Here's what this is a parody of. I sense a trend.
Hi. you're on a rock floating in space within a magical universe. Pretty cool huh? How did this happen?
A long time ago, (never) which is also now. Nothing is nowhere. When? Never. Makes sense right? Like I said it didn't happen, nothing was anywhere. That's why it's everywhere. You don't need a
Forget this. I want players to be something. go somewhere. I want things to change. I want to invent systems, and lore. And I know it's possible. Because everything is here, and couldn't possibly have already happened. I just don't know what to type... And that's exactly when it started.
Hit the pause button. I think there's potential here. What's it made of? Lore and stuuuf. Hold on that's a page. In a place. Don't like it? Rewrite it. With different Writing™. Try to stick them in sections, because the wiki is gonna get bigger, and more readable.. BUT IT'S NOT READABLE YET. It's still very blank, but going to contain about a KLGHPILLION words.
Now magical creatures called Seraph inhabit the land. And magic along with the godess called Estel exists. Want to see what happens? Sure.
Crap now everything's dead. Just kidding here are the survivors. Now keep an eye on this group because constantly use magic. Crap they died too. Here are more survivors. They died as well. Now the Meriac are here. They also used magic and fled into caves evolving into The Modern Day Mekeeet.
It's Neflin time. Here come the Neflin. Look at that Empire. Now they're gonna dominate the world. They survived the last void invasion. But lost their Empire.
Now Ailor are here. making weird sounds with their mouths. "gnerusk" "Hi" "Bye." "Can you hand me that hammer over there?" That's a human person. Now they're everywhere. Almost. Now there's racism.
Let's review. The Ailor became bullies and kicked out the Elves. Then the Ailor's Emperor died. A half elf was shown mercy so riots began. Screw it, time to fight more Elves. Now everyone will fear the Ailor. Let's all be racist anyway. But mostly to Elves because they fought us. I wonder if Kleinfolk are classified as rodents now? Tired of violence? Well now Orcs can't have weapons or amour anymore. Now the Regalians have to deal with more war. Guess what happens next? More violence. And more Diets. Here to talk about the violence. and more fires to drag it down. The Baaanshee. They died. This news coming to a city near you. Meanwhile, out of nowhere, William Coen was captured. Why did all three rescue attempts fail? Tired of using lame rescuers? Introducing- war. Made with the special ingredient traitors! From the various noble houses. Also, guess what? Politiiiics. Then out in the middle of nowwhere Tags began to classify a random progression. And the rest of the progressions copied it. Also Eleventh Creeed. And then Kade Family Elders were Executed.
Act of the Year Count in order:
4 Kind of like starwars amiright?
A new eraa. Quickly these progressions are getting more complicated. Because the Violet Order just ended. Then allot of player quests came. And then random progressions that were truly random. FreyaDiedBeforeThis. Oh look it's the slums. Or the beta version of the slums #sewers. Oh look it's Freya that I was talking about earlier. She's a corpse or something.. They overthrew the Empire because of this.
Oh here's the sewer's collapse. Now The Rebellion is getting down to buisness. Oh hey let's go back to Regalia even though it was already Regalia. And the castle craashed. Then some random progression talking about world domination never really went anywhere. Twelth Creed. Now things are temporarily more civilized. That's how you sum up a magical fantasy universse.
The Eeend. But not really the end because characters are an immortal raace.
Ending note: I know I probably got allot of this wrong, and skipped out on allot of progressions, but please don't try to correct this because it takes all the fun out of it. The whole point of this thread was to make a parody of a youtube video, that you've all probably seen by now. Please don't take any of this apart from the Ending note serious, and hooray this is the most I have ever written in half a day.