The Facetious Order


*lute music stops*
Aug 8, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds
<:>The Facetia<:>
Lazaruz sat in the ambient torchlight of his home. He turned his head to look at his velvet coat's current state.. Covered in mud, blood, and everything in-between. One too many times had it been in this state because he played hero; took the bullet for somebody else due to another's misdeeds.. Then he decided.. he couldn't stop anarchy alone, nor the disruption in Regalia. Starting a 'gang' couldn't be that hard right?

<->WHO ARE WE? <->
A group of Jon Snows individuals whom want to rid the Slums and Regalia of anarchy and fear; even if that takes violence or other means while still having a laugh and getting the job done.

We work for free; but being paid is always nice too.. (IC obviously)
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Anyone who follows our moral values as closely as possible and has no affiltration with those who dont.
Find out IC in-game what those are! he-he.

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Application template:


Character Name:

Character App (Not needed, I dont even have one.)

IC letter:

Hope to see your responses! :D
If possible PM randomthechosen or MrdapperGhost100 in-game to request to join.
(I hope to refine this forum post. Any help writing it is much wanted too!)
IGN: MrDapperGhost100 (I thought i'd do one anyway)

Character Name: Garn 'Dust' Petsh

Character App Coming soon?

IC letter: The letter was written on pretty normal paper, but was slightly messy, and occasional wet patches of water, and dried blood appeared
Hello, my name is Dust, doctor Dust some might call me. I am writing to you, to ask for permission, to join your gang, my skills in, negotiation, torture, and medical/alchemical skill, may be of use... Don't worry about the blood, I have a slight nose bleed..
Best of wishes, lots of love
IGN: MrDapperGhost100 (I thought i'd do one anyway)

Character Name: Garn 'Dust' Petsh

Character App Coming soon?

IC letter: The letter was written on pretty normal paper, but was slightly messy, and occasional wet patches of water, and dried blood appeared
Hello, my name is Dust, doctor Dust some might call me. I am writing to you, to ask for permission, to join your gang, my skills in, negotiation, torture, and medical/alchemical skill, may be of use... Don't worry about the blood, I have a slight nose bleed..
Best of wishes, lots of love
ACCEPTED my dude
Just a bit of backstory, the group was founded by Lazarus to combat the villainy of the slums and help those in need, through any means neccasery so far the two major leaders (and only members I think) are Dust, the medical and interagation/ intimidation side of the leaders, and laz, the full leader and charismatic charm of the group, put that In rando, put it in