The Glade's Epitaph - In Memoriam

Discussion in 'Regalian Roleplay' started by SevenBirds, Nov 14, 2021.

  1. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent

    Jan 24, 2019
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    In a quiet corner of Petalcourt, a small group of residents gathered around a simple memorial of spruce flanked by evergreen bushes - a remembrance of those lost and an encouragement to those living. Each would be given the opportunity to say a few words before leaving notes, sketches, flowers, or whatever else pinned to the shrine before departing. Although the offerings might eventually disperse, the wood and the evergreens would remain as a constant reminder of life and rebirth.



    This is inspired by @bahmGe 's memorial event listed here! Unfortunately, last-minute scheduling issues made it difficult to meet in-game, but this ‘memory wall’ is meant to fill in that gap. Feel free to write about your character’s thoughts, memories, or offerings below!
    Aesthetics by @SneakyLinguine


    • Winner Winner x 2
    • Powerful Powerful x 1
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  2. SevenBirds

    SevenBirds Phantasmal and Resplendent

    Jan 24, 2019
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    As the residents of Petalcourt gathered for their quiet memorial, Faran Hasylas stood next to her dearest friend, shivering a bit with both the cold and the memories of that fateful night one year ago. When it was her turn to speak, she gave Aeda’s hand a gentle squeeze to steady her nerves, then moved forward to say her few words.

    “My dear friends and family. Many of us living here were not yet arrived when this place was burned down and many who were here are here no longer, but it has touched us all in one way or another.”

    Taking a breath, she turned to point to a section of the garden near where the Great Tree currently stood.

    “It was about there, if memory serves, that the old temple stood, where the then-leaders of the community welcomed me into this place nearly two years ago. Travelling alone for so long, I never expected to settle down and find a home here, but… they welcomed me and I found that I didn’t want to be alone anymore. I remember… Meeting new people and laughing at silly jokes and pranks. Old Meriel trying to guess my name and knitting me fluffy yellow socks. And I remember it being a place of friendship, joy, and music.”

    She paused and withdrew a woodsung flute, tracing the markings that flowed like water with her finger as she remembered the old Yanar that gave it to her, then looked up with a smile.

    “And that’s what this place still is. Even after fire and death and suffering, there is still light and life here. And that doesn’t negate that suffering - Mother knows I’ve been angry and even vengeful before - but it doesn’t cloud the joy either. Even through the pain and hardship, this place remains a home for us, and even though some are no longer with us, many more have come to join our family. And as long as we stick together, no tragedy can take that away from us.”

    Turning to the memorial, Faran attached a small scrap of paper with a message written in green ink:
    “When the forest burns, the seeds sprout again.”
    Then, when each resident had had their say, she withdrew Azel’s flute again and played a tune, melancholy but full of hope, to honor both the fallen and the future.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Proudbucket

    Proudbucket Custom title

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Imira passes by and leaves a small pebble by the wooden pillar and a small note.
    Sooner or later we fade into petals but the memories of who we were live with others.
  4. Lutowski

    Lutowski дверь запили блять Staff Member World1

    Jun 26, 2019
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    Mosmo's pace slowed down when his blue peripherals caught the memorial. He stopped to regard the offerings that the previous visitors have left, and he'd kneel down to leave small buds of forget-me-nots before continuing on his way.
    • Cuddles! Cuddles! x 1

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