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The Execution Of Eske Ulmaerr



Let it be known publically that Eske Ulfmaerr has been executed at the hand of the state for his crimes against The Emperor, Empire and its people.

The Ulfmaerr was executed earlier today after a private trial concluded the following charges present which he was deemed guilty.

-One account of assault against the Grand Commissioner Jared Kade.
-Two accounts of assault against Duke Jocelyn Von Duerr.
-The formation of not only one but two illegitimate charters to promote Vigilantism and further his own personal agenda; these organisations being responsible for accounts of terrorising the citizenry and acting above the law.
-With the formation of the aforementioned charters included in the charges were the possession of illegal military grade weapons and armaments alongside the charges of distribution of such armaments to non registered persons. These were breaches of the Regalian Weaponry Law.
-Eske is deemed responsible for the actions of his members within these charters including their accounts of assault and breaches of Regalia's Sanctity Laws and Public Order Law

-It was also included that he himself has had accounts of breaching the Public Order Law and personal charges relating to Vigilantism while on the note.
-Included in his list of charges is the Murder of an Ailor within the tavern before burning the victim so that they were no longer identifiable.
-Other charges would have been included and investigated if he had not already been found guilty of enough capital crime.

In his judgement, the inclusion of former attempts at open rebellion was taken into account. Alongside his other crimes committed prior and the chance for redemption given. The Ulfmaerr was met at the block despite resistance and beheaded before his remains were cremated in an undisclosed location. The Violet Order wishes to thank both the Vigilant Shield and Safeguard Rangers for their extraordinary dedication in these troubling times alongside those citizens still loyal to the Empire and the safety of their fellow citizens.

Allison Eikhreid
Oberst of the Violet Order
Second to Kaya Sorenvik
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Silver gave a soft, tired glance to the notice, not reading much beyond the first bolder letters. A meek smile forms on her features, turning her head to continue on her walk whilst musing to herself quietly in her home tongue. "I'll find you on that River in the distant future, dear friend".
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"Wha' goes 'round comes 'round, only it smacks ya twice as 'ard."
Caoess'alloa shook her head at the news, her arms crossed. It was the first piece of news that actually satisfied her. She carried on with her daily duties.
Cerridynn watched as this notice was nailed to the wall. As the guard walked away Cerridynn strolled forward and placed a hand on the note, sighing loudly and bowing her head. She spoke in Skodje almost incoherently, ''I'll come home soon, Eirik.. Da.. Ma.. you all. I'll be at the table to feast with you all again...'
"And so the legend of Mass Kre ends. Now only Mass Chere remains.." Katrina said with a faint sigh. She felt conflicted; part of her knew it was right to execute him after several warning prior to his most recent crime, whereas her subconscious thought that is was not his fault. The Arken ruled with fear over their people. He would've died either way, but he chose to die at the hands of the empire. What's worse is that none of the arken or his comrades had bothered to rescue him. "Truly a sad story when nobody lifts a finger to save you. I hope that is not the case when my life is on the line."
Avynn's eyes almost went out of her head. She had to read it multiple times to understand. "Deserved. A disrespect to our culture this one is. I wish I had been there to see his head fall." With that she turned and marched off to get the details from her two favorite rangers.

@TheMoistestMan @Walnoodle
"He didn't have to die. He didn't have to do any of this, dumb kid. He just had to prove something, maybe to himself, perhaps to others. In the end, he only proved his own errors of judgment and I pray that whatever being he returns as can prove what he was so prideful in. I didn't like him, but I never hated him and I will remember him for a long time."

The knight held his arm out, clenching and unclenching his fingers as he continued to relearn how to use his limb.
Juliette marched off from the execution, a slight smirk appearing on her face once she's gotten a few yards away. "Good, a monster is dead,"
The civil Wolfzahn read over the notice in his head upon seeing it. Then read it again, and just to be certain he read it a third time, aloud. He took a brief moment to stroke his eternal baby-face where one may have a beard, thinking. "My my. I knew little of this man other than the fact that he constantly struck against my family and many innocent citizens. He brought death upon himself, and for that I feel no remorse for him. Despite his blood." Now he sighed, straightening out a few wrinkles in his sleeve before he turned on heel, clicking off with his escort of house guard and house staff. A few final words "Truly a marvelous display of Regalian law enforcement. It seems city watch have not all fallen under the influence of the dragon. Yet."
@mochalattes @PosidonX7
Leonzio turned away from the new Wodenstaff, departing from the cliff's edge. His eyes were cold, but he was content, "I will not mock you as the others have, but this was justice." The Dressolini commander spoke aloud to himself, likely enough for his fellow kin to hear, but he did not search for a response. "If this world is kind, you may return, as something worthwhile and something to serve this realm justly."

Shiiifft... WIZZZ. THWACK.
Her arrow found home in the second most inner circle of the target. Darcie reached a hand back and retrieved another arrow, moving to notch, pull and release as she had done the first. She was alone in the wilderness not too far from the Ranger Keep. After the day's display and conversations, she had desired to be alone, save for her ever present guardian of a runner, Patrick, who had assisted her in retrieving a target. The woman lowered her bow as she tilted her head upwards and spoke aloud, "Find peace in the next life. And hope that those you hurt in this one, find peace. Exclude me, for my peace will not come."
Oskar Ulfmaerr grumbled, as he went to kick over the nearest chair in the Snohallen dining hall. His hands flying up to cover his face as he sat, shaking his head "Damn it, Eske!" The Ulfmaerr basically breaking into tears at the news of his cousin's death. "What now? What now is to become of th' Clan Ulfmaerr?" He'd say aloud to himself, alone in the hall.
Joshua read the notice aloud to himself in the Bastion. He hummed lightly before placing the document down on a nearby night stand, "Eske... Y' were a shit commander, but a good man... Wish y' peace in t' afterlife... Whatever afterl- Fockin'. What do we believe about death again?"
Walks by seeing this letter, while he walks off he says " Serves him right, that ass hat, he deserved it." Walks off with that with a cold heart.
Marie had finished crying her tears for the day. With one final dry sob, she set to work on getting her armor on. A promise filled her every thoughts. Every move. She would fulfill it.

Hunsi Na'im rested in a chair, serpent coiled around his left arm... The Qadir couldn't help but grin as his eyes read along the 'magical' words before him. Once he had completed his task he'd call upstairs. "A'isha!" And like clock works, small footsteps echoed through the house, the smaller, female half-breed would stand before her big brother. The larger Qadir would just throw his arms around his sister in a tight embrace. "Qalnaswa... Is resting easy now..."
Leon would hold his waist the area that Eske stab him with a spear as he looked at the notice. "Even though you try to kill me, took my friend away.. i am wondering if you deserve this" Leon said to himself