The End Through His Eyes


Aesthetic Song
Through the Eyes of the Mountain
From within the Deepest Cell within Krakenberg, the Field General was surrounded by sullen, skeletons of aged men. Some eyed him from the corner of his cell whilst others simply peered around through the various cracks in the brickwork for a brief glimpse of salvation. It took only a short few moments of this before the Cell had opened and the Imperial Court Marshall (@BillyTheScroofy ) stood before him, the angered scowl of a disgruntled Commander spread across his face. After a rather short affair of scolding and berating the Field General, they both exited the small Island prison without not much of a word left from that. Though within Deo he did feel a sense of humor in it. Every attempt his foes made to try to quell him or disrupt him. They all failed, With Rodrigo coming to his Bailey to gloat and remark stating that, "The debt for Lorhauser was finished." After he had him whipped for terrifying a Kathar Child, not so much simply as beating it but simply disarming it. "My, how Politicians do enjoy elevating things to serve their interests." , He thought to himself idly. It wasn't long then till he had found himself upon a Regalian Nautknight, adorned in his glistening White steel plating and his Olive colored Cape.

A Briefing of Titans
The General stood within the Meeting Hall acquired by his Retinue, the 3rd Siege Battalion of the Imperial Army. There, stood behind a large wooden podium upon a stage overlooking the near-empty room, save for a few sporadic chairs and tables within, and furnished with a few appropriated Kegs of Ale, Whiskey and so forth off to the side. The first members of his Retinue to arrive were the Sihndar Akasha dei Castello (@Souled ), bearing the name he granted her and her usual neutral stare. She moved off to the side out of the way of the door towards the middle of the room as the other members began arriving shortly after. The next to arrive was the Draconian Dame, Fathiyaa Nasir(@Ampers07 ), she'd smile up towards the podium in her usual kind fashion before making her way to it. Her eyes caught sight of an empty chair nearby the Podium, which she bee-lined for and took for herself at her own leisure, crossing one leg over the other and folding her arms over her chest as she'd stare up towards the General, a present grin spread across her face. With members of the Retinue finding their way in, members such as Taendross (@SpookyJade @GamingLeopurred @Ascelus ) made short work in retrieving and gathering space for her kinsmen and women. The Isldar flocking towards each other than, Zelphar and Wistaeri in tow. It wasn't long then till his Command Staff began showing up, the Command Sergeant Major Morgann (@Antimblaidd ) and Master Sergeant(@Winterless ) taking completely opposite positions, Maridenne choosing to be stood right beside him on his left with one of his Pavisa Guardsmen, Costanzo dei Fierdo,(@Troy ) and William all the way in the back, out of the way and sight of most. As time carried on more and more Soldiers filed into the Building. Men of many cultures and faces, races galore, soon the building was filled with the full mass of Soldiers within the 3rds'. Primary Retinue from Regalia as well as several Offizers and NCOs. The Field General stood up at the Podium, his armor glistening from a fresh coat of polish as he tapped his fingers idly against the Stand before he cleared his throat, his voice echoing out over the Hall, "Quiet. On this day, we are mere moments from Destruction. Nuthotehk has been destroyed. The Kathar razed it to the ground and seek to do so to our current positions in the Southern Theatre of the Elven Moors. We have no Backup. Von Treppewitz, Duke Lampero, and so on so forth are busy up in the Northern Theatre and we, are alone with those currently seated within the Marshalry Cabinet. We stand today as the only thing that is keeping the World from descending into darkness. We stand today as the only thing in this World, that can stop the Demons from conquering everything." He tapped his fingers rhythmically against the Podium as he spoke, "We are severely outnumbered, outclassed, outmaneuvered. Wolonds from our Forest Line, the Dread Kraken dealing with the Navy to the Ocean. We are the only thing standing between our Families and homes, and the beasts abroad." He held up three fingers to the crowd "Three Days. In Three Days the World will hold its breath as we battle bone by bone to acquire, Victory. We have no reinforcements, nor do we need any. For we are the 3rd and we do not shatter like Glass when the enemy comes setting their stones upon us. I ask you all today to not only stand by your fellow Regalian, Orc. Isldar, Elf, Ailor. But I ask you all to stand for your Empire, here, and Now. While you've still strength left to stand. We will be acting as an Auxillary Ranged Force, our Heavier hitters will be reinforcing points, we will be blackening the Sky by Pavisa Bolt and Tenpenny Arrow. We shall be ravaging the Front by Orken Isldaran and Sihndaran prowess. And we shall not Waver, for that is simply not what I believe Ailor should do. The Dragon Rikkira shall be in the Sky, /ALL/ of the Generals of our Empire are Fielded. And in this Dark Hour, we stand as the only Ray of Light that is able to pierce through the Blackened Haze. Do you all understand this?" He smashed his Plated hand down onto the Podium before tipping it off to the side, "If you who stand within this Room are Too Cowardly to stand with me against the Beasts as they Rap and Rattle their bones against our Steel and Soul. Go the Fuck back Home. For I shant have Cowards within my Retinue as we Save the Bloody World. Is that clear?!" He would shout out finally to the Crowd of Regalians.
