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The Failed Elven Assasination


Mar 22, 2018
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[!] A letter arrives to Floral Court, accompanying it- a metallic shard. It was shaped like
a flower petal; with blood smeared across its metal center. [!]


To Druilailmon, and Aedelyn~

Wisteria and Narla visited the Purity District today. 'Unexpectedly' [expected], they clambered upon the rooftops- where, one of them fired upon me with a Magical Bolt. Attempting to swiftly end my life. They failed. Metal flower petals were certainly ironic, given that they come from Floral Court. In the past, every action taken against the people of Floral Court have been answered in return; from the Truth Ministry raids, to my early months of Lothar Operations in the city which enveloped the hunting of Aeda and beyond. The Truth Ministry was beaten back, my blood was spilled upon Arena Court for my attack upon Aeda, so on and so forth. To continue the tradition between those of Purity and those of Floral Court, this assassination attempt will be answered in kind. Narla is currently under Lothar Order custody.

My demands are simple. Wisteria will turn herself in to the Lothar Order, where both she and Narla will be turned into the Metropolitan for official punishment. If this is not complete, or if violence occurs, this request will be denied- and the Lothar Order will uphold our Code.

To provide evidence that Narla has indeed been taken under Lothar custody, here is her written signature. It must be noted that it is horrible handwriting, so you know it's Narla.
- @FutureTeller

@bahmboozled @SneakyLinguine
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"My noble liege tells me many things, just and fair Her words are, and among them is this:
As does the doer; unto them is done.
Surely you do not expect me to send another daughter of mine to her death?

Surely you have not forgotten that I have not got back at you fully, or the Braunschweigers, for claiming my head and presenting it to your Gods?

You have done much evil, yet exhaust them not with piercing austerities within your Order, for you continue with deception and schemes yet not unveiled to the public eyne— and I know, I know it will continue. And I know this is why my daughters did what they did.


Were you to take away what is mine permanently, I will ensure something precious is taken back in return, twice, thrice, manifold.

What I claim to do, I have always got everything my way in the end, after all.


"My noble liege tells me many things, just and fair Her words are, and among them is this:
As does the doer; unto them is done.
Surely you do not expect me to send another daughter of mine to her death?

Surely you have not forgotten that I have not got back at you fully, or the Braunschweigers, for claiming my head and presenting it to your Gods?

You have done much evil, yet exhaust them not with piercing austerities within your Order, for you continue with deception and schemes yet not unveiled to the public eyne— and I know, I know it will continue. And I know this is why my daughters did what they did.


Were you to take away what is mine permanently, I will ensure something precious is taken back in return, twice, thrice, manifold.

What I claim to do, I have always got everything my way in the end, after all.


Baldewin Braunschweiger stares at the paper.

Have not gotten back at them fully.

A shudder went up the Celate's spine - what else would this Inulvaan do?
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A reply, handwritten with care, is delivered to the Purity District.

Lord-Protector Mekrov,

How frightening it must have been for the peace of your evening to be so suddenly shattered by the unexpected firing of a single projectile. I pray you never grow accustomed to such violent intrusions, as we have by your very hands.

I am not fond of the endless cycle of Justice to which my dearest friend Drulailmon is bound, but I know better than to disrespect the judgement of those who were destined to deal it. Still, you need not worry; I will stand by their side and ensure it to be dealt with the utmost mercy, as is willed by my Mothers.

I apologize that these two gave you such a fright. They are children of Mana both, and I have no doubt that their actions were borne of good will and compassion. Rest assured that they will be spoken to. Wisteria, however, will not present herself to the Lothar Order. Neither will any of Floral Court. If you cannot understand why, I invite you to take it up with me directly. I know how much you enjoy my company.

Yours in kindness,

Tlanextlateochihualzohuatl [Blessed Daughter of the Light]
Herald of Compassion
Grove-Warden and Ordvaan of Mana

An Avantl takes his turn at the Noticeboard. Placed among the others is a fairly simple note.

