"T'is not too late to seek a newer world."
"No es demasiado tarde para buscar un mundo nuevo."
I - Introduction/History
II - Services
III - Jobs
IV - Location
V - Application form
VI - Subsidiaries
I - Introduction/History
II - Services
III - Jobs
IV - Location
V - Application form
VI - Subsidiaries
I. Introduction and History.
The 'Banco Grandioso el Aristócrata del Puente' or 'The Grand del Puente Bank' in the common tongue, was established 126AC., in the province of Castro Carcel, Girobalda. The bank, unlike the merchant banks or burgher banks of the cities, served not only as a source of investment in business ventures but, also a safe haven for the coin of nobles and aristocrats alike. The Grand Bank presently funds private wars, projects of a grand magnitude, and provincial improvements in the lands of smaller Houses.
As the bank grew over the years of its existence, it has become more and more averse to funding the smaller projects of the common man, however, since the regency of the Reverend Julian del Puente over the bank's Regalian assets, a boom in smaller loans has taken place, often at low levels of interest and in a fair spirited manner. Since the Unionist Church has no specific scriptures condemning usury, House del Puente has often deemed that so long as they offer a fair trade, they may retain their sense of Unionist morality; none have shown this commitment better than Reverend Julian, in recent time.
II. Services.
Those with a deposit of 100Regals or more incur greater leniency on loans, including a lowering of interest by 2% Per Regals stored. (Regals held within the bank are strictly IG Regals - or, Noble Spreadsheet Regals)
Low-Interest Loans.
Loans are often provided by the bank for a number of reasons, and, most certainly if the money handed out can be claimed. A bill of exchange - a formal document, drawn up to add legality to the transaction, is signed by both the bank and the client. The client may bargain a reasonable deal and a time in which they may repay the loan. Thereafter, the client may spend the money as they choose, and, hopefully, make good on their contract.
Bill of Exchange -305AC.
Loans will be made in Regals from House del Puente's funds, and will usually be between The Grand Bank and another noble family. I.E, family A suffers damage to their holdings - they take a loan from The Grand Bank to repair, and, after the success and return of money, family A repays their loan in full.
Gold Exchange Contracts.
The Bank exchanges gold at the following rates:
1 Nugget: 1/2 Regal.
1 Ingot: 2 Regals.
1 Plate: 4 Regals.
1 Block: 6 Regals.
Golden Lore Items-
Valued individually
Marked bars are kept safe and highly guarded amid del Puente Banks and Subsidiaries.
Financial Advise.
The Grand del Puente Bank offers free-of-charge services, including financial advice, from those trained in the art of banking. Guidance in the case of monetary loss, or financial instability of a realm, along with advice on how to bolster the assets of a noble holding.
A session of financial advisors with an unnamed Dutchess - 256AC.
Such services are, however, only available to those who have deposited a sum of 100Regals or higher, within the bank's vaults. Such measures are to ensure that the goodwill of del Puente Banking c., is not misused by competitors.
Further Services Coming Soon...
III. Jobs and Positions
Jobs are open to those with +5< proficiency in banking.
Financiero Regente
The Regente oversees a specific branch of The Grand del Puente Bank. In essence, the most important Financiero Regente exists within the Regalia-proper branch of the Grand del Puente Bank, established 237AC., as an effort to expand the bank's interests. The Regente oversees all operations and finalises all loans and ongoings within the bank itself. The position is typically held by a del Puente, however, there have been breaks in this rule.
- Reverend Julian del Puente @Tiber_
Grande Funcionario
A Grande Funcionario is a financial expert within the field of banking, and, considered a loyal asset of The Grand Bank. These members sit on the Banking Board, which is comprised of high-level investors, and ranking members of the business. The Grande Funcionario may sign off on contracts, but needs approval for a 'Bill of Exchange'.
The Secretario mans the desks of the Bank and completes transactions with clients. They are the face of The Grand Bank and the first to greet customers upon entry. These men and women could be said to be the backbone of the industry, and if competent at their work, can progress the ranks.
There is little to say about the Escribiente, other than they perform paperwork related tasks, and serve as a stepping stage to higher jobs. The position can be seen as a test of loyalty and work ethic.
IV. Location.
Salonrue4, Ithanian District.
(Turn right from spawn, the bank is on the upper level of Salonrue directly ahead.)
The building with the grey X across its roof, at the bottom right.
Character App.
Banking proficiency.
VI. Subsidiaries.
To be added-