~ The Escrebano Family ~ Wealthy Daendroque Aristocrats ~


Matthias Heinrich - The Old Man
Feb 19, 2017
Reaction score
The Void




I will do doing the history of the family over a period of time using Lore Compliant Stories. This will help you relate to the characters and give a much more detailed account of the family's history. This may take some time.


de Escrebano ( Day - esc - ray - ban - oh)

Family Motto
"We know where our loyalties lie."

Family Sigils
A Pheonix on a Navy Blue and White background. This symbolises the family's new beginning after the revolution as well as their ties to sailing and trade.

Family Colours
Navy Blue: Representing the families ties to sailing and trade.

Gold: This represents the fortune they found in Regalia through trading and such.

White: This represents the clean sheet and the family's new start.

Family Culture
The family do not obey by any traditional cultures, instead mixing the culture of their home (Daendroque)with the more culturally-developed way of the Caerdians. They teach their children Daendroqean from a young age, although they learn common first. Many members of the family have picked up different languages from their travels, especially the older generation that are rather privateer and trade based.

Unionism: They are not particularly strict in their religion but most of them are Unionists. They do not try to push their religion onto anyone and, quite frankly, could not care what religion one chooses to follow.

Combat Style
Nicolean (Martial): The old generation specifically, were taught the Nicoloan fighting style from a young age. Due to their lack of weapons during the revolution, this was the best way they could fight back against their Slave Masters. The original teacher was Matías de Escrebano, he taught Rodrigo and Diego the style, as well as various other slaves (most notably the Cuevas Family). Rodrigo and Diego would then go on to teach their children the style as well but in a much looser way, the art fading away slightly through the generations. There are still various members of the family (most notably Aurora) who carry on the art and practice regularly.

  • Modest - Their children are taught from a young age to be modest, sometimes too much so. This sometimes holds certain members of the family back, doubting themselves and telling themselves that they just can't do something. Although there are some downsides to this, it gives off a good impression to acquaintances.
  • Laid-Back - Although, when it is a matter of great importance, the business oriented members of the family like to be very formal, most of the time they are all very laid back. They do not care what people think of them so they dress how they want and act how they want, as long as they abide by the law.
  • Loyal - The family are very loyal to their allies and stick by their side until the end, even if they are wrong. If they believe what the party is doing is against the law or outrageous, they may decline to help them or get involved. They tend not to, however and like to stick with people for as long as possible.

Male Members:
The male members of the family tend to have tanned skin and blonde hair. Most members have brown eyes (especially the main line of the family) but some members have green or blue eyes depending on who the family have bred with. They tend to be quite tall and bulky, doing manual labour for their previous "boss" as well as doing the rigging on their ships. Most members are between 5'9" - 6'2" and have a muscular body build.
Female Members:
The female members of the family tend to have tanned skin and naturally blonde hair, similar to the male members of the family. However, most women in the family dye their hair because it simply looks better. Most members have brown eyes (especially the main line of the family) but some members have green or blue eyes depending on who the family have bred with. They tend to still be tall yet slightly shorter than the men of the family, they also have very flattering body builds, keeping up their public image. Most members are between 5'6" - 5'9" and have a femmefatale body build.

El Castillo de Botellón
After the success of the revolution, the Escrebano family took over El Castillo de Botellón, employing those who were previously slaves to work for them there. They currently use El Castillo de Botellón as a base of operations for their businesses and a dock for their ships. They often visit here if it is a matter of great importance or business matter. It isn't particularly fortified but can withstand a weak or brief attack using it's ships and cannons.

A lovely view of the seaside from El Castillo de Botellón's main building's patio.
El Villa de Escrebano
This is the family's home within Regalia, although some members choose to live elsewhere. It is relatively large but not the size of a noble estate, unfortunately.
Escrebano Materiales
The family have a very succesful business in that they import and export a variety of materials from all over Aloria. They travel far and wide searching for the best quality materials they can to sell on for a large sum of money.
Aurora's Gowns and Silks
Although this is independently owned by Aurora, she prefers to think of it as a family business. Many people come to here for outfits as she uses the best quality materials as well as her own unique techniques that you won't find anywhere else.

Matías de Escrebano -
The first Patriarch of the family and the one who started the revolution. He set out all of the original plans and when he died, Rodrigo and Diego vowed to fulfil their father's plans.
Married to Valería de Escrebano, father of Rodrigo and Diego de Escrebano, grandfather of Aurora de Escrebano.

