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The Imperial Times ~ First Monthly Poll Results

More of these or naw?

  • Yes

    Votes: 23 85.2%
  • No

    Votes: 4 14.8%

  • Total voters


In Totum Ad Perpetuum
Apr 28, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
Ibadet Community / Imperial Orthodox



It is with pleasure that, after reviewing and finalizing the responses, we at last publish the results of the poll conducted from 23 to 25 July of 307 A.C!

An option to comment on the subject of the poll was given and some respondents took it with the understanding that they may be quoted. The Imperial Times does not automatically endorse any comments that have been made and are merely publishing the view of the respondent.



Question One: Are you confident in Lord Chancellor du Brierüst?

  • Very Confident: 25.8%
  • Somewhat Confident: 32.3%
  • No Opinion: 12.9%
  • Somewhat Unconfident: 16.1%
  • Very Unconfident: 12.9%
  • Total Confidence: 58.1%

  • Total Unconfidence: 29%
Question Two: Do you approve of Kaya Viduggla's performance as Secretary for the Commons?

  • Fully Approve: 45.2%
  • Somewhat Approve: 25.8%
  • No Opinion: 19.4%
  • Somewhat Disapprove: 6.5%
  • Fully Disapprove: 3.2%
  • Total Approval: 71%

  • Total Disapproval: 9.7%
Question Three: Do you approve of Gallus Tyrannian's performance as Secretary of Foreign Affairs?

  • Fully Approve: 9.7%
  • Somewhat Approve: 16.1%
  • No Opinion: 35.5%
  • Somewhat Disapprove: 19.4%
  • Fully Disapprove: 19.4%
  • Total Approval: 25.8%

  • Total Disapproval: 38.8%
Question Four: Do you approve of Amelina Peirgarten's performance as Secretary of Feudal Affairs?

  • Fully Approve: 22.6%
  • Somewhat Approve: 16.1%
  • No Opinion: 29%
  • Somewhat Disapprove: 19.4%
  • Fully Disapprove: 12.9%
  • Total Approval: 38.7%

  • Total Disapproval: 32.3%
Question Five: Do you approve of Garth Viduggla's performance as Secretary for the Army?

  • Fully Approve: 16.1%
  • Somewhat Approve: 19.4%
  • No Opinion: 35.5%
  • Somewhat Disapprove: 6.5%
  • Fully Disapprove: 22.6%
  • Total Approval: 35.5%

  • Total Disapproval: 29.1%
Question Six: Do you approve of Cro-Zzhin Yaotl's performance as Secretary for the City?

  • Fully Approve: 48.4%
  • Somewhat Approve: 29%
  • No Opinion: 19.4%
  • Somewhat Disapprove: 3.2%
  • Fully Disapprove: 0%
  • Total Approval: 77.9%

  • Total Disapproval: 3.2%
Question Seven: Do you approve of Louis Delmotte's performance as Secretary of Finance?

  • Fully Approve: 29%

  • Somewhat Approve: 25.8%

  • No Opinion: 16.1%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 16.1%

  • Fully Disapprove: 12.9%
  • Total Approval: 54.8%

  • Total Disapproval: 29%
Question Eight: Do you approve of Kailu Frisque's performance as Secretary of Heritage?

  • Fully Approve: 12.9%

  • Somewhat Approve: 22.6%

  • No Opinion: 9.7%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 19.4%

  • Fully Disapprove: 35.5%
  • Total Approval: 35.5%

  • Total Disapproval: 54.9%
Question Nine: Do you approve of Malcarno Avalorn's performance as Secretary of Trade?

  • Fully Approve: 6.5%

  • Somewhat Approve: 25.8%

  • No Opinion: 61.3%

  • Somewhat Disapprove: 3.2%

  • Fully Disapprove: 3.2%
  • Total Approval: 32.3%

  • Total Disapproval: 6.4%
Question Ten: Overall: How confident are you in the entire present Government?

