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The First Proconsular Proclamation



Effective immediately, His Excellency the Proconsul, Archduke Ulric Adelhard Typhonus of Calemberg, announces the following changes and remarks to take effect without delay.

1. His Excellency announces the creation of the new Crown Defense Banner, an army comprise of 20,000 Kade levies, 10,000 State levies from His Excellency's own Consular army, and 2,000 levies donated from the House Wodenstaff, for a total of 32,000 soldiers. This Banner shall be stationed in the Imperial City and serve as the capital's primary line of defense against invasion and occupation during this time of unpredictable warfare. His Excellency himself shall serve as the General of this Banner, advised by the Imperial Steward, Ser Tristan of the House Kade.

2. His Excellency announces the complete and total dissolution of the chartered rights and privileges of the Nordmark Capital Levy. Citing their redundancy between the ranks of City Guard and the newly created Crown Defense Banner, as well as a series of complaints concerning misconduct leveled against them by various parties of Humanum, His Excellency has ordered that all able-bodied and non-resident members the Nordmark Capital Levy are given a week's time disperse from the Imperial City and resume combat in the Elven Front. Their positioning in said Front is at the digression of Consul Krupp.

3. His Excellency is personally staggered by the Jacobin and anti-Imperial sentiments of certain Elven members of Regalian society. In these times of war and strife in which citizens of the Empire are being personally affected, His Excellency regrets the audacity of certain Elves to assert themselves over those of Humanum and blue-blood. As such, by immediate prerogative of His Excellency, a certain Katrina C'Arelyth is hereby downgraded from First-Rank citizenship to Marked-Rank citizenship in light of her raucous public displays. His Excellency hopes this shall serve as a warning to all future agitators.

4. Due to the unforeseen and tragic flooding crisis overtaking Anglia, His Excellency has made the decision to formally charter the Regalian Safeguard Society, and has formally expressed his interest in having them do what they can to provide for the Imperial citizens in Anglia who have been affected by these catastrophic circumstances.

5. As the populous is now well aware, the explosion at the Imperial Palace was an unanticipated and unfortunate loss. His Excellency and those of his House give thanks to the Imperial Spirit that no members of the Imperial Family nor members of the Imperial Hierarchy were harmed during the event, but do mourn the loss of such a significant artifact of Imperial architecture and culture. Regardless, His Excellency would like to make it clear to the populous that the explosion was indeed triggered by a gunpowder explosion, the events leading up to which are still under investigation. The mere thought that Elves could have penetrated and done this significant of damage to the holy sanctuary of the Emperors is completely and utterly absurd.

6. His Excellency the Proconsul, in conjunction with the Imperial Steward, would like to announce to the populous that His Holy Majesty the Emperor has been informed of the increasing stress of the war effort. The Spirit shall see Humanum and the Empire in final victory in this conflict.

All official acts of this proclamation hereby immediately take the full effect of State Law.
Reviewed and officiated by the Office of the Proconsul.
2. His Excellency announces the complete and total dissolution of the chartered rights and privileges of the Nordmark Capital Levy. Citing their redundancy between the ranks of City Guard and the newly created Crown Defense Banner, as well as a series of complaints concerning misconduct leveled against them by various parties of Humanum, His Excellency has ordered that all able-bodied and non-resident members the Nordmark Capital Levy are given a week's time disperse from the Imperial City and resume combat in the Elven Front. Their positioning in said Front is at the digression of Consul Krupp.

Va'al kept the bag full of snow pressed up against her bruised face. The Shendar's mood was completely sour throughout the day, until the town crier came by. Once she heard the town crier's announcement, the Silven nearly lit up with joy. Was this some sort of karma? Did it even exist? The Shendar knew that she had absolutely no influence over their dissolution, but still celebrated with a mutter. "Hah-- HAH! Northern dogs! Got what was comin' to 'em! Got what was comin'! They ain't nothin' but /rats/!"
Juliette gazed at the paper for a short moment, more so the first two bullets. A small grin form for the first, but fell for the second. "It's grand that we can help, but.." she paused a moment in quiet consideration, "but poor Tan, it's only just joined Nordmark."

Joan, on the other hand, was only laughing at the declaration of Jacobinism, declaring loudly- though likely ignored like always, not helped by the fact she was mostly by herself, "I must receive specia treatment then! Why all things I've done and I'm still a first-class." She snorted, cackling a bit befor shaking her head and carrying on at an out gaunt, the left sleeve of her coat hanging at her side- empty.
Katrina was furious. Absolutely livid. She'd shoot an icy glare to the person reading the proclamation, before walking onwards. She was having none of this and would strive to prove herself better than the rest of her marked rank kin.
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"Dare I even send a thank you letter?" Replied Adela, already grabbing some parchment to do just that. "I'm sure Lord Typhonus must be drowning in them."
Otto smiled at the bulletin announcing Katrina's demotion, "Serves her right, she should know better than to stick up for the filthy elves."
"Dare I even send a thank you letter?" Replied Adela, already grabbing some parchment to do just that. "I'm sure Lord Typhonus must be drowning in them."
"Which is why we'll leave his Excellency alone to his work. Besides, he'd just toss the parchment into his fire for some warmth."
And with that the baron walked down the corridor again, overhearing his daughter's outburst.