• Character Sheets are optional on MassiveCraft. You do not need a sheet to play or be whitelisted on our server. You only need a sheet if you plan to engage in roleplay combat.
This character is actively played.


i am a girlboss i am a war criminal
Feb 1, 2020
Reaction score

  • Name: The Hateful (Taker, Sfarsiftul, Raivaan)
  • Race: Inapplicable (Greater Spirit)
  • Age: Indeterminable
  • Occult: Ordial
  • The Hateful is an otherworldly being sojourning in Aloria, empowered by the malice of damned Shades it has consumed. As a hand to The Malefica, they desire to see the living world, and its inhabitants, brought to dust and scattered to the wind. The world they see as the future - the perfect world - is one of perfect annihilation.
  • The Hateful's alien mind is difficult to unravel; being an entity wholly born of The Beyond, the horrible cognizance the Spirit itself possesses lays beyond the description of words. The Shades which supplicate it - and it uses for power - functions as its means of interacting with the world and communicating with its inhabitants. Every Shade, however distant, has a voice in the swirling cacophony, and every voice screams, cries, and curses for Ruin.
  • Only by comparison could it be considered humanoid. It was the shadow of a slender figure - or perhaps many - cast by the begrudging moon's pallid glow. It steps without care on the thin wall separating the formed from the formless, and moves about like the atrophic mind pleading to explain the untellable. No single specific noun could say, only pronouns and verbs and wild ramblings and enunciations that send the common-folk to the sanitariums.
  • ARCANE: 7
    • SINISTRAL (+1 FREE // Spirit Buff 1):
      • Sinistral Puppet (FREE // Spirit Buff 2)
      • Sinistral Corrode
      • Sinistral Leap
      • Sinistral Rage
      • Sinistral Explode
      • Sinistral Mindvex (FREE // Spirit Buff 1)
    • RADIANT:
      • Radiant Push
      • Radiant Relocate
    • CHEM:
      • Chem Enrage
  • WISDOM: 0 (+1 FREE // Spirit Buff 3)
      • Enchant Shift (FREE // Spirit Buff 3)
  • FAITH: 7
      • Hex Defense
      • Hex Plot
      • Hex Revive
      • Hex Aura
      • Hex Sapper
      • Hex Choice
      • Hex Guide
  • Deathspeech [10/10] ⋊Death⋉ Cutting whispers... Scratchy runes... A melody of death.
  • A Majority of Aloria's Languages ⋊Learned through Devoured Shades⋉
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Eyo Ghosts? That's sum spooky stuff man. Don't worry though...I know who to call.
Dead people despise Planar influence, it does not make sense for a shade to be attempting to corrupt others. Think of Undead as sort of negative purists.
The three points previously used for Vile Vine have been tossed into the Lost Proficiency pile!
(also i fixed the title)
@Caelamus Big edit, now the sheet is up to date with how current sheets are. Also changed proficiency spread, age to be pre-wildering/cataclysm, and funked with the backstory because I did not like the initial one and thought it was goofy.
They're ancient but they remember jack shit so they'll still have less knowledge than the below-average regalian child.
@Caelamus Big edit, now the sheet is up to date with how current sheets are. Also changed proficiency spread, age to be pre-wildering/cataclysm, and funked with the backstory because I did not like the initial one and thought it was goofy.
They're ancient but they remember jack shit so they'll still have less knowledge than the below-average regalian child.
Updated in preparation for upcoming Undead update
@WingedJade wuh woh combat update + i blinged out the character sheet with darkest dungeon pips and icons
Looking back at all the revisions is really funny. This character has changed a lot as I've slowly found the menace I want to play. Character really went from "I wanna steal the stuff you got because I think it looks interesting" to "I am going to exact horrible entropy upon you for all my hate I feel for this world"