarrassing event such as this one because as the audience saw it, the honorable Lord Frisque failed to make clear any concrete motive as to his acts towards the Altalar. May the Spirit bless the honorable Secretary Frisque and the Lord Chancellor.



Written by the Lady Genevieve Howlester

===Chapter Five: The Art of Presentation===​

Today, there are many who may call this tradition old-fashioned. But modesty never goes out of style, and maidens who wish to preserve these ancient ways still proceed with the following advice. Ladies are never to introduce themselves to gentlemen. Indeed, she should not address a gentleman that is her equal or better in social rank without an appropriate introduction. A formal introduction can be made by any acquaintance who has already been introduced to them both. A small curtsey and an elegant bow of the head by the parties in question is all that is required. They can then both acknowledge each other freely in social situations. Ladies and gentlemen should always use each other's titles, or "Mister" and "Miss" etc., in public. Those who have become well-acquainted with both the individual and the family may ask for permission to refer to them as "Miss Anne," "Lord Geoffrey," etc.

When entering a room owned or controlled by another, it is customary to wait to be asked to take a seat, rather than forcing yourself into a chair. Ladies should always be given seats first, in deference to their frail physical body. Gentlemen should walk into rooms before ladies, to assess for any possible obstacles, while ladies deem precedence for exiting. Women of good-breeding should never walk alone unaccompanied on the streets. However, taking a gentleman's arm while they walk is a gesture reserved for courting or betrothed couples.

L.U: Beginning rather soft, did you ever think you would become High Reverend?

A.H: I. I really did not. I never had the ambition to become High Reverend truthfully. But after the recent events, I felt it was my time and I strive to better the Synod.

L.U: Speaking of the Synod, I understand it hasn't had the best history and even it's funding is locked presently. Have you any plans of reforming?

A.H: I do indeed. I have been working with my various Reverends to reform and better our image. To be able to do the work we were placed in our seats for with the trust of the people. We understand that we have not had the best recent history but we currently work to fix that.

L.U: Do you miss Vlissinghelm? How do you think His Grace Duke Harhold is getting along?

A.H: Vlissinghelm. Well, I have had a few visits there. I was not born in Vlissinghelm. It is a nice place, Unionist, which I do enjoy and His Grace Harhold- he is a good man. Unionist; has a passion for the faith. I trust him well, he is my nephew after all.

L.U: The Synod is currently in a rut. It's prestige and respect is low. What role did you play in the so-called 'Synodical Fleet'?

A.H: The Synodical Fleet. That was in reaction to the attack on Synod troops and missionaries when we attempted to help innocent Unionists in Rote lands. They were attacked and we came to assist but we were attacked as well and with no protection, we were not able to defend the ships, our missionaries, our troops. We did not intend to raise an army. We intended simply to protect ourselves from any future attacks. That was our reasoning: defense not offense.

L.U: What are your thoughts on the latest changes in the marriage laws? All races, including Kathar, may now marry and homosexual weddings have risen, especially amongst the nobility.

A.H: His Imperial Holiness decided such a law and he possesses the guidance of the Spirit. I trust our Emperor and the Spirit fully. However, the Reverends of the Synod have varying opinions and while we all support the Emperor and the Spirit with an immense passion, as the Spirit is the creator, giver of life and his Imperial Holiness the Spirit's host, this also affects state law. I say this, while some Reverends of the Synod may not administer marriages of the sort, the State remains open to these marriages and we respect the right of the State of our Empire to unite two souls in marriage.

L.U: Have you given thought to retiring?

A.H: To the position of High Reverend, I will step down when I have returned the Synod to it's previous respected state. However, retiring as a Reverend? Paha- I serve the Spirit and our Emperor as a Reverend and such is life-long work which I enjoy immensely. I shall retire when I pass and I shall continue my work even in the Everwatch.


Merith squealed as she flapped the newspaper in Don's face jumping up and down like a mad woman. "WE ARE IN THE PAPER"

Perhaps not a big deal to others but it seems Merith was a big fan of these news. @Lord_Immortal
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Miriam von Duerr was handed a copy of the Imperial Times as she boarded her carriage back into the city, having been away on family business in Duerrstein for some days now. She spoke to her handmaiden as she read through the articles, stating "It's so wonderful getting quickly caught up on the news I've missed the past few days. I think I'll be subscribing to this newspaper."

Eliza Rote received her daily paper, after reading through it, she read the article regarding Secretary Frisque carefully. She then set the paper down and continued to enjoy her morning tea.
Elm Underbridge smiled widely at the content of the paper he had just purchased saying "Well hope he likes it" in a satirical tone.
Benjamin Delmotte frowns over the news of the Vampires claiming new territory. "I wonder whether the guards will take it back, or leave it for the heathens to squabble over."

Charlotte Hayes picks up a paper from the table, taking more than a moment to read it. She pauses once she reads the fate of the Temple, her hands curling in the pages and threatening to rip it. "How dare they, comin' in 'ere n' claimin' my temple, when the dang Kathar are takin' my street n' layin' claim t' that too. Ain't nothin' sacred no more?"
Nerezza Bardouixe laughs, and under an assumed name, subscribes, grinning lazily. "Oh, this is just perfect. We're in the void-damned paper! So cute."
Vivana squinted, quickly rifling through the pages of the paper in her hand. A useful little thing. It would be a good idea to subscribe to it. "Played your hand too quickly, Frisque. Though I can't say I blame you."