Dearest Riftan Mekrov
It troubles me dearly how you are so enraptured by a petty thief and a librarian, as you stand a Purged-Knight. You threaten Gardeners and Healers with violence because your backwards mind has you up in arms thinking this is some failed assassination. Let me explain something in brief, this was attempted assault by two quite literally scoundrels, if there was ever an attempted assassination, you'd already have been mourned by whatever handful of people that you call close.
I propose this to say something quite simple. Any of you or your squadrons attempt anything against Floral Court or come anywhere near my house and home. Then, quite simply I'll remind you why Caius chose me to be the Extinguisher, and why he wanted me back.
I do hope dearly that you overcome your fear of squishy librarians as well as thieving scoundrels, and that this letter finds you in good health.
Kindest Regards,
Augur of Aloria
Paladin of Regulus & Daiana
"My noble liege tells me many things, just and fair Her words are, and among them is this:
As does the doer; unto them is done.
Surely you do not expect me to send another daughter of mine to her death?

Surely you have not forgotten that I have not got back at you fully, or the Braunschweigers, for claiming my head and presenting it to your Gods?

You have done much evil, yet exhaust them not with piercing austerities within your Order, for you continue with deception and schemes yet not unveiled to the public eyne— and I know, I know it will continue. And I know this is why my daughters did what they did.


Were you to take away what is mine permanently, I will ensure something precious is taken back in return, twice, thrice, manifold.

What I claim to do, I have always got everything my way in the end, after all.


To the elected leader of Floral Court,

Have I, despite such claims of manipulation and evil, been benevolent to your people? Rather than kill Wisteria, I offered the humble Librarian a choice applicable to her station. Narla, despite admittance to her crimes of attempted assassination to my sister only on the justification that it would be "funny", I returned her to you. Perhaps in a battered state, but once more, choices befitting their crimes.

To Aedalyn, a most interesting Elf to converse with, how expected it was that Wisteria would choose the collective of Floral Court to defend her rather than take upon individual sacrifice. A test, a test of character that I imposed upon them both- and, each test had the expected result. Consider it an educational experiment, for what kind of Lothar would one be without understanding their foe.

Foe, I say that with such detestment. For recently, it has been proclaimed that any Lothar whom enter Floral Court will be cut down in the foreseeable future. That we will face, with unending doubt, violence from your people. Narla, before leaving, confessed that a current of 3 Cahal reside within Floral Court's boundaries. 3 Cahal, 1 Vampire.

Drulailmon's own daughter confessed to the presence of such Afflictions. Odd that Aeda, who seeks to fix everyone's broken souls, harbors eaters of such souls. Perhaps, if one might draw stretched conclusions, it is that Aeda and the others of Floral Court seek to draw in victims solely to be cattle for their secret Afflicted circle. But you and I know that is a stretch, but there is the smallest possibility that there is truth to it. It is a Lothar's duty to discover that truth; by investigation, or by sword.

The Lothar Order respects Drulailmon's wish for no Lothar Knight to enter into Floral Court's boundaries. We will honor that request.

@bahmboozled @SneakyLinguine @TeaRoses
To the elected leader of Floral Court,

A note written in blue ink is left beneath the posting. The handwriting was legible, seems like someone got themselves a new writing hand;

We had an agreement. I surrendered myself so you would leave Wisteria be.
You broke this agreement after locking me up.
You said you do not trust the words of a mage.
So why do you claim to believe something else I said? Because it is convenient?

Do not fault us for not dealing with the monsters among us.
We are busy dealing with the public disturbances in our district.
Like your brigade of harassers yesterday, for example.

A group that chose to interrupt a peaceful religious meeting
over dealing with a vampiric disturbance in the city.
A small mob that came to divide our community
whose petty leader said she only came to "see the fear" on our faces.

Spew your poison somewhere else.
Leave my family alone.
- Narla Netollihua.