Rodrigo de Escrebano -
The second Patriarch of the family and the father of Aurora de Escrebano. He was the one who put all of the plans into the place, only to be betrayed and killed while doing so. He was the person who inspired Aurora, taught her everything she knows about sailing and combat. He was her hero.
Son of Matías and Valería de Escrebano, married to Isabella de Escrebano, brother of Diego de Escrebano, father of Aurora, Gabriel, Lucas and Sara de Escrebano.

Diego de Escrebano -
The third Patriarch of the family and the business man of the family. He was the one who ended the revolution, coming out of it victorious. He was also the one who taught Aurora about business and finances as well as leadership. He travelled to many places, making allies and trade routes. This is how he met Signur Rothgarn, a Northerne woman who he had two children with, illegitimately. Once he returned to his loving wife and two children, Signur was left with two children of her own. He never did tell his wife, Catalína, about Signur, she found out shortly after his death and now the two have a heated rivalry.
Diego passed the Patriarchy down to Aurora due to her being the oldest, most experienced and most qualified for the position. Although her siblings weren't particularly happy at first, they have since forgiven her.
Son of Matías and Valería de Escrebano, married to Catalína de Escrebano, brother of Rodrigo de Escrebano, illegitimate father of Ivar and Rolf Rothgarn, legitimate father of Daníella and Thiago de Escrebano, uncle of Aurora, Gabriel, Lucas and Sara de Escrebano.


Every member of the de Escrebano family or staff needs to follow specific rules to create a good and mannered roleplay. To make this possible, we are using Skype to communicate with one other in order to plan more fulfilling events. We also make use of this medium to question incoming members (if you want to apply for a position as a family or staff member). Test-Roleplay (or trial) is used to find whether or not you have RP etiquette and if you are fitting to the character itself or even the family at all. If you apply, be so kind as to tag me / @dboy_101 , since I will review most applications as well as issue replies to them.

The most important rules you should follow are;

  • Try to use your character as one of your main characters, other characters are permitted but not too many. You should play your de Escrebano character at least 50% of the time.
  • Try to input as many traits as possible that relate to the de Escrebanos when creating characters so that they can be clearly identified as such.
  • Act in a manner befitting of a respectable person.
  • Communicate with each other in a good and friendly tone, regardless of it's a good friend, a family member, or other players!
  • Try to add as much history into your character sheet as possible, including El Castillo de Escrebano and how the history relates to them
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Family Trees:
Green - Playable.
Blue - Currently being played.

Orange - NPC
Red - Deceased.
Main Line - First Generation

Valería de Escrebano - Deceased
Matías de Escrebano - Deceased

Main Line - Second Generation

Isabella de Escrebano (73) - NPC
Rodrigo de Escrebano - Deceased

Catalína de Escrebano (68) - Playable
Diego de Escrebano - Deceased

Main Line - Third (Current) Generation

Aurora de Escrebano (48) - Played by @dboy_101

Gabriel de Escrebano (45) - Playable
María de Escrebano (39) - Playable

Lucas de Escrebano (34) - Played by @H0on

Sara de Escrebano - Deceased

Daníella de Escrebano (41) - Playable

Thiago de Escrebano (38) - Playable
Adalie de Escrebano (36) - Playable

Secondary Line - Parents

Signur Rothgarn (65) - Playable

Secondary Line - First Generation

Ivar Rothgarn (36) - Playable

Rolf Rothgarn - Deceased
Garna Rothgarn - Deceased

Secondary Line - Second Generation

Ulf Rothgarn (6) - NPC

Illegitimate Line - Parents

(Lucas de Escrebano) Emilia de Villacrés (31) - Playable

(Lucas de Escrebano) Mía de Morilla (29) - Playable

Illegitimate Line - Children

(Lucas de Escrebano) David de Villacrés (2) - NPC

(Lucas de Escrebano) Mía de Morilla (6 Months) - NPC


Members of the Family

    • IGN (Your Minecraft.net account name):

    • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the de Escrebano family?):

    • Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):

    • How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):

    • References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):

    • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:

    • Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):

    • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):

    • Character Name:

    • Character Age:

    • Character Gender (M/F):

    • Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):

    • Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):

    • Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.):
Family Applications are:

Friends of the Family
During the Revolution, the family made a lot of friends with their fellow slaves and such. Most of them stayed at the Castillo but a few of them travelled with the family to Regalia.
This gives you guys a chance to make your own unique character that is practically part of the family. There are only limited slots so if you want one, come and get one.