  • Very Confident: 9.7%

  • Somewhat Confident: 48.4%

  • No Opinion: 9.7%

  • Somewhat Unconfident: 25.8%

  • Very Unconfident: 6.5%

  • Total Confidence: 58.1%

  • Total Unconfidence: 32.3%
I. "I cannot speak for many of the secretaries' actions during their time in the Regalian government due to my recent arrival in Regalia, but I have seen a little unease in regards to the new treason and finance laws. Whilst I can understand the need for amendments in the face of error, I only hope we will not see an occurrence where the decisions of an individual in power are not fully thought through again. Perhaps a return to traditional values and leadership might be considered in the near future, before we are met with further consequences." - Klaus Typhonus

II. "The Corsair Lord's actions in placing personal racial vendetta over the greater good of the Empire when attempting to strip Altalar of their citizenship rights has been woefully underpunished and underpublicized; many other nobles would fulfill Frisque's function as Secretary of Heritage to the same or even greater levels, without the added controversy of intending to disenfranchise a key ally in this time of war. While I have, in the least, some trust in most government officials, I adhere fully to the opinion that the Corsair Lord has proven himself incapable of maintaining his post in any unbiased fashion that risks no detriment to the Regalian Empire; he is inactive at best, and selfishly harmful to the interests of Regalia at worst." - Aeralaanys Rhylovhas

III. "Our Chancellor has made her priorities painfully clear with her new Treason Laws, and this has had consequences throughout the Empire. Rather than walk them back, she has adjusted their wording in an attempt to avoid further criticism, but maintain the ability to charge any opponent of hers with treason. Let's not fool ourselves; she is holding onto power like a drowning man to a log. I fear many will drown before she has the courage to let go.

If I am thrown in prison, again, for merely voicing my disapproval of her actions, she confirms what many already know. Tyranny begins with an obsession for control. Let us hope it does not end as it did with the Usurper Anahera, or the Tyrannical Lo.
" - Ser Jared Kade
The Grand Duchess looked over the poll results that she deliberately did not take the time to fill out, swirling the wine in her goblet as her eyes scanned the page. "You tell noblewomen to act like women and they disapprove of you. Simply telling them to not waltz around dressed like the whores in the Dragon and they've garnered dislike." she said with an idle sip from her wine glass, "It is about time that nobility act like the higher class they are meant to be." she said as the poll results were quickly swept away from her sights, and thrown into the flames of the fireplace nearby. The Grand Duchess laid her piercing emerald gaze on the scorching papers until they were reduced to ashes, the dancing fire reflecting from the glass of her golden goblet.
Local prominent general is quoted to have said "Cool" with an unenthused voice before dismissing his newsreader.
"Who would have thought that raising support for our soldiers to kill Kathar and providing funding for the less-educated citizens of the Empire would lead to twenty-nine percent disapproval? Perhaps there are grey-skin sympathizers in our midsts, or maybe they just couldn't understand the poll?" Louis Delmotte remarked to his son and cousin.

A garbed raptor outfitted with gifted Yaotl embroidery annoyedly adjusted the collar to his alt-regalia styled vest. He didn't dismiss the paper, instead storing it into the hidden cabinet beneath his desk.

"At least one public paper has their head on straight by gathering /actual/ data. Can't say I'm happy only 3.2% disapprove of Yaotl... Was hoping it was more so I could get out from behind this desk and get into politics..." - Zzalangua Yaotl proceeded to scrutinize over the rest of his paperwork, releasing a long exhausted sigh.
"Who would have thought that raising support for our soldiers to kill Kathar and providing funding for the less-educated citizens of the Empire would lead to twenty-nine percent disapproval? Perhaps there are grey-skin sympathizers in our midsts, or maybe they just couldn't understand the poll?" Louis Delmotte remarked to his son and cousin.

Guy Delmotte chuckled a bit in response. "I didn't think you were concerned with the opinions of others, especially the common drivel who reads the paper. Why should they view you positively? They wouldn't even know where to begin navigating the politics of it all."
Edmure 's gaze scanned the poll results with mild intrigue. He hummed to himself as his lips parted in an expression of amusement.
"An interesting experiment, but I'll dare to criticize it. The opinions of those not educated in the matter on which they have an opinion, should only be considered valid in moderation." Reaching the final vote of confidence in the government, his features assumed a more brooding expression.
"The commonfolk don't have the knowledge to recognize what is beneficial. They are ruled by emotion. Wouldn't you agree?" Edmure inquired, passing the newsletter to Aldwyn, who was seated in the armchair laterally position to his own.

Elm Underbridge looked over the paper a smile lighting up his face when he got to the quotes. "Well it looks like the councilman has more to say. I hope we can hear more." he said in a joyous tone.
Haeddi Harhold laid on her bed, reading the poll results much like a movie teenager would scan a magazine. As she reached the end of it, scanning over the last few words of Jared Kade's comment, she couldn't help stating her own aloud, "How very interesting, though it is a pity. I was hoping to see more commonfolk's comments on the matter." She then promptly shrugged and set the paper into her side table drawer.