The response at first was quiet. Several men began nodding with a present grin spread across their faces, inspiration taking effect. It was only until the Field Generals scowl became present that he said, "I cannot Bloody Hear you, Bobble Headed Fucks." He'd shout out once more, "Is that clear?!" Which finally procured the intended result. A tirade of shouts and cheers of, "Yes Sir!" "Aye Sir!" "Hear Hear!" Truly the Battalion became enlivened at his words. This went on for a good moment or so before the Field General raised his hand to slow and quiet them, his words echoing out over the hall as he spoke once more,
"We are the Emperors Chosen Blades, Warriors of our Homeland Regalia. Tonight shall be a night of drinking and festivities. Write your Wills, make merry with your friends in the various Tents and the Chowhall. For Tomorrow you shall prepare for what Death shall be done upon the Enemy, by our Will, as Regalia Commands and the day after? You shall bring glory and Victory home to our Fatherland, Regalia!"
After another set of cheers and jeers, he would nod then and turn moving to take a seat upon the podium, surrounded by those closest to him, as they spoke amongst each other idly. Costanzo in specifics leaning over to the General and muttering, "Inspiring Speech, General." Which affords him a singular nod of thanks as the night carried on, into a proper Festival within the 3rd Siege Battalions Encampments.

A Day of Restless Readying
After the nights' merriment, hungover men roused themselves at the mornings' bugle blasts as they began to set themselves up into their respective formations. The Pavisa Knights awakened and dawned their armoring and moved to rendezvous with The Acting Pavisa Maestro Arquinius dei Termini(@DirtyNightClownz ), though young he has taken on his role as Commander rather readily. Though undoubtedly within him he felt a deep sense of anxiety, so many men, falling under his Command that he never even knew the names of. Truly this was a test of his limits. Though of course, he had the Grand Knight Camilla dei Revello(@Ailethi ) there to support him, so truly he was not all lost, right? After the lot of them made their introductions and Arquinius relayed the battle plans that Deo had transcribed for the Pavisas, they set to work with rigorous practice, breaking into teams of fifty and firing blunted arrows with cloth tips at each other and working on their prep times for affixing their Bayonets, the Pavisas' would not be caught off guard as they were last time by the Harpies, they would be prepared and ready to exact their Vendetta upon the Kathar for the loss of their comrades during the Siege of Merkar'sarh.
The Tenpenny Halberdiers were hard at work, sharpening their blades, the Archers counting and fashioning more arrows for themselves with assistance from the Altalaran residence of Merkar'sarh, the Infantry Commanders running their men through the drills and practice ceremonies before ending their work mid-day to allow the men the rest they need and the time to write their Wills. Tomorrow was on the mind of all the Men and Women of the 3rd, "Will I survive?"..."Will we win?"..."How many of them are there?".."Bashturr Guide me.."..."Spirit Bless our Blades...please." All of these thoughts were normal throughout the Retinue, none so much felt the weight of it all as the Field General himself who stood upon the balcony of a nearby Windmill, watching his men prepare for what may be their finest hour. He was approached from the side at first by one of his good friends, his Personal 'attendant' Elias. After a brief discussion, the man wandered back down the Windmills steps and out of the area to prepare others throughout the Retinue for what may come. The Field General stood within this Windmill and paced back and forth, his mind racing over everything he had learned, everything he had tested and practiced on the Field of Battle, every Private War, every skirmish and battle he had faced. He rolled it all over through his mind and saturated himself in the feelings the memories that which War had granted much of his Life. He had paced up until Dusk before he finally ushered himself to his own tent. Writing down a collection of dreams and poetry he had built up within himself, The Fields of Lavender he yearned for back home in Montania. He fell asleep at his table, only to awake to frantic movement and a wide-eyed young man shaking him awake, "F-Field General! It is time!" Deo could do nothing more than frown, he had fallen asleep in his armor, though rested, he truly hated doing it some days. "Mmh, very well then. Let us go forth then, si?" And so, the Decisive Day came...and none would be prepared for what it brought.

