Shelved Character The Elder One

This character has been shelved and is no longer played.


Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
«❅» Full Name | Shum Orok
«❅» Self Named | The Elder One
«❅» Race | Eronidas (Ex - Zabar)
«❅» Age | 102
«❅» Gender | Male
«❅» Eye Color | Green (Altered Self)


«❅» Core Concept | The Elder One is an old Eronidas who is tired of war and has dedicated the remainder of his life towards seeking the knowledge of Sarahu and enacting a cleric shaman for the eronidas, along with his allies in Regalia. He has taken upon himself towards attuning himself with the wind, wearing symbols of Sarahu as well as developing the abilities dedicated for supporting another rather than himself.


«❅» Strength{Atheletic} Point Buy (1)

«❅» Magic Point Buy (6)


«❅» Faith{Cleric} Point Buy (7)
Rebuke Faith
Weakening Ward
Gear Blessings
Prolonged healing
Group Cleanse


« Vasar | (Racial Language) »
« Common | (Free) »


«❅» Appearance | Shum stands at a height of 6'6 and has a dense/ripped body. His body isn't exactly huge as most of his prime strength has faded over time. His hair is pale and long, stretching down to the back of his waist. He has a deep purple tattoo representing Sarahu along the left side of his body. He wears the symbols of Sarahu on his lower body and usually alters his sight and parts of his body to represent a more purple tone with alteration magic.


Life Story

«❅» Birth - Childhood | Born in the allorn empire at first, Shum came under a proud family under the Zabar culture where he was immediately tended to with the richness of quality meats and vegetables. He was an energetic kid and grew rather fast, deciding that he would join the military when he came of age.

«❅» Childhood - Adolescence | Shum grew into the early age where he was transported out into the military of the allorn empire. He trained up and excelled to the rank of Sergeant at his youth, taking on a range of leadership qualities. Shum trained in firing rifles, as well as wielding spears, longswords and even maces.

«❅» Adolescence - Adulthood | For years, Shum spent a great deal of time in the military until he hit a great fall in his life. Cornered in the lands of the Dread Empire during a battle, he drifted off from his batallion and found himself lost, away from the allorn. He came across an abandoned group of Eronidas who appeared rather different, exiled out even. He spent a large amount of time with them in the strange foreign lands, discovering that these eronidas were shamans.

«❅» Adulthood - The Elder One | Shum grew attuned towards these shamans and even learned magic from them. He discovered the Asaredu pantheon through these shamans and found his ideal god Sarahu of the wind and knowledge to be his figure of worship. He respected them greatly to the point he began practicing their ways, wearing their symbols and expressing a range of magical qualities that represent Sarahu. Pairing more with the magic he were taught, he's walked away from the life of military and combat, and with his magic he continued his journey until he reached this place known as Regalia, where he'd experience much more.

Plot Hooks

«❅» Asaredu - Sarahu |
Shum follows the Asaredu faith, deeply respecting Sarahu. He always seeks out texts, experiences or simple knowledge of Sarahu and their practices/followers. He wears their symbol and tries to express an attitude similar to Sarahu's path.

«❅» Shaman - Exist | Shum is an exist mage. He is a shaman of the eronidas and has drifted away from his culture all in search of knowledge for his faith, and the qualities of magic that may guide him to reach the skies.

«❅» The Elder One | Shum has completely rid himself of his old name and has pronounced himself The Elder One upon entering Regalia.

«❅» Old | Shum is very old, nearing the extent of his lifespan for the eronidas. Though there are ways to delay or possibly expand the lifespan, he has no current goal for doing so and believes if it came to it, that it's his destiny to pass.
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