Magical Guild The Golden Heart


Ifrit Enthusiast
Sep 10, 2013
Reaction score
The Crown Isle, Regalia

Knowledge Shared, Bonds Forged
Shy away from those who try to belittle your ambitions


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golden heart3.webp


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༻ You can join our Discord Server by CLICKING HERE


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❤︎ | Background
Created by an Evolist named Osira in September of 312 AC, The Golden Heart began within the Vampire District tavern. With a developing influence over the Vampire District, this guild provides a safe haven and high standard of living for Occult from the likes of Purists, Archon and Knights who seek to do them harm. Furthermore, The Golden Heart offers a livelihood that cannot be found anywhere else.

❤︎ | Mission Statement
The Golden Heart has three main mission statements:​
| To protect those who are hunted down and attacked by Archon, Purists and Knights. This is done with Player Character enforcers called Guardians who serve The Golden Heart and protect the Vampire District (excluding residents who are enemies of The Golden Heart) as well as the tavern itself.​

| To promote Evolism and the benefits it has for the self and for the world around the worshipper. This is done by sharing knowledge of Evolism among the Vampire District and the many ways it can improve lives. For instance, making individuals stronger in a harsh world and improving a weak world (such as plantlife and woodland) to be able to defend the worshippers and itself.​

| To encourage and nurture ambition, especially in Evolism. If you have a goal and need aid then The Golden Heart will listen and may even offer support. This is done through conversation, lore-discussion in-character and goal-setting.

| To provide more than just a refuge or brief respite from those who would do the outcasted harm - To provide a home and safety.

❤︎ | Symbolism
The Golden Hearts
symbolism is very simple, though there is a deeper meaning to its colours and wording. The symbol is a Golden Heart of two entwining Dragons. The Golden Heart began as a tavern in the Vampire District dedicated to the God of Love Armas, the Golden Order. Therefore, the Golden Heart seeks to maintain its legacy by offering refuge and love just as Armas does. Colours typically include white and gold, although there is currently no official uniform to adhere to.​

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underground city.webp


"Behold the future in your minds eye and then make it a reality"

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The Golden Heart is always recruiting because Knights, Purists and Archon, as well as Evil forces among the Estelley do not rest in their path of destruction and more hands are ever required to stave off their threats

You can be join by finding Osira or one of her Guardians in-character
The easiest way to do this is to join the Discord using the link above and scheduling a time to catch one of us
There are weekly events scheduled at The Golden Heart tavern where Osira will serve drinks.
These events are held on Mondays at 5PM EST


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❤︎ | The Grand Opening | 16th of September 312 AC

The Grand Opening of The Golden Heart took place in September of 312AC to commemorate the virtues of Armas the Golden Order in providing a safe haven for even the outcasted in society. The Golden Heart found its home in the Vampire District. It opened to a well-received reception from many individuals and Osira manned the bar serving drinks.

❤︎ | A Challenge Accepted | 20th of September 312 AC

Earlier in the week, it was agreed between Sun Heishan and Osira that their conflict surrounding the worship of their dual-Pantheon God Triton the Envy Dragon would meet its initial spark in a duel held within the Vampire District Arena. Sun Heishan provisioned mercy for Osira and provided terms of non-live weaponry which Osira accepted. After a long and well-fought match, Osira emerged victorious. In the immediate aftermath, Sun Heishan not-included, Archon such as Ailred and Jocelyn Von Duerr and their Mercenary allies such as Rayne, VN-15 and Argo Dagwyn, and Lumura the Robot descended on the weakened Osira- Cruelly and cowardly striking her down after she admitted them within the district to support their Draconist Ally Heishan. Bravely, many rose with Honor and Nobility against the raging tide of the Archon's oppressive display including Gorm Havfrossen, The Librarian and Melancholia. Sun Heishan expressed extreme grief with the dishonor that was shown by her allies, though reports indicate that the Archon continued their assault regardless of her wishes.
❤︎ | The Golden Heart Expansion - Rise, Guardians | 21st of September 312AC

In the bloody aftermath of the Archon-led assault, Osira reasoned the requirement for an expansion on the tasks employed by The Golden Heart- That in order to provide protections for the Vampire District against the dishonor and cowardice of the Archon, measures must be taken in stride to prevent any further residents from coming to their harm. As such, Osira declared the creation of the Guardians who would proudly serve in opposition of the Archon and their nefarious intentions on the good residents of the Vampire District.
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