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The Flowers Are In Bloom.


Professional Hand Holder
Aug 30, 2016
Reaction score

The flora had bloomed within the slums, each with leaves of pure white and flowers a sickly purple. Branching from the plant's stems would be a runner, breeding life to fruit not unlike strawberries but instead, the fruits usual reds would be replaced with a light yellow, and seeds a bright pink. Branching from the leaves would be a number of small white balls, unlike the fluffy head of a dandelion, threatening to disburse its seeds at the faintest of touches. The plant was not of this realm, atleast as far as any one with an education in agriculture could tell.

There was a total of twenty plants, spread out within the slums, two laying at the slum gate entrance, others in plain sight and some hidden in ally ways... Should someone recklessly tear them out, the spores would be taken by the wind, infesting the soil below Should one attempt on feasting on the fruit, they'd be given a 50% chance of being inflicted with The curse of Verkaar for a mere month but either way, they'd be gifted with a sweet treat.

The planter of the beautiful plants had been spotted by few rather than many but seen nonetheless to be a dark-skinned Kathar of the Alemaïn tribe who went by Lliev.​
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Azzidi gives the plant a strange look before tearing it out of the ground. He's never seen anything quite like it before, but it's pretty enough to be in his house. It has fruit, too? Sselliaz likes fruit! Happily stomping on over to the Allar Embassy, he wonders how well Sselliaz takes to gifts...
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Zzalangua casted Azzidi a puzzled look as he passed with the plant in hand. He snorted softly, the thought of Azzidi in Jogro flower armor amused his mind.
However, as Azzidi walked inside, he couldn't help but wonder what the Sa-Allar was up to.
Lazaruz d'Soleil inspected the flowers as he entered the slum.. Intrigued at first.. Yet, decided it best to ask another plant if the strange flower was poisonous or not first..

Adrian Marth tilted his head to the side, an eyebrow lightly raised as he saw the peculiar plant. He gingerly picked one of the small strawberry-like fruit, inspecting it in-between his fingers. He went to smell it, and the faint sweet smile intrigued him. He looked back at the clinic, wondering whether tasting the unusual fruit was worth the risk...
"Well... If it's poisonous... I- I probably d-deserve the p-pain... A-And I can always g-get h-healed a-at the clinic..."
Took in a deep breath and then proceeded to sigh in his usual, sad way. He plopped the fruit in his mouth, biting down. A burst of sweetness hit his tongue. He smiled at it's pleasant taste.
Would pass by noticing the odd flowers moments later. Giving them a curious glare. "Fruitz... On Beautiful flowers? What a Odd sight... Sspecially for the slums.." she mumbled before going to just pass along quietly. Not interested enough to actually try a bite of the fruit.
Sselliaz would have been sitting in the study of the embassy pouring over a pile of books when Azzidi stomped up, plant in hand. Quite puzzled he rattled off many questions: Where did you get this? When did you find this? Have I not told you to avoid the slums?
With a grumble he ended his questions and instructed Azzidi to leave the strange plant in a pot. When the other Allar left, Sselliaz squinted at the strange features. Of course, the old Es-Allar knew better than to eat anything a Sa-Allar drags back from the slums. He's sure to keep the strange flora away from all other plant life as it sits in the corner of his study.

Lionel spied some of the plants as he entered the slums, and again later while walking around the allies between the buildings. He returned later with an old, rusted iron knife and a large glass jar. He carefully cut away at the stem of the plant and placed the odd fruit into the jar with his best attempts not to disturb the white puffs on the end. Slipping the knife back into his belt and corked bung onto, he hid the jar and made his way off.
Joasaie slipped quietly through the slums, their usual route to check on anything strange happening. As they entered, the Yanar felt a wave of unease pass through them, then again when they passed more of the strange flowers. With a wrinkled nose and careful movements, they slipped out a small notebook to sketch and note the plant's appearance before swiftly departing. It wasn't Dulofall, but in the back of their mind, they felt it was just as bad. They needed to speak with the others.

@Caelamus @Eccetra
Azzidi returns to his house, feeling rather good with himself. Sure there were some questions and whatnot, but his gift was accepted! Closing his door, he looks at the plant clenched in his fist. It was the same kind of plant as before, with the strange fruit and those weird puffy things that flew away when he ripped it up. He had torn it up on the way home, thinking that it would look nice on his worktable. Maybe after he's potted and watered it, he'll eat one of the fruit! He hopes they taste as nice as they look.
Sits down in a chair, having just returned home from the Embassy. He's.. scared, more than anything else. Scared that he'll never return to normal. Even scarier then that, though, is the realization that Sselliaz can't heal him. Azzidi's world crumbles a little. If the Es-Allar are unable to fix him, does that mean that no one can? Will he need to get a job making colorful magic-water and snapping people's bones back into place? The world is a scary place for this new Azzidi. Even early on, it's not easy being green.
As the days passed by, most of the beautiful flora swiftly started to wither away due to their lack of nourishment. Of course, a number of plants saved due to being catered to by the Wolond who planted them or being taken and well preserved by others. Leaking out from a number but not all of the decaying fruit would be a sap-like liquid, seeping into the dirt below, or possibly collected by the curious.

The sap was not natural to the fruit, rather manually placed in tiny pockets of the small fruits. Of course, through constant and thorough dissection, the pattern will grow obvious that some fruits hosted this sap, and some did not.

Consumption of the void sap leaves a 100% chance of transformation. Rez does not take responsiblity for those who gain demonic possession through constant fruit consumption.
@Caelamus @TheLimpet @Ghirko @KiddingAround
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Sselliaz would look to the plant in the glass case with a huff, watching the sap ooze down into the pot in which it lived. He had constructed a three-key padlock and placed it on the wood of the case. While he aimed to preserve this piece of flora, he had come to terms with destruction if the former could not be contained.
A simple yet sweet way to go. Mu gave a hearty chuckle as her usually cheery and innocent features turned into a menacing scowl. Of course, this would work well for her. She brought her hand cupping the sap up and suckled it down, almost gagging from the overwhelming taste. If asked, Mu would say it tasted like fertilizer. Look, when you're desperate for food in Anglia, you'll eat anything...