The Great Journey Of 307 Ac - Part 3: Serpents Celebrating

Even though it was practically the middle of the day, the Slizzar celebrated with great fires, drink, and dance for hours upon hours, well into the evening. The various members of the Ophid Union were spread out along these beaches, all worshiping and celebrating in their own unique ways.

Henric had a mission. A plan brought to him in a vision from one of the Sseptson, and so he put into action. He was confident and ready as he approached a group milling about near a preparing band. He moved to a position between the band and the group, clutching his flute as he regarded the audience. A few nearest to him turned and looked with curiosity, thus beginning his music. It was an overall simple and practiced a tune, Slizzar in origin, and Henric proceeded well throughout much of it. Most of the audience and some of the actual musicians were turned to look at him now as he reached the ending. It was sadly here that he messed up. A finger slipped from one of the holes, and a discordant off note sounded at the end before Henric stopped, the notes having now piddled away. He paused and mentally cursed himself before stating "Well, now for the ACTUAL musicians…", slithering out of the way and off to the side amidst some light claps from those nearby. His work had been satisfied..and now there were other things to do.
"Do you have any sixes?"


"Go Meetok…"

The two Mu-Allar sat there on the ship deck, clawed hands idly fiddling with a deck of cards, playing Go Meetok.

The Eclipse had barely bothered them, and they turned their heads away to shield themselves from any eye damage appropriately. Perhaps one or both of them might have made the connection to the Eclipse and their Slizzar passengers, both veterans of the Essa Empire and the celebrations the Slizzar used to hold...but then again the game of Go Meetok was just so enthralling.

"Do you have any nines?"


"Go Meetok…"
The next morning, Henric was up and waiting by the boat for his whole group. He was there partly to guard it, making sure that some tricky Ssaliden worshipers didn't slip aboard to steal their things or steal the boat itself. He was back to his Ailor shift as well. Gradually, they all came back, Sszaf'liz Lla'sviza, Clovis, Sacshekhi, and all the rest. They then set sail, all re-Shifted and all redressed to appear normal. In the early morning sun, most were groggy, downright sleepwalking in a case or two perhaps, but all were happy. It had been a glorious night. But now, they returned to their lives in the distant Regalian capital as was their need, to earn money, to gain prestige, to earn respect, all to prove themselves to their unseen gods. The Great Journey for the year of 307 AC was over, but before any knew it, a new one would be coming.
OOC: There are three parts to this story, and you can read the other two parts here (Part 1) and here (Part 2). I hope everyone enjoyed having a read and consider making their own Slizzar character in the future. If you do, feel free to message me, I have plenty of useful information and documents to help you out. For all those Slizzar out there who are NOT in this post, please contact me! I would enjoy to try and include you in my Slizzar group.
Tag list for those in the Ophid Union: @HoshiWomp @NoRezForYou @HereticTakao @EagleEyeKK @Havsbris_ @PuffyPigeon @The_Western_Fox @Chiruda @AngelWho2013