Criminal Guild The Faith's Shadow


Local spirit nerd
Jul 14, 2023
Reaction score
Taco Bell

Faith's Shadow.webp
" All will be revealed as the Ten of Swords is played"

The Faith's Shadow is an anonymous, organized crime syndicate that seeks to liberate the oppressed and overthrow the Empire. We attempt to strike fear into the hearts of the Unionists and Purists with some... Less-than-legal ways.

The Faith's Shadow's insignia consists of a single crimson eye over a black background, as a form of mockery to the Unionists and their gods

Faith's Shadow believes fully in the Tolerance Paradox (Wherein it states that "A truly tolerant society will not tolerate the intolerant) and will accept all races and occult, as long as they do not believe in a dangerous dogma.

The Faith's Shadow leaves a calling card at all of their attacks, in the form of a different tarot card for what they believe is coming to the empire. Only those that figure out the code will know what each card symbolises.

The Faith's Shadow has several rankings that are listed as follows:

Soothsayer: Highest Rank, only three are known as of yet. They act as a council of sorts, making decisions as a group
Spirit Messenger: A sort of "messenger" of the guild. They deliver calling cards by shooting an arrow with the card speared through it.
Harbingers: The main warriors of the group that can be divided into 3 subgroups:
Demons: The main fighters, skilled in both swords and fists.
Shades: 'Assassins' of sorts, skilled in both daggers and firearms
Banshees: The Mages of the Faith, wielding various magics, including sinistral and radiant.

If you want to apply for Faith's Shadow, DM me on the forums with the following information:

In character name
Discord (Optional, as I don't have it either)
Why you want to join (Must be written In Character!)

Note: The image above is AI-generated. Whilst I do believe in the importance of human artists and their jobs, I myself cannot draw and will continue to rely on artificial intelligence for massivecraft-related things.
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