The Grey Order


professional meme-lord who does mineman rp
Feb 10, 2020
Reaction score
(something might be wrong with the image)
The Grey Order is a vigilante group that aims to restore equality to all in Regalia, regardless of whether the law says we can or not. Due to this, the organization also specializes in magic and mystery investigation, and will accept any requests to do so. If you have received a note by the leader, it is an invite into our organization, as he has seen you worthy of joining the cause. However, if you do not wish to partake in aiding the organization, you may leave and decline without question. We believe in the freedom of choice, and allow for those who do not wish to risk themselves. All we ask is that you spread the word of our organization, and help those in need when you can. Please know that we are not mercenaries, and do not do our actions for wealth or status.

We are a group that wishes to involve itself in crime roleplay. Although our group is small right now, we aim to have a friendly community that has fun while doing these vigilante/investigation antics, and welcoming new players to the RP scene. The note, as mentioned, is given by the leader, Jcboi5 (The Masked Man in-game).
Being an order of balance and equality, apart from the founder, there is no hierarchy of ranks in the organizations, simply members. You may serve more than one role, but it is preferred you specialize in one.

Those who primarily investigate mysterious and magical happenings in the city.
Those who aid Investigators, especially in more covert searches (i.e. intruding a noble home or estate)
Those who spread the message of the organization and rally people to it's cause.
Those who seek out other members, and invite them to the group. They are expected to find those who are most willing or those who most agree with our beliefs.
Defenders/ Fighters:
Those who wish to be the frontline defense in cases of conflict with other gangs or organizations. However, this may be the least played role, as the organization is one of peace, rather than conflict
Those who wish to settle issues with other gangs, and in extension the government. These people are the backbone of what the order strives for, one of peace and equality.
As previously mentioned, you may receive a note personally from the leader (Jcboi5) or a messenger in-game (NPC or player). Once you do receive it, direct message him in-game or on Discord at JaSe#2058 to notify if you are interested, and wish to join. If you are, apply to the organization using the template below, either as a reply on this forum page, or a direct message to him. Or, if you don't wish to wait for an invite, you may also just message him right away, just feature an IC letter.
For both Discord and Forums:
♦ Discord(?):
♦ Character Name/Alias:
♦ Character App(Not required, but highly recommended):
♦ Preferred Role(s):
♦ IC Letter (if joining directly and not invited):

(Note: As of recent, we have allied with another organization known as the Blood Moon Clan. See their thread for more info about them.)
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