The Faith

Discussion in 'Faction Announcements' started by Bailun, Jan 14, 2021.

  1. Bailun

    Bailun Royal Archivist

    Jul 20, 2018
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    To understand the nature of our world, you must first understand the nature of yourself; and, in this discovery, find the contradiction of your being. This flaw is neither evil nor sin- it is purpose. It is the question that defines all things, not just man, but the stars, soils and seas. A harmonious energy that binds us in the wellspring of life, connecting us from the physical to beyond. In coexistence we deprive others of this right, steal it away so that we may continue. Existence is battle, survival, hoarding the energies that unify us so that we may know we exist. Yet even selfish we yearn for more. Despise this part of ourselves, hide it away and search for something greater. In each other we find desire, a captivation with all that we are and what we may yet become. As we grow past survival, as we come together to build and grow, we see the beauty that surrounds us. More then just recourse to take, more then earth to bare seed, the land is a greater family that has found its way to survive.

    Our nature allowed us to be, but our purpose was never to battle forever. We were born of the earth to understand the struggle of life, the wars of entropy, and choose to live past it. So is recorded by he, progenitor of our faith, Father to all that will be. His word became truth to all corners of the earth, spread by his first disciples.

    The Son, faithful and passionate, was first to hear his Father's word and know it to be. The Daughter, loving and wise, trusted in her family and searched for greater understanding. Finally, the Mother- devoted and caring- commanded his will to those still in conflict. In unity the first city was born, hewn by all manner of beast and men who flocked to the Father's family. His Children he named them, born of the earth and again in understanding. But the Father was not content, for he knew what still lied beyond. Tested by the earth, the Father found the Path- gateway for what lies beyond the physical. He had waited for us to gather, to ascend as one. But as his family grew, the Mother's heart weighed ever heavier. Graced to bare life, her being was tethered to earth and child, and so feared loss in what existed beyond. Blinded only by virtue, the Father could not see what twisted his lover's soul; and so fell to poison, as the Mother sought to keep her children safe forevermore.

    In his death, descension. Nature took hold, chaos unleashed, as Children fought for the Father's hold. And so the city fell. Man spread back across the land, forged wall and gate, to hold tight what they feared to lose. In her grip the Mother lost all, cast out by her kin who remained faithful to the Father. But all was not lost. Though his body died, the Father had ascended alone and returned to find those still devoted. The Son, ever faithful, heard his Father's word and so became the first Prophet. He conferred with his sister, The Daughter, who believed in her brother and devised their path forward. Man had grown crueler, twisted by the Mother's fears. Unity could never again be achieved so easily.

    And so she turned to the disciples that remained and gave them name. The Soldier, selfless and loyal, who fought to retain his Father's peace. The Poet, imaginative and patient, who had tried to calm the tide with song and heart. Each of them- Son, Daughter, Soldier and Poet- represented something that exists in all men's souls, the greatest virtues that lie beneath our fears. The Daughter set them all out alone, to gather man with those they understood most. Until they were ready to trust again.

    -Bailun van Dyke​

    TL;DR gryph faith lore
    • Immersive Immersive x 1
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    #1 Bailun, Jan 14, 2021
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2021
  2. _Vidaar

    _Vidaar Holy Emperor of Gryph

    Nov 28, 2015
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