The Druzhina [ Champions Of Folosta ]


[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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The Nippy North
Roleplay Guilds
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Noble House Bolshekov
Vladno Companions, & defenders
The Spirit is Vladno"


The Druzhina charge the gates of an Elven stronghold during the war with Rie (circa 305AC.)

I - Introduction
II - History
III - Ranking
IV - Glorious deeds
V - Application form
VI - Rules


I - Introduction and basic information
The Druzhina is a private house guard, in the employ of House Bolshekov of Folosta. The group guards Bolshekov's and protects their assets from attack. Druzhina members often operate within the city of Folostograd and Gdensk, though in recent days they have moved to the Archipelago, in following their liege lords. The small private army weaponized itself with traditional Vladno armor, bearing sabers and short swords along with a shield.

II - History of The Druzhina
Upon becoming ennobled in 226AC, Yaroslav I Bolshekov recognized the need for loyal companions. In the cutthroat world of Vladno politics, one can rarely take liberties when ensuring their own protection. With this in mind, Yaroslav brought together his closest band of friends and allies from his days as a mere peasant, arming them with the finest Vladno steel. This band of good for nothing Folostans would be known as the Druzhina, and surely over the many decades of its existence, it would grow in size, numbering in the hundreds. Though its size would grow, the spirit behind it would never change: House Bolshekov, rather than treating its Druzhinians to a servile existence, maintains close companionship with its guardsmen. Brotherhood and loyalty are all traits of the Druzhina and close Vladno fraternity.

The Druzhina has accompanied Bolshekov's since the earliest days of the House, through war, slave raids, and peace. In the native land of Folosta, from which the organization grew, the Druzhina are treated as local heroes, drinking free in Vladno beer houses, and eating free in the restaurants of Gdensk. Chivalry and cavalier virtue are all expected of the Druzhina man.

The marching song of the Druzhina, often sung with burning hearts as war approaches


III - Ranking

Boyar (Lord)
The Boyar, or the acting patriarch of House Bolshekov, is the ruler of the Druzhina. The Boyar's word is absolute, and all members of the Druzhina are expected to carry out his commands unquestioning. The Boyar often delegates tasks to the Voyevoda, his most trusted commander.

Voyevoda (War Leader)
The most trusted man in the Boyar's Druzhina, often being a member of his close family. The Voyevoda is tasked with the steady running of the day to day Druzhina work. He is engorged with slaves, gold, wine, and whatever he may wish for. The Voyevoda is outranked only by the Boyar himself, and all orders which are not overruled should be taken as law.

Sotnik (Captain)
The Sotnik is a respected captain of the Druzhina, commanding at most up to one hundred men at a time. The Sotnik commands great respect among his men and is charged with the recruitment of further Druzhina members, from among the ailor population (or in rare cases, non-ailor populace too). Sotniks are treated to the best lifestyle, on Bolshekov coin, and may afford such things as fine silk, fine food, and finer wives.

Desyatnik (Sergeant)
The Desyatnik is a tried and tested soldier of the Druzhina, having served for many years, or proven himself worthy of his liege lords. The Desyatnik is often charged with ten to a dozen men at a time and is paid his youngest child's weight in silver (though this tradition has often become expensive with Vladno prosperity, and has diminished with time).

Strelet (Footman)
The strelet is the backbone of the Druzhina and forms the most basic level of the company. The strelet is handed a sword, spear, or pike slapped on the back and told to march forward. If he survives a few encounters with the Vladno foe, he may even rise the ranks. To the unfortunate of many though, strelets barely make it past their first battle, often finding themselves impaled to a Songaskian lance, or eviscerated by an Elven spell.



The Boyar drinks mead with his men, as they prepare for war with the Songaskians (Circa 305AC.)


IV - Glorious deeds


1. Radoslav Bolshekov arranged for the Druzhina to carry Charter Rights within the Crown City- 04/12/305AC.









V - Application form
-References from other players:
Nobility Experience?:
Activity: (Roughly how many hours a week?/Event attendance?)
Character App:
IG Punishments: (Bans, mutes, jails)
Reason for Applying?:
Character Race:

VI - Rules and regