The Helerian Guard


Jul 9, 2017
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Frieden und Segen
The Helerian Guard

Cohortes Helerii


The Helerian Guard, was re-established during the summer of 306AC under rule of the militant High Reverend Volckamar III and the governance and overseeing of the Guard was placed into the hands of the Reverend-Minister of War. The Helerian Guard is an elite unit, serving as the personal bodyguards to the Synod. The Guard is nearly as old as the Sancella of Union, having been formed only a decade after the formation of the Sancella itself. The Reverends recognize that when preaching to the unbelievers, one may not be so well accepted, and might be assaulted. Today however, such actions have subsided, as the majority believe in Unionism. This is however no excuse, as the Helerians have a holy mission to accomplish.

Wherever the Helerians originate, they are always afforded further training. Some believe that the Helerian guard only consists of Lancyon graduates. On the contrary, it accepts men from many other schools. A diverse guard often helps in combating different threats. While not outlawed in the guard, it is much harder for females and non-Ailor to enlist, often having to show great zeal and prowess to be allowed entry, especially when its non-Ailor. Yet again, once having being granted entry females and non-Ailor are generally more accepted and not discriminated against by the guard.



Jakob Ludevar @Salier
The Arch Lector or Hand of War is a Reverend of the Holy Synod who is tasked to govern and oversee the creation, development, progression and movements of the Helerian Guard. The Arch Lector holds extreme authority over the Helerian Guard, standing above even the Commander, however he will usually not utilize his power over the Guard unless the situation necessitates it. The Arch Lector supervises the Commandant and ensure the activity and growth of the Holy Establishment. The Arch Lector reports to the High Reverend and the Collective Synod, who he himself is a member of.

Empty seat.
The Commander of the Helerian holds extreme authority over the Captains and Guardians of the Helerian, and the movements of the establishment, as well as the festerity of activity within the ranks. The Commander of the Helerian responds to the Hand of War however, and must listen to the orders given to him by said Hand of War. That being his only jurisdiction, the Commander rules over the Helerian Guard freely and may recruit and demote as he deems fit, appoint roles, hand out tasks and objectives, et cetera.

The Captains, often proven sergeants or Holy Knights, are the subordinates of the commandant, assuming most of the day-to-day administrative duties of the guard which have not already been delegated. The captains are responsible for discipline and activity within the Helerians.

The Sergeants are the non-commissioned officers of the Helerian Guard. They hold command over the guardsmen, they are tasked with educating the regulars in various formations, combat, and etiquette. Sergeants often accompany captains as adjutants, yet are allowed to lead small-time operations

The Guardsmen are the regular ranks of the Helerian, men devoted to Unionism and the Sancella Faith as well as the Holy Synod itself, who take up their arms to defend the Holy Establishments and Eminences with their lives on the line. Guardsmen are considered Holy Warriors of the Faith whose mission is to obediently stand guard over the Sancella Properties and the Reverends of the Faith and rescue them of risk.



Each Helerian in the Guard, is upon entry presented with a full set of armor, paid by the Sancella. It's the piece of equipment a Helerian will be taught how to use, clean and perform maintenance on. It is after all the only piece of armor a man of the company will be given, for free. Exceptionally gifted Helerians can be granted additional pieces of equipment and/or objects as rewards, that signify the persons accomplishments.

Variations of the Helerian Guard uniform




Aspirants to the Helerian Guard may pen a letter to the Helerian Commandant, expressing interest and qualifications. The letter must at the very least contain; your age, race, gender, combat experience, and commitment to the Unionist faith.


IC Name & Character Application:

Discord Tag:

Resume Letter:
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IC Name: Aliksander Viduggla

MC Name: nath_n

Do you have Discord: Yeah you got it

Resume Letter:

To whom it may concern,

I am Aliksander Viduggla and I am willing to protect the Reverends of the Sanchella in spreading a great way of Unionism. I am of the School of Feer Drakken. And I feel with the ongoing rogue mages, sanguines, and Silven plotting against our empire. Our clergymen should need the protection as well as those of the citizens. I am of age twenty and a Velheim Ailor. I am willing to put myself in harm's way for these Reverends, against these ongoing threats to our ongoing society. The cleansing and the protection of our society is what is most important to me. Especially with all these aberrants running about. I hope to hear your response soon. Your's truly.

Spirit Enlighten Your Path,
Aliksander Viduggla​
IC Name: William Alexander

MC Name: Geekfoe51

Do you have Discord: Si, Nick_Valentine#4364
Resume Letter:

Dear Helerian Command,

I am William Alexander and I wish to help protect the Reverends from any danger that may come in their path. I am a 30 year old male Colonial Alior, born from the city of Dawnton. I graduated from the School of Bloodcast at the age of 24 and I hope to help the Synod by helping to defend them during these dark times. The Mages and Sanguines that run around is a horrible sight to see and I wish to keep the Reverends safe from those horrible creatures with my own life. I also hope this letter finds you in good health, for we need to help each other in order to remain strong during these times.

Spirits Bless
Signed, William Alexander
IC Name: Aliksander Viduggla

MC Name: nath_n

Do you have Discord: Yeah you got it

Resume Letter:

To whom it may concern,

I am Aliksander Viduggla and I am willing to protect the Reverends of the Sanchella in spreading a great way of Unionism. I am of the School of Feer Drakken. And I feel with the ongoing rogue mages, sanguines, and Silven plotting against our empire. Our clergymen should need the protection as well as those of the citizens. I am of age twenty and a Velheim Ailor. I am willing to put myself in harm's way for these Reverends, against these ongoing threats to our ongoing society. The cleansing and the protection of our society is what is most important to me. Especially with all these aberrants running about. I hope to hear your response soon. Your's truly.

Spirit Enlighten Your Path,
Aliksander Viduggla​
Everything is still being sorted, ill get to this when I know for sure what the deal is for communication via discord, need some titles implemented. Standby.
IC Name: Camilla Caladwen

MC Name: Ailethi

Do you have Discord: Mhm! Ailethi#1178

Resume Letter:

To that in question,

Greetings to who ever may be reading this. I am Camilla Caladwen, a Pavisa graduate. Most of the reason I am writting and submitting this is due to the fact of the state our Holy City is in. With the Sangine Crisis, those the Spirit has gifted with be in need of protection, some where safe to be. I have been trained in sword, shield, and even a bow. Diverse enough to protect and defend whatever the case. Although I am simply an Avanthar, I have been imperialized and adopted the Unionist faith. Even if not accepted, I bid everyone good luck.

Humble Regards and Spirit Bless,
Camilla Caladwen​
IC Name: Aliksander Viduggla

MC Name: nath_n

Do you have Discord: Yeah you got it

Resume Letter:

To whom it may concern,

I am Aliksander Viduggla and I am willing to protect the Reverends of the Sanchella in spreading a great way of Unionism. I am of the School of Feer Drakken. And I feel with the ongoing rogue mages, sanguines, and Silven plotting against our empire. Our clergymen should need the protection as well as those of the citizens. I am of age twenty and a Velheim Ailor. I am willing to put myself in harm's way for these Reverends, against these ongoing threats to our ongoing society. The cleansing and the protection of our society is what is most important to me. Especially with all these aberrants running about. I hope to hear your response soon. Your's truly.

Spirit Enlighten Your Path,
Aliksander Viduggla​
IC Name: Camilla Caladwen

MC Name: Ailethi

Do you have Discord: Mhm! Ailethi#1178

Resume Letter:

To that in question,

Greetings to who ever may be reading this. I am Camilla Caladwen, a Pavisa graduate. Most of the reason I am writting and submitting this is due to the fact of the state our Holy City is in. With the Sangine Crisis, those the Spirit has gifted with be in need of protection, some where safe to be. I have been trained in sword, shield, and even a bow. Diverse enough to protect and defend whatever the case. Although I am simply an Avanthar, I have been imperialized and adopted the Unionist faith. Even if not accepted, I bid everyone good luck.

Humble Regards and Spirit Bless,
Camilla Caladwen​
You're both accepted! Expect a discord invitation.
IC Name: Laurent Lockley
MC Name:
Do you have Discord:

Resume Letter:
[Character Sheet]
Adressed to the Helerian Commander.

Spirit bless to you, Commander. My name is Laurent Lockley, and I am a member of the Lion Pelt school of combat. I have resided within Regalia for several years, and have seen it change from good to bad, to worse over the course of the last few, short months.
I wish to dedicate myself to a guard force, and which better than one which serves the Sanchella and our Holy fathers.
I have known combat for twenty years, and whilst I was raised in Claith culture, it is some time ago that I converted to Unionism, and adopted the Imperial culture in place.
I bid you well, and hope that you see fit to use my abilities to your benefit.

Laurent Lockley
IC Name: Laurent Lockley
MC Name: VampireStrahd
Do you have Discord: Snug#0797

Resume Letter:
[Character Sheet]
Adressed to the Helerian Commander.

Spirit bless to you, Commander. My name is Laurent Lockley, and I am a member of the Lion Pelt school of combat. I have resided within Regalia for several years, and have seen it change from good to bad, to worse over the course of the last few, short months.
I wish to dedicate myself to a guard force, and which better than one which serves the Sanchella and our Holy fathers.
I have known combat for twenty years, and whilst I was raised in Claith culture, it is some time ago that I converted to Unionism, and adopted the Imperial culture in place.
I bid you well, and hope that you see fit to use my abilities to your benefit.

Laurent Lockley
You are accepted! Expect a discord invitation shortly.
IC Name: Damien Lemaire

MC Name: YpaJ (prolly gonna change when the time runs out.)

Do you have Discord: yes!

Helerian Commandant,

As a Villiers-Eclaire knight, I feel it a necessity to serve the Synod. I hope to work and serve the Spirit to the fullest, and this would be my first opportunity to do so. I'm a year out of the academy itself, and am personally trained with a halberd to help. I hope to hear good news, as it's a damn shame there are so little Helerians as of yet.
IC Name: Damien Lemaire

MC Name: YpaJ (prolly gonna change when the time runs out.)

Do you have Discord: yes!

Helerian Commandant,

As a Villiers-Eclaire knight, I feel it a necessity to serve the Synod. I hope to work and serve the Spirit to the fullest, and this would be my first opportunity to do so. I'm a year out of the academy itself, and am personally trained with a halberd to help. I hope to hear good news, as it's a damn shame there are so little Helerians as of yet.
Accepted! Expect a discord invite.
IC Name: Karsten Rote

MC Name: NathanSandwiches

Do you have Discord: Yeah. Nathan#3645

"Helerian Commandant,

Greetings, I write to you in seek of defending the Holy Synod. Being a Knight of Lion Pelt, this seems a great way to use my skills. I am eager to defend those that preach of the True Faith. I see this as an honourable position, and I shall hold it with pride."​

Spirit's Blessings,
Ser Karsten Rote.​
IC Name: Karsten Rote

MC Name: NathanSandwiches

Do you have Discord: Yeah. Nathan#3645

"Helerian Commandant,

Greetings, I write to you in seek of defending the Holy Synod. Being a Knight of Lion Pelt, this seems a great way to use my skills. I am eager to defend those that preach of the True Faith. I see this as an honourable position, and I shall hold it with pride."​

Spirit's Blessings,
Ser Karsten Rote.​
IGN: Osowiec

IC Name & Character Application: Chidike Youssouf

Discord Tag: Osowiec#7972

Dear, Reverend-Arch Lector

I write to you in hopes of finalizing my admittance into the Helerian Guard. As you may already be aware, I am a 33 year old male Songaskian. I have abandoned my faith in hopes of obtaining redemption in the true faith, Unionism. I've been raised since a child to fight in wars for men, and now I would be honored to fight for a higher cause - a holy cause.

Best regards, Chidike Youssouf.
IGN: MrOof1

IC Name & Character Application:
Mathias Nordmark

Discord Tag:

Resume Letter:

Helerian Commandant,

Evening, I am Mathias Nordmark from the School of Feer-Drakken. I write to you with the hopes of defending the Synod from any dangers they may come across. I am thirty-five years old Alior from the city of Jarrow.

Spirit Protect,
Mathias Nordmark
IGN: Osowiec

IC Name & Character Application: Chidike Youssouf

Discord Tag: Osowiec#7972

Dear, Reverend-Arch Lector

I write to you in hopes of finalizing my admittance into the Helerian Guard. As you may already be aware, I am a 33 year old male Songaskian. I have abandoned my faith in hopes of obtaining redemption in the true faith, Unionism. I've been raised since a child to fight in wars for men, and now I would be honored to fight for a higher cause - a holy cause.

Best regards, Chidike Youssouf.
IGN: MrOof1

IC Name & Character Application:
Mathias Nordmark

Discord Tag:

Resume Letter:

Helerian Commandant,

Evening, I am Mathias Nordmark from the School of Feer-Drakken. I write to you with the hopes of defending the Synod from any dangers they may come across. I am thirty-five years old Alior from the city of Jarrow.

Spirit Protect,
Mathias Nordmark
Two letters are sent from the Grand Cathedral via courier.

After much deliberation and council from my peers. I have decided to accept your application to the Helerian Guard. Report to the Grand Cathedral as soon as possible, where you shall be outfitted and made acquainted with the Guard and its ways.

Reverend Jakob Hendrik Ludevar
Select-Master of War, Arch Lector of the Helerian Guard,
Knight of the Virtuous Blood, Holder of the Bloodied Chalice​
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IGN: Icaruscien

IC Name & Character Application: Wesley Crawford.

Discord Tag: thomas °☼.#3739

Resume Letter:
Most esteemed greetings Arch Lector Ludevar,

I seek acceptance into the Helerian Guard as an extension of my existing duties to the Synod and State as an inquisitor of the most divine militia of the city. Whilst my blood is muddied with Altalar heritage, my eyes are tainted silver with the Exist, and my hands discharge lightning with the slightest touch, I've been able to perform exemplary duties to the state to the point where my collar has been completely removed. I'm doubtful of acceptance, yet my ambition is not tobe curbed. I hope to demonstrate my skillset in person upon acceptance, and hope you consider my ambition despite my circumstances.

Sincerely, Wesley Crawford.
IGN: Yuest

IC Name & Character Application: Franklin McDowell

Discord Tag: Yuest#8312

Resume Letter
The handwriting wasn't great and almost like a ten year old writing.

To whom it may concern,

Ever since I was a child I have been interested with Unionism, that was my faith as a child, and still is to this day.
Some have told me of my great stature and how big I am, I want to serve you and make my presence useful for once. Others have pointed out my disfigurement, it might frighten some others but not me, I believe it was a miracle by the Imperial Spirit, my faith brought me back to life. As it saved me, I will serve them. This accident that occurred went on when I was a child, I couldn't see my steps so I took a rock to the skull, opening the left side of my face, it was a miraculous feat served by the Spirit. I am not a good thinker but can make up with that with my body, my body is quite big, I can assure you. I've been in training with a war hammer most of my life, so I know offensive warfare, I was also trained with unarmed combat, which I was again quite fond of.
If you could take my offer into consideration in helping the Synod, that would be most greatly appreciated.

-Franklin McDowell

@Salier @WrongChat
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IGN: Icaruscien

IC Name & Character Application: Wesley Crawford.

Discord Tag: thomas °☼.#3739

Resume Letter:
Most esteemed greetings Arch Lector Ludevar,

I seek acceptance into the Helerian Guard as an extension of my existing duties to the Synod and State as an inquisitor of the most divine militia of the city. Whilst my blood is muddied with Altalar heritage, my eyes are tainted silver with the Exist, and my hands discharge lightning with the slightest touch, I've been able to perform exemplary duties to the state to the point where my collar has been completely removed. I'm doubtful of acceptance, yet my ambition is not tobe curbed. I hope to demonstrate my skillset in person upon acceptance, and hope you consider my ambition despite my circumstances.

Sincerely, Wesley Crawford.
IGN: Yuest

IC Name & Character Application: Franklin McDowell

Discord Tag: Yuest#8312

Resume Letter
The handwriting wasn't great and almost like a ten year old writing.

To whom it may concern,

Ever since I was a child I have been interested with Unionism, that was my faith as a child, and still is to this day.
Some have told me of my great stature and how big I am, I want to serve you and make my presence useful for once. Others have pointed out my disfigurement, it might frighten some others but not me, I believe it was a miracle by the Imperial Spirit, my faith brought me back to life. As it saved me, I will serve them. This accident that occurred went on when I was a child, I couldn't see my steps so I took a rock to the skull, opening the left side of my face, it was a miraculous feat served by the Spirit. I am not a good thinker but can make up with that with my body, my body is quite big, I can assure you. I've been in training with a war hammer most of my life, so I know offensive warfare, I was also trained with unarmed combat, which I was again quite fond of.
If you could take my offer into consideration in helping the Synod, that would be most greatly appreciated.

-Franklin McDowell

@Salier @WrongChat
Two letters are sent back via courier from the Grand Cathedral

To Wesley:
To Wesley Crawford.

After careful consideration, I have decided to approve of your entry into the Helerian Guard, if that is what you still wish. You are to report to the Grand Cathedral and speak with our resident Quartermaster to be outfitted with your armor. From there your duties will begin. Fail to do anything and your entry will be rescinded.

Commandant Moslin​
To Franklin
To the most sturdy Franklin McDowell.

The moment I read your letter, I knew, this was a valiant and pious aspirant. You have been approved for entry, I expect you to report to the Grand Cathedral for outfitting. You will be taught our regulations and then you are free to do your duties. I am most thankful for your interest in the Guard and I hope to see you soon

Commandant Moslin​

I will contact you on discord asap. Don't actually go to the cathedral (someone did that)