  • Free Slot
  • Free Slot
  • Free Slot
  • Free Slot
Friends of the Family Applications are:
(Until we have more family members)

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Neat thread. I'm just waiting for the friends of family applications to open >.<
  • IGN (Your Minecraft.net account name): H0on
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the de Escrebano family?): It seems like a neat family and I would like to rp with @dboy_101 more.
  • Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):
Yes- https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lorik-yalod.43147/

Currently review in progress- https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/davi-dubois.54580/#post-671379
  • How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone): UTC +8. I play about 24 hours a week. Sometimes more depending on my schedule.
  • References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!): @Aphellon @Hstlings @celticwitch
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: None
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character): I'm good at keeping the conversations up and creating connections between characters. I have tendency to have a polite tone with most of my characters unless something contradicts the politeness.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling): As everyone does, I have a lot of weaknesses but my greatest weakness may be that I sometimes forget to emote and to quickly revise what I typed.
  • Character Name: Lucas de Escrebano
  • Character Age: 34
  • Character Gender (M/F): Male
  • Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character): Lucas is one of the rare people of the family with Brown hair and brown eyes. His body is toned and his face cone shaped. He has a scar next to his left eye and he is missing his left eye.
  • Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character): Lucas is very persuasive and carefree. Secretly, he has bad morales and if found out, he will be considered 'evil' by other family members. Lucas is a character that actively goes out of his way to gain power. Though he has bad interests, he is very loyal to the family and plans to expand the Escrebano's wealth. The family members see him as a slag alchemist.
  • Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.): Lucas grew up in a small manor in regalia, being bought up by particularly no one though Rodrigo de Escrebano did visit him from time to time. Lucas was privately tutored on the basic literature and various things such as tailoring. When Lucas was growing up, he was especially interested in alchemy and found a personal tutor more than willing to teach Lucas about Alchemy. He was offered a place as the alchemist's apprentice and Lucas accepted it. The village Lucas was living in during his apprenticeship was full of girls and women. Most of the girls his age were interested in him and so, Lucas became close friends with the girls, he dated a lot of them unintentionally cheating on them. Lucas was famous among the town for being the town player. Eventually the alchemist who had apprenticed Lucas died of old age. Lucas became an alchemist at the age of 24. There are some rumors that Lucas has done some shady business with sewer gangs for alchemy materials. He recently received a scar next to his left eye and lost his left eye when an alchemy project went wrong.
  • IGN (Your Minecraft.net account name): H0on
  • Reason for Applying (Why would you like to join the de Escrebano family?): It seems like a neat family and I would like to rp with @dboy_101 more.
  • Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):
Yes- https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/lorik-yalod.43147/

Currently review in progress- https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/davi-dubois.54580/#post-671379
  • How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone): UTC +8. I play about 24 hours a week. Sometimes more depending on my schedule.
  • References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!): @Aphellon @Hstlings @celticwitch
  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.: None
  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character): I'm good at keeping the conversations up and creating connections between characters. I have tendency to have a polite tone with most of my characters unless something contradicts the politeness.
  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling): As everyone does, I have a lot of weaknesses but my greatest weakness may be that I sometimes forget to emote and to quickly revise what I typed.
  • Character Name: Lucas de Escrebano
  • Character Age: 34
  • Character Gender (M/F): Male
  • Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character): Lucas is one of the rare people of the family with Brown hair and brown eyes. His body is toned and his face cone shaped. He has a scar next to his left eye and he is missing his left eye.
  • Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character): Lucas is very persuasive and carefree. Secretly, he has bad morales and if found out, he will be considered 'evil' by other family members. Lucas is a character that actively goes out of his way to gain power. Though he has bad interests, he is very loyal to the family and plans to expand the Escrebano's wealth. The family members see him as a slag alchemist.
  • Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.): Lucas grew up in a small manor in regalia, being bought up by particularly no one though Rodrigo de Escrebano did visit him from time to time. Lucas was privately tutored on the basic literature and various things such as tailoring. When Lucas was growing up, he was especially interested in alchemy and found a personal tutor more than willing to teach Lucas about Alchemy. He was offered a place as the alchemist's apprentice and Lucas accepted it. The village Lucas was living in during his apprenticeship was full of girls and women. Most of the girls his age were interested in him and so, Lucas became close friends with the girls, he dated a lot of them unintentionally cheating on them. Lucas was famous among the town for being the town player. Eventually the alchemist who had apprenticed Lucas died of old age. Lucas became an alchemist at the age of 24. There are some rumors that Lucas has done some shady business with sewer gangs for alchemy materials. He recently received a scar next to his left eye and lost his left eye when an alchemy project went wrong.
You may do some shady dealings with the sewers AS LONG AS you keep it away from the public eye. If anyone finds out about these dealings, Aurora will no hesitate to disown you. Also, I'd prefer it if the general public did not see him as "slag" / harlot, as it is bad for our image.
If you agree to these points, you will be accepted and added to the family chat on skype.