Behind the Peasants and Screamers we Stood
As the day came and the men had been rallied, the Field General Mounted up upon his Ceremonial Chariot having shipped it from Termini some odd weeks prior, the craft was old surely, but upon it bore the Termini Family crest, a Harp with a Serpent intertwined between the Strings, with various House Shields for those who had pledged their families to the dei Termini, the dei Rossetti and dei Fierdo Shields placed underneath the larger Family symbol that was positioned in the front of the basket that held the Field General. The Cart was dragged along by a gilded horse with a large green-colored feather adorning a crown of its own. Once the Marching had begun, the Field General rode forward until about a hundred yards from his forces staging ground, where he had dismounted and tasked an attendant to return the Cart back to the City. This was a Tradition for the Termini Family, to mount upon their ancestral chariot and ride off to face their foe. The action carrying on since the ride of Daltan against the dei Grucci family oh so long ago.
The Field General now stood at the rear of his forces as they marched forward in formation, arrows clinking together, the clatter of the metallic suits adorning his men near deafening, the Pavisa Knights gleaming in their Thick Armor Plating. Once his men had found their positions and the Field Commanders barked their orders, the General found himself flanked by his two chosen Guards, Fathiyaa Nasir and his 'Attendant' Elias. "It won't be long now." The Field General would remark to his friends. A few sparing moments passed, and so soon as he said that, the Soldiers Minute had begun. Within this deep silence, the air grew still, the trees no longer shook and the world seemed to come to its standstill. The Field General stood upon the ground and looked out over the Regalian Front, to his far left in the distance he spied several vessels within the waters and the faint glint of their spyglasses reflecting towards himself, he gave a two-finger salute to the glints of light that he could see before inspecting the Artillery from afar of the Howlester Retinue. Once that minute had passed, he saw them. The Wave of Black over the Hills across from them, and the chorus of the Queens of Battle, the Artillery had begun their song. Masses of bodies flung skyward, and the Field General raised his blade up towards the Hill, the masses of Archers and Pavisa Commanders shouting for their men too, "NOCK!" Ordering their men to set the arrows into the Bows and Crossbows, the Field Generals eyes observed the Enemy in their rapid approach, once within range, the Field General gave the order with a flourish of his blade slashing it diagonally downward to the left, the Field Commanders receiving the Order from the movement and in one voice shouted, "LOOSE!" echoing across the battlefield what sounded like a violent storm unleashed into the sky, the mass of arrows and bolts darkening the sky and becoming a rolling cloud of Death that soon crashed into the mass of approaching Kathar, regiments upon regiments tripping and falling dead at the arrows that blanketed their rapid approach, after the initial blanket the Field Commanders of the Ranged forces began to work the plan into motion, firing off their forces intermittently each group firing while another reloads and vice versa. The groups working to keep the Kathar under constant fire. Felling hundreds upon hundreds yet making no dent in the tide that which approached. So soon as they had begun did they crash into the Harhold and Viduggla lines. It was only then did Deo notice that the units attacking the front line were Golems and masses of Silver Tear Paladins. He had hoped that they would not field their Golems so quickly, however, of course, he understood that his desires of what the Kathar would do was naught but a fruitless adventure of the mind. The Battle had begun in full swing then, and such the Fates watched on as the World held its breath as the Final Battle had engaged.

