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The Heresy Of The Profaned Dead


Aug 20, 2016
Reaction score


Due to the influx of Silven Aberrations and Arcane Anomalies, and outbreak of Undeadism in the slums, the Hightower Order is giving caution against this new form of Undead. These Undead are subject but not limited to;

  • Discretionary retirement by Unionist priests.
  • Execution by matter of amputation and / or rapid immolation.

Any and all Undead are heretical in the eyes of the Imperial Spirit. To defy death is to defy Him, and these disease carriers that plague the Holy City are to be executed on sight. A vigilant citizen is a good citizen, and any sightings of these copper-skinned undead is to be reported to a local Hightower guard unit or post at once. Citizens should also be aware of an ongoing wave of arcane energies, and as such should not approach Silven. If any citizen is to be seen with shackles of ice, or individuals disintegrating into water, then they should be reported to the nearest Azure Order member at earliest opportunity.

If you:

  • Feel sudden heretical impulses, alien thoughts or increased aggravation,
  • Have interacted with individuals with the aforementioned features,
  • Or are experiencing other anomalies related,
Then report to the Aletta Keep or Azure Order for immediate diagnosis and treatment of the condition. Interaction with Silven has been known to cause rapid deterioration of the flesh into liquid, as well as mind domination and manipulation against the Empire. Anyone thought to be withholding information related to such topics are also subject to punishment, and the reporting of information to the aforementioned charters is encouraged.

Citizen reminder: inaction is conspiracy. Report counter-behavior to a local officer immediately.

May the Spirit guard our hearts,
Security Minister Edmond du Pont

Harald Hadraga would just think, "Joy..."

Bjarke Hadraga would just shrug it off.

Hjalmar Bjornjagerfly would just raise a brow, "Well ain't this fun," he'd mutter sarcastically in Proto-Regalische.
Joasaie looked over the notice, quirking a brow of disbelief to the wording, their Elven muttering towards the notice as if it were sentient, "Surely they don't mean /all/ Silven. I haven't had any of these effects take place myself and I spend time with more than a few. I'm quite sure it's only certain ones." the Yanar shook their head and walked off with that, intent on telling those that should know.
Azra laughed at the notice, waving her hand as if it had told her joke before she trotted off.

She could not read Common and only hoped what was written was funny.
Beni Yahdga would smile at the part about bewaring Silven, and especially the part about Disintegrating into Water and Shackles of Ice, as he had been staying this within the Ministry of Scholars.
Leon Claudio
Lets out a sigh as he reads the entire notice before continuing to walk "Undeadism.." He said to himself while walking again