The Hardest Goodbye


[Mood Music]

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For most people it was just a normal, everyday morning in the holy city, people had started waking up to get ready for work, eating breakfast and getting their children out of bed. It was, however, a slightly odd day in the Lupenzi household. In fact, nothing would be normal this day, but no one in the family knew this yet; the first sign that something was not quite right was that none of the dogs was up first to wake up the inhabitants, instead, the patriarch, Lazarus, was the first to open his eyes. The man seemed confused for a moment, looking around as if he was searching for the reason of why he had woken. When he found neither dogs or children he sat, looking to his still sleeping wife. She wasn't awake either. It seemed as if he pushed the confusion aside, however, stretching with a large yawn before he got out of the bed to dress. No matter how peculiar ones morning was, he still had to get to work. After delivering a kiss to the sleeping nelfin's cheek, he was out the bedroom door. He walked down the stairs as quietly as he could, trying to spare his wife an excited daughter jumping into bed to wake her. Calm mornings was, even if suspicious, something you couldn't help but treasure dearly as a parent.
When he came to the second floor he noted a big clump of white and light gray fur on the couch. It took the man's tired eyes a long moment and a few blinks to figure out where the dogs started and ended. Sigrun, the eldest as sleeping in the middle, and Socks and Whiskey were huddled close, so close they looked like they were about to merge together. The younger dogs seemed to wake up at the sound of his steps, wagging their tails, but they did not move. The middle pup was still sound asleep, not opening her eyes.

"Ey, lazy arses. Don't y'want breakfast?" Lazarus asked in a hushed tone, not to wake the children. The youngest, Whiskey, bounced out of the couch to run to his owner at that. Socks seemed reluctant to follow, but with a small boop on Sigrun's head, he followed suit and sluggishly made his way down the stairs together with Whiskey. Lazarus furrowed his brows as Sigrun laid still on the couch and went up to her, kneeling in front of the seat as he petted his companion.

"C'mon girl, let's get up and eat somethin'. I'm tired too," he mumbled, and Sigrun wagged her tail twice before licking the man across the face. Lazarus couldn't help but splutter at the affectionate attack, followed by chuckles as he wiped down his face.

"Good girl, get up now."
After breakfast, the man took the dogs out on the mainly empty streets for a morning walk. The younger dogs were all over the place, sniffing everything and everyone their leashes allowed them, but Sigrun stayed close to her best friend. This wasn't unusual, she had been more dignified than the younger pups for a long time. Bree jokingly called her the furry dictator, and no one seemed to disagree, not even the dog herself. Whenever they stopped for some reason, Sigrun would take the moment to sit and lean to Lazarus' leg. He looked down on his furry companion and scratched her head gently, offering her a smile as Whiskey and Socks explored a pair of bushes. Sigrun looked up to Lazarus with a tired, but content gaze, even offering a few wags of her tail.

"Children, am I right Siggy?" He asked as he took the toast out of his mouth, nodding in the direction of the younger dogs. She gave a low growl in confirmation, wagging her tail as the man chuckled.

"Let's go home so y'can sleep in."

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The day at the Lupenzi house went on as normal after Lazarus left for work, and Sigrun watched it all from her secure place on the couch. She felt the tiredness take over more and more and the two other dogs noticed as well; they came up to her regularly to check that she was alright, and sometimes they stayed by her side for a moment. Sigrun herself watched Eirunn and Tobias wake up and start roaming the house, she watched as Aubrey chased her daughter through the house to try and get the girl to dress up. She watched as Eirunn played on the floor in front of her, and obediently sniffed and showed interest in all toys the little girl extended to the dog. She watched the girl be taken for a nap, and when Aubrey came back to read in the couch next to her, Sigrun scooched closer to place her head in the nelfin's lap. She didn't usually do this, not because she wasn't fond of Lazarus' new wife, but because she often opted to choose Lazarus over anyone. But Lazarus wasn't there, and she wanted the comfort. Aubrey idly ran her fingertips through Sigrun's fur, and for a moment the hound nearly fell asleep, but she forced her eyes open. She just wanted to see her best friend one more time. Just once.

They stayed like that for the duration of Eirunn's nap, and Sigrun had to fight to stay awake until Aubrey stood to go to her daughter. Soon thereafter Tobias came home, and Sigrun could hear him leashing Socks and Whiskey downstairs. But she was too tired to move.
"Sigrun! Time for a walk!" Tobias called out from downstairs. The dog didn't move a muscle, she didn't even try. She knew she was too weak to stand at this point.

"Come on Siggy! Who's a good girl?"

I'm too tired.

Tobias soon came upstairs to look for the dog, spotting her instantly. He wore the stupid grin he had gotten from his father, patting his thighs.

"Come on, let's go for a walk! Want to go to the park?" he tried again, but Sigrun stayed, blinking slowly.

I am sorry Tobias. I can't.

"Siggy?" He asked, furrowing his brows. The boy seemed confused and worried at the same time, being ignored multiple times in a row by the most obedient dog in the house. It wasn't normal.

"Bree! I think there's something wrong with Sigrun!" Tobias called out, his voice breaking slightly as he rose it. Sigrun blinked slowly. He reminded her of Lazarus. Aubrey soon came in the room, and Sigrun met her icy gaze as the nelfin kneeled in front of her, studying her intently whilst patting her head. Sigrun could see the woman's lower lip shiver a bit before she cleared her throat.

"Tobias, could you go get your father? Tell him he has to come home right away. You can walk the dogs later" Aubrey said, still keeping eye contact with the dog.

Thank you.

- + -

Sigrun fought to keep her eyes open, listening to Aubrey talk quietly to Eirunn, occasionally throwing the worried gaze to the dog. She felt at peace. She knew Lazarus was happy, she knew he wasn't going to be alone. Perhaps that was why she had accepted her state as much as she did. She knew that her best friend would be properly cared for until they could meet again. It did, however, feel like forever before she heard the door open downstairs, and Lazarus voice filling the house.

"Bree? What's wrong?" He called out, and Sigrun blinked slowly from the second floor. She would have barked, but she didn't have the energy.

"Lazarus, come upstairs. It's Sigrun." the nelfin answered and Sigrun could hear Lazarus hurried steps up the stairs, and connected her tired stare to his worried, blue eyes when he reached the floor. He froze as he laid eyes on his furry companion, his face contorting into a pained grimace as his eyes seemed to gleam a tad more than normal. Aubrey moved to her husband before he could approach his hound, whispering so that Eirunn couldn't hear.

"She is really tired, she won't get up. I don't think she has that long sweetheart.." she whispered, her voice breaking slightly as her emotions failed her. "I'll leave you with her, I'll be just downstairs"
Sigrun watched Aubrey pick up Eirunn and carry her away, and for a moment the dog followed them with her gaze, before looking to Lazarus again. The man went up to the couch, kneeling in front of it as he started petting her biting down on his lip before he gave way to a sniffle and wiped his sleeve across his eyes.
"H-hey girl, y… y'are really tired, aren't y?" He whispered, going to place his forehead to hers whilst running his fingers through the fur on her cheeks. "Is it time to.. to leave?"

Sigrun managed to give was to a small growl in return, ending up more like a murmur, but Lazarus nodded. He understood.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize. But.. but it's alright, y'll be alright," he whispered and went to nestle his arms around her neck in a hug, still running his fingers through his fur as he sniffled again. Sigrun finally lost the battle to her heavy eyelids, letting her eyes shut as she nuzzled closer to her best friend. She could feel him tremble as he did his best to hold back most of the tears, but despite his tries, she knew he was hurting.
"I will miss you Siggy, y'know that, right?" He whispered, his voice failing his in forms of cracks into a high pitched tone that was otherwise unlike the man.

I will miss you too.

"Ye wait for me, alright? I'll be there soon, swear on m'honor.. Y'don't need to be scared, aye? Y'll be just fine girl."

So will you.

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This lore story was written by @JoyShake with intention of making my eyeballs sweat, of which it did.. Is this what you wanted, Joy.. Is it?

I decided it was about time to let my original mineman doggo go, she was a good girl, in IC years she was living for an unnaturally long time, so I mean.. I guess it was warranted.

Anyways, I introduced her back here.

R I P S I G R U N <3

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Claudia curled up into an abundance of blankets at the news of her childhood pet having passed away, staring into the darkness that surrounded her within her blanket cocoon. A pained expression spreading across her face and a quiet whine following suit. It was a tearful night for the brunette, tearful indeed.