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The Howlester Twin's Response To The Vampire Crisis


Jun 24, 2015
Reaction score
New York
A public notice has been presented to the citizens of Regalia by the Howlester twins, stating the following.

Dearest citizen of Regalia, the upcoming sanguine issue has worried us so and although those around us have been doing all in their power to keep the crisis under way we'd like to open our business to those in need. Of course this should in no way stop anyone in any sort of horrid condition go on their way in going to the Alchemia or Sawbones for professional and quick help.

We've opened the Dove as a safe house to those too afraid or worried to travel the streets alone. Fully opening our sanctuary to those who seek further protection. We will most likely have two or more guards on site of the area (Thanks to our dear Family guard and Miss Eroth), to make sure the Sanctuary stays a peaceful safe-haven. Incase of any sort of emergency where one cannot make it to the Alchemia or Sawbones we have an employee and trained doctor on hand with simply medical supplies for the injured.

The lounge and baths will be completely open to those who need it without pay, blankets and such will be given out to those who request and we shall have our employees on hand to help anyone in need. Each individual will have to pass through a check before entering The Dove, an employee in our peach colored uniform will simply dab holy water on the top of a entree's hand to test the possibility of them being one of the sanguine. If all is clear they are free to pass, if not then we will have our guards escort them towards the high tower. Precision must be taken at times like these.

May the spirit guide you, Sincerely


Phaden Decuiel HowlesterCaoimhe Elair Howlester
The Dove's Sanctuary Beauty And Self Care

@Milkqy @MamaNoodle @12wolfen15_