We Faltered, But Never Broke
The Field General peered to his 11oclock. Observing the Field General Harhold upon his steed speaking with one of his men. He could not hear what transpired between the two nor could he accurately locate the Field Marshall from his position. Moments passed and the battle raged on then, a frantic Levyman of the Harhold force rushed up to Deo carrying orders from the Leadership over on the Left group in front of himself, "Field General! Field General Harhold has returned to the Command Tent! Madame Rote has taken command requests for reinforcements!" The Field General would nod to this and move to take up a vantage point on a nearby hill, his eyes noticing an opening in the retreating Harhold forces which spurred within him a heightened sense of vigor, rushing down the hill he flourished his blade in circles beside the Pavisa forces, shouting to them as he moved, "Pavisas!, Affix Bayonets! Charge!" And so charged the combined forces of Pavisas into the Gap ahead of the Field General. He watched as his kinsmen charged forward towards their battle, his eyes trained on his younger brother, his heart skipping its beats as Harpys dove down into the mass of men and women, up until they finally breached their way into the Gap the Field General paid attention only to his younger Brother, though once he was fully out of sight, he returned back to his vantage point, keeping eyes over cross the Battle as it unfolded. The Field General was anxious, he watched on for what seemed like centuries as the right Flank began to get pushed back further towards the River, he saw the routing Harhold forces and the limping and wounded soldiers that fell and crawled back from the Mainline. This angered him to the core, he paced back and forth twice before peering up at a large rock. Thus it was decided, he clambered his way on top of it, drawing his blade in hand as he began to rouse out a speech to inspire his men, "Regalians! Fight on! Fight On! I say this battle shall carry forth and echo throughout the Years, History is written today! We must hold this line, my soldiers! We must! For Regalia! For your Comrades! Hold. The. Line!" He'd shout out to the Regalians, those who had lost their spirits had stopped their movements, and turned then to return back to the combat, wounded soldiers felt reinvigorated and bandaged off their minor wounds and charged forth back into combat, the Field General felt a sense of assured greatness at this, his words worked! Though soon after his speech had finished, a dark shadow flashed in front of him and soon he was taken by the talons of Harpy into the sky by his left arm and leg! The Field General swung his Sword wildly up at it, though every swing missed its mark. The Harpy jostled him around and flew him higher into the sky, causing him to drop his blade from his hand. He beat relentlessly at its Talons until he began shouting, "Die you ravenous beast! Die!" His voice traveled and caught the attention of his Pavisa Knights, whose Seneschal ordered them to fire upon the Harpy. They looked amongst each other for but a single moment before raising their Bows skyward, all of them taking aim upon the Harpy and releasing their bolts directly into the beast. Hundreds of bolts peppered the beast and plunged their way into its body, none striking the Field General. Though unfortunately due to how high he was, the Field General and Harpy began plummeting to the ground, the beasts clutches still holding firmly onto the Field Generals armor. Was this it? No! He yanked his arm free of the beasts clutches at the last moment, pushing off from its body and landing half in the water and half on the land! His right shoulder and arm were broken, but he was alive within his armor, the Harpy the embodiment of a Pin Cushion. The Field General groaned out audibly at this, moving his left arm to grasp firmly onto his arm and shoulder, before moving to push himself up from the ground and crawl his way up to stable ground beside the Harpy, using its corpse as a wall to lean against as he breathed heavily through gritted teeth, holding onto his broken parts. Soon after his descent the Command Sergeant Major Dr. Aredeth came rushing over with his aids, moving then to assist the Field General in returning to the Command Tent to receive Medical Aid.

What Sudden Betrayal, and Forced Decisions
Once back inside the Command tent, the Field General had his right shoulder pauldron and grieves removed from him, heavily dirt ridden and dented, his arm and shoulder purpled and bruised by the broken bones within, the Dr. Aredeth set to work with fixing him. As this was going on, Couriers and envoys began rushing into the Tent, relaying information to those within, detailing how the situation was unfolding and how the battle went. The General did his best through gritted teeth to give updated tasks, but with each new Order, another situation arose that stopped them from being able to be sent. The Command Tent soon fell into a rather chaotic disarray within itself. This was until he peered off to the side and witnessed a Witchblood warrior draw his blade. The Witchblood began to walk towards the Field General with the Blade drawn, as this occurred the Field General took from the table a Dagger that held a Map to its wood beneath it and thrusted it deeply into the Witchbloods temple with his left hand. It was once the Witchbloods body fell and the Tent went silent that the newest information had arisen, "The Witchbloods are turning on the men!" This prompted the General to reaffirm himself, his arm carefully splinted with expert care and his shoulder at least somewhat dealt with in bandaging and splints of its own. The Field General sent out the order to begin slaughtering any of those whose eyes glowed Green. It was unknown to him at this time just how far this had spread, but as he paced within the Command Tent and relayed his Orders out to his forces as best he could, he could not, within him feel secure within the Tent. Once he was fully tended to, the Field General exited the Tent and moved to stand atop an Observation Tower and relay his Orders from that point. Ordering his men to continue pushing against the Kathar, to Hold the Line as he had shouted out to them Before. It was then that he noticed the Dragons Crash into his Troops. Truly a terrifying sight to see, both in the terms of statistics for his casualties, as well as for the Fate of the Imperial Dragon.
The Battle raged on, and throughout the Observations, the dei Termini observed the battle through a monocular Spyglass gifted to him by the House Viduggla for his service to them during their Noble War against their Counterparts. It was then that the Order was received, A last-ditch attempt at Defense. This caused Deo to descend down the steps of the Observation Tower and take on one of his Banners, flanked closely by Elias and Fathiyaa, he would move forward towards a Hill nearby his forces, planting it firmly into the ground as he shouted out to the Archer Batteries to continue their Volleys, and for the Pavisas to continue their battle, by Bayonet or Bolt! If this was where Deo was to die and Regalia be lost, he will not have it said that his men died with ammunition remaining, this was absolutely unacceptable to him in his eyes. Therefore, he ordered them to continue their firing. The Cannons from afar ripping through the Kathar forces on the ground, the Bolts and Arrows peppering the sky and piercing the Kathar, all the way up until it was noticed that the Kathar retreat! The Orders were changed then, he ordered his ranged units to fire upon the retreating Kathar, Slaughter them All ensure they died with their backs to the sky! And so they did. Regalians combined their efforts with the Other Field Generals and set to work with unleashing the Rains of the dei Termini upon the Enemy Forces. The Final Push, the release of the grip on their Hold. And finally, then, the Regalians had Won the Day.

Here we stand, amongst ashes and Dreams
Once the Battle had been Finished, the Field General was approached by his Younger brother to give him the news as to what occurred within. The moment Arquinius arrived on the scene, the Field General set his sword into the dirt and embraced him with his only functioning arm. He held onto him for a good long moment before pressing his forehead to his siblings and whispering, "You have survived. Mi Fratello." The two siblings embraced for a longer moment before Arquinius pulled away and the Field General shook himself and wiped at his eyes, the report was repeated to Deo as to what had occurred with the Witchbloods and the soldiers returning to life. What occurred to the Imperial Dragon and the other forces including the Harholds decision to return to the Command Tent. The Field General dei Termini shook his head at this, and moved to return to the battlefield. It took only a turn of his head to look out upon the fields of Corpses. The carrion flying above like the Harpys' who dealt themselves unto himself and his men only Hours before. The Field General walked down the Hill and approached the field, stepping over Regalian and Kathar corpses as he stood on the edge of the bloody mess. It was here that he bowed his head in prayer, a prayer that lasted an hour, until the sun had come down.
A day had passed since the Victory of the Regalians, though none in the Camps felt the desire to celebrate, the Field General had ordered that all Regalian Corpses be gathered from the Field and be carted onto ships and returned back to their Homes to be buried as they wished. Though for the corpses of the Kathar, he had ordered for their armor and weaponry to be gathered and sent to the forges for melting down of resources, and their bodies, to be stacked high upon each others, and burned upon the Battlefield that which they died upon. This was ceremonial in the Field Generals eyes, and a curse he placed upon them. He would trap their Souls within this place encased in flames for all of Eternity for what they had done here. And as he stood nearby as the flames were lit, here it was that the Field General could now be seen with a new collection of Grey streaks within his Hair. The Stress of War has finally taken its toll on the Field General. Though he knew deep down inside, he would be called for..once more.
Thanks for Reading! I wrote all of this over the course of 11/10 at around 9 pm to 2 am in the morning on 11/11. If you liked what you read or want to post what your character was doing during this or in regards to this you may do so believe! Again thank you @BillyTheScroofy @MantaRey and @MonMarty For producing such an impactful and glorious series of Progressions and for being fantastic at what you do! One day I hope to do the same for Massivecraft. Thank you again, Readers, for those of you who read through the whole thing.