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The Execution Of Arthur Kehlen


Valentinian Shill
Jan 30, 2017
Reaction score

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Arthur Kehlen was lead out to a stage amid a crowd of revealing Crown Islanders on a brisk morning of September. His father had not fallen but a few days prior, only to be followed by the summary removal of House Kehlen's ennoblement by State prerogative. The day was jovial, the commoners cared not for who Kehlen was or what he'd done, but they merely became extatic in the entertainment of bloodshed, especially if condoned by State and Synod authority. Arthur found himself upon a headsman's block, beside him Anton 'The Huntsman' a former Duke of Brissaude and now a merciless servant of House Kade. The man held a greatsword in his hand, the very same that had killed Arthur's kinsmen the day prior. Off in the distance Valdis Kade stood, injured and maimed from an attack on his life, beside him the State Councillors (or those with the stomach to show) and the Reverends of the Synod watched over the display. The Chancellor made his way to the headman's side, supported by an austere wooden cane as he delivered his speech to the crowd.

"Citizens of the Regalian Empire! It is regrettable, the actions surrounding House Kehlen of Redde. Who were entrusted to mantle of authority by my uncle, Emperor Cedromar I, and yet rejected the lawful judgment of the rightful continuation of that government, rearing their heads in defiance against those who would see an Empire restored. And despite the venomous nonsense of the Kehlen proclamation, that claims it is not the blood of Holy Theomar, peace be upon him, that rightfully governs House Kade and this Empire but the line of Maximillian, it is with the unanimous support of the Kade Lordly Council that I act, and it is through the unanimous assent of the Kade Lordly Council that we denounce Arthur Kehlen and everything for which he stands. It is regrettable, that in this defiance, Alain Kehlen, brother to the would-be lord who revealed his treasonous colors, drove his blade into my flesh. And yet still, as they offer their defiance to this Empire, I defy the death they sought to grant me! And the truth of it all is known now to the people of this Empire. House Kehlen and their sympathizers had for long conspired to fan the flames of separatism whilst hiding behind the pretense of honorable conduct amongst the landed peers. They had believed themselves capable of grinding the Empire into ruin. They hoped to rise up in arms against the Empire by assassinating the head of government and usurping the power of the State Council from their fortifications at Tilburgh. But the aims of these would-be tyrants were valiantly opposed by those whose loyalty to the Empire, and to House Kade, cannot be questioned! All those who still bear the Kehlen name, who still defy the mandate of the august council that governs this Empire will be hunted down and defeated. Any and all sympathizers who assist in their cause will suffer the same fate as they! These have doubtlessly been trying times, but through test of will, we have triumphed. The attempt on my life has left me scarred, but I assure you that my resolve has never been stronger. Those who seek to tread the same path as Arthur Kehlen and his brother, know that it is not mercy that awaits you, but the callous hand of the righteous. This is not an Empire of weakness, and it will not stand by should opportunists like Kehlen rear their ugly heads in their lust for power when they perceive weakness. In closing, I call for action and prayer by all faithful Unionists and loyal subjects to the Imperial Throne. The Anglian Misery shall be overcome, our Emperor will be returned to us, and we as one people will emerge stronger. Regalia will doubtlessly prevail, as it always has before!"

When he was finished, the Kade Chancellor retreated to his place alongside those fellow state councillors present, leaning heavily onto his support, and then the proceedings were soon underway.

"Arthur of the House of Kehlen, once Noble in Redde, Traitor and coward to the Great Way and the Empire for which it is built on." a girthy steward would begin to announce. "You have been found of guilty of the following: you have committed treason against the Regalian State by assisting a foreign and rebellious nation, and assisting in resistance against Regalian Hegemony" The speaker would give a pause, looking over the width of his tall scroll to witness the explosion of anger from the crowd. A few pebbles and rocks found their way onto the stage, ironically the only thing making contact with those standing upon it being, a single rock hitting Anton's chest with a grunt from the man.

Arthur was swiftly gagged. Not a moment was provided for him to speak out against his proclaimed crimes. The steward then announced with a booming voice:

"Arthur Kehlen. By the power invested in the State by Imperial prerogative, by the blessing of the Holy Synod and the powers for which they bear! You are to be beheaded! May all witness the death of a traitor, and see what comes of rebellion against righteous rule!"

At that, Anton's sword came down with a swift and steady decline landing upon Arthur's neck. It was over, and for a moment the world stood still and the crowd went silent. The mindless adulation returned fast however, though Arthur Kehlen would not live to hear its defining horror..
William Alexander would show tears as he'd see the execution from the distance, sighing to himself. "I am sorry, Wulfram.."
Marie Peirgarten dared not to be present during the execution. Though she heard about such and lightly commented,
"Slippery slopes."
Who is the current chancellor and what is the new Alorian governments councils and stuff?
She had heard the news days ago and had expected something of the sort within the coming weeks. But so soon? Color her just a tad surprised. Darcie pursed her lips gently as she studied the chess board before her. Her ever-present secretary and man, Patrick, sat across from her, watching her movements.

"What do you make of it Madame?"

"You've gone and cornered me."
"I meant the events of this week, Madame."
"...It's a shame. I hope the Spirit has mercy upon all of that family, both alive and living."
Her voice was soft before moving one of her chess pieces. Patrick let a small sigh escape him as he moved to overtake her King. The servant eyed his employer carefully.

"A shame then."
"Mm. A shame."
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