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The Fault Of Nonhumans

A pamphlet would've been posted upon different notice boards around Regalia. Specifically, near the tavern, and within the harbour district. A young boy seemed to have posted them, the writing clearly too neat to be his. The paper was large, simply to fit the contents. The title, in a darker ink than the rest, lay at the very top of the paper.

"The Fault of Nonhumans

The Ailor race has, and shall, remain supreme, under the great Regalian Emperor, holy be he, blessed be his name. However, there appears to be a problem, deep within the bowels of the Holy City. A group, perhaps, with enough backing and population, could overcome even our great country. The very nonhumans who live in your city! Such creatures are below that of a man, or even that of a woman! They continue to gain jobs and power. Beasts, such as the C'Aelrith and Haaven family, do nothing but cause issues for those around them, and have others believe that they too, can become "useful" to the empire. To give a nonhuman power is the same as giving a dog a dagger: at best it will hurt itself, at worst it will damage others. There is only one way to fix such a horrific problem, the removal of nonhumans. Either banishing them from our great Empire, or, killing them outright. Pests that add nothing to society must be removed, simple as that. Whether they're Orcs, or Elves, they have no place in our Holy City. Those with half-Ailor, or even quarter-Ailor blood may be able to redeem themselves through service to the Empire, but those who have no relation to the true race of Aloria should be eradicated.

To give an example, I direct you to the happenings of the Eighteenth of November, 305 A.C. A group of nonhumans, specifically, a Rashaq and two Orcs, lashed out against the government, and dueled with guards, bashing and punching through them. They tried to inspire total anarchy, and weren't afraid of attacking innocents to do so. All of these events happened in front of the Haaven apothecary. Though, this was not the end of the assaults during the Eighteenth of November. A Drowdar, also began to battle his way through guards, within the very tavern itself. Witnesses claim he came from near the Haaven apothecary. Whereas I wasn't personally involved in either of these events, I was given quite the run-down, by multiple people. What strange coincidence, that such attacks all seemed to appear near the apothecary? Attacks, and terror inspired by such, will refuse to cease, until each and every nonhuman is removed from our Holy Empire. As such, I, the writer of such a pamphlet, implore you, yes, you, the full-blooded Ailor of Regalia, to lash out against the scum that litter our streets. Retaliate, against the creatures, the nonhumans, who disturb the peace of our Holy City."

Halfway through the paper was a 'signature', of sorts. A simple black dot of ink, followed by a backwards-facing capital "B".


After the "signature", enumerated complaints, likely left by angered citizens, littered the paper.

"By the holy Spirit! I do say there was quite a ravage just outside of the apothecary. Hooligans of the nonhuman genre seemed to have some form of kerfuffle! I do say it was horrendous. My little milk boy had a broken leg from it! Blimey, we must stop these abominations in the one way we can! With militancy, I dare do say we kill these degenerates cleansing the dirt from an otherwise clean and beautiful human society!" - A worried mother, whose son gladly decided to nail this pamphlet.

"I'm thoroughly miffed! I was out going to get a drink from the tavern and five gargantuan brutes of malicious mind were terrorising the innocent Ailors! I do say we need to have more racial control, these nonhumans always are nonhumans, they're no different to that of an ogre. Mindless beasts! The only way we can solve this is by either kicking them out of this Holy City or murdering them to defend our Holy City." - A loyal Unionist boy.

"I'm far from pleased with the disturbance just around the corner of my own home, purge the beasts that ruin everything including a nice family lunch! They ruin the once peaceful streets, and it's becoming one of my very favorite pet peeves. What happened to the Holy City? It's being invaded by heretics! End this madness while we still can!" - A middle-aged Ailor man.

"My, my. I couldn't have expected this in my day, how mortifying. As an old lady I just can't feel safe in this city I love, I do miss the days where I had strong able men to protect me from such…. filth. What can I do? I only hope my lovely future generations take a hint and do something about these tyrant nonhumans." - A distressed grandparent.

"Pale n' tan is the only colors I trust! Round is the only ear I can whisper in!" - A Daendroqean sailor.

@NChulingeth @meep999 @KiddingAround @Beetletoes
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Juliette folded her arms as her eyes narrowed slowly as she quoted, "And even women?" She shook her head, turning as she refused to read any farther, "Women are half of those that protect your holy city!"

Merina, on the other hand, managed through the whole poster as she stood several steps away, wrapped tightly in her cloak. She licked her chapped lips as if nervous before saying aloud, "But I like the elves."
Thread locked due to violation of section rules (Anonymous posting being the biggest).
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