The Future


Feb 3, 2013
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What is your dream for the future of this server? How will you change it?
I personally am working on a secret project that involves employing a mass population of noobs.
My Goal is to make....RELIGION! (Sanity not include reference for the win)
But honestly, yeah after over a year I figure trying to make a RP religion should keep me amused.
And I suppose not dying would be good too.
As a new member of the community, I realize that my voice doesn't mean much, but from the little I have seen I would like to take a stab at this.

I would like to see the quality of the roleplaying on this server raised.

Godmoding and Metagaming seem to be the norm among the casual groups of roleplayers I have met in Regalia. It's bad folks.. The other day I hear, "I just bit you, you're a werewolf now!" No chance for a reaction or dodge. Just forced-RP do-what-I-say.

How will I change it? Perhaps some written tutorials could be added to the forums or wiki. Or classes setup for new players where simple scenes could be roleplayed with lots of OOC notes from "teachers". I think it's mostly ignorance that causes it and not disregarding the rules.

Also, I have no interest in the non-RP PVP that seems to be most of the PVP on the server .I'm fine with getting stabbed, but damn, come talk to me about it first. Give me a chance to use my roleplaying skills to get out of the situation. If i can't, so be it. Non-RP PVP seems like godmoding to me as no chance is given for a reaction. Maybe most people like it, and I'm just and old grump.

How will I change it? I will set a good example, understanding that I don't have the power to change how anyone else behaves. Maybe b*tch about it on the forums a bitsy.. (chuckle)

I hope I don't come off as Mr. Complainy, as I'm really glad to have found this server and have met a lot of great people so far. Just my two cents.

EDIT: Ahh. I may have misunderstood the point of this thread. I apologize.
For the server I plan for Mechbank to grow and expand and, hopefully, help people get the funding they need to start building their own trading empires.

For my faction I plan to have my members and I become better at PVP so we can hold our own against raiders. I also plan to scatter-settle all the new worlds and all the old worlds, each settlement running itself but being supported by the others in times of need.

For myself I have no plans but to enjoy Massivecraft and become more powerful as a pvper, economic driver, and political voice. I also plan to someday finish my Mr. Paloin character page and get more into RP.
My Goal is to make....RELIGION! (Sanity not include reference for the win)
But honestly, yeah after over a year I figure trying to make a RP religion should keep me amused.
And I suppose not dying would be good too.
Mine is similar. I would like to have my religion become widely accepted that it's prevalence has to be noted in the lore. :D
To Eliminate the Biggest threat of Aloria:Mrsbaver
then when all is done I shall return to a life of farming and mining with my friends
I've posted things similar to this before, we go.

What I'd like to see in the future of the server:
-thorough RP tutorials
-Jorrhildr and Faradeen, the new worlds :D

What I would like to achieve in the near future:
-finish first versions of my unofficial massivecraft modpacks
-get all combat skills to 400
-get fishing skill and repair skill to 400
What would I like to do in the future? Well first.
Enslave man kind
Stick Thomas Kade in a hole
Um... ignore that.​
Well I have been working on a secret project that I hope to finish outside Massivecraft.​
Its a *classified*​
I would like to be an Officer in the 9th-legion in the future. I will also max out all my mcMMO skills, eventualy leading to me being someone people fear and respect.
I need More friends, my objetive is be a friwnd of all in the Rp
And of course dont die...
I need be a important people like "look is Kandane my BF"
"He is my BF too!"
Hard one.
1. Keep working on the Ithania RP villian. Hinted on Ambushed Caravans in Ithania.
2.Write a famous book.
3.Change Zomali rank system and become the tribes political figure.
4.Get a high sword skill, also fishing.
Mine is to enslave all of you, become the lord of the potato, and make you farm potatoes all day, while I sit on my throne made of purple carrots.
I would like to claim a lovely island /chain/ in Hadar, building a quaint, lovely, perfect little town, with surrounding hamlets. As well as having mediocre defenses and to be in a 'par excellent' political state. And also for rainsman to become active again :)
Thalan79 Ozgho I'd try to same, actually. After all, no true gods have been accorded for Naga, nor humans of Regalia.
To make Orcs a more known and respected race. I want more people to role play as orcs, so I may have more brothers who will support me and I support them back. I am arguably one of, if not the most well-known orcs on the server. I want this to change. I want more orcs that will be well known and respected people in the server.
To make Orcs a more known and respected race. I want more people to role play as orcs, so I may have more brothers who will support me and I support them back. I am arguably one of, if not the most well-known orcs on the server. I want this to change. I want more orcs that will be well known and respected people in the server.
Orc suffragists :O
To make Orcs a more known and respected race. I want more people to role play as orcs, so I may have more brothers who will support me and I support them back. I am arguably one of, if not the most well-known orcs on the server. I want this to change. I want more orcs that will be well known and respected people in the server.
Well, if we are going for making races more well known, I think I may follow your lead, and help make the Naga have a stronger, and more well known culture.
I wish in the future I could I could spread rp, without annoying people going "looks at arrow so hard, it explodes before reaching him."