The Gilded Peacocks - House Sastra Guard


Jan 16, 2013
Reaction score
A corner of that place.



The Gilded Peacocks serve as the guard for House Sastra. Beyond their duties as protectors for family members, they also protect assets, and deliver confidential parcels and letters. The Gilded Peacocks are headed by the Comandante, who keeps them in line, and ensures their loyalty to the House. The members of the Gilded Peacocks are expected to follow the requests of House members, unless directed otherwise by the Matriarch.



Matriarch - The Matriarch is the female Head of House Sastra. She is the baroness of Nueva Luz que Brilla, and is also trained in combat. In addition, she's proven herself a competent leader. Typically, she would not take part in the affairs of the Gilded Peacocks, other than to ensure they were up to snuff, however she is currently the acting Comandante, due to the death of her cousin.
- Lady Remei Anaïs Sastra (@Eimyrja )

Comandante - The Comandante is the leader of the Gilded Peacocks. They are typically a member of the family, they would normally work alongside the Matriarch or Patriarch. The Comandante is in charge of the House Guard, and as such is in charge of trainings, hirings, firings, discipline, and settling of disputes.
- Lady Remei Anaïs Sastra (@Eimyrja )

Capitán - The Capitán is the leader of the guards who is not a family member. Depending on the size of the guard, there may be one, or several. They act in the stead of the Comandante, often running trainings, and bringing perspective guards to the Comandante, as well as bringing issues up to the Comandante. They have more authority than the other guards, however they must still obey the Comandante, and family members.
- Sage Rowe (@Puagrace )
- Layla Sahar Sabah (@GamingLeopurred )

Guardia - The Guardia make up the general populace of the guards. They are generally going to be in charge of guarding the family, and will occasionally be made to do tasks such as delivering parcels and letters. They must always be ready to fight, and are expected to be in uniform when on duty.

Recluta - The Recluta are at the bottom of the food-chain. They are new recruits to the Gilded Peacocks, and are at the beck-and-call of the Guardia, Capitán, and Commandante, as well as any of the family members. Although tasks such as delivering parcels and letters will always be given to the Recluta, so long as they're on duty. It is expected that guards will not remain as Recluta for long, and should quickly rise to Guardia.
- Adam Flin (@Tjstarwars )
- Adelard Daviau (@adamauger)


We are recruiting!

Application Format:


Character Name:

Link to Character Application:

Do you have Discord?

Letter to Lady Remei Sastra:
Last edited:
Username: PreciseReinhardt
Character Name: Drake McPhail
Link to Character Application: Here
Do you have Discord?: Precision Reinhardt #1050
Letter to Lady Remei Sastra:
Our first meeting went well, I hope this formal application satisfies the protocol. Thank you for the employment, I will serve your family well.​
With Respect,
Drake McPhail​
Username: PreciseReinhardt
Character Name: Drake McPhail
Link to Character Application: Here
Do you have Discord?: Precision Reinhardt #1050
Letter to Lady Remei Sastra:
Our first meeting went well, I hope this formal application satisfies the protocol. Thank you for the employment, I will serve your family well.​
With Respect,
Drake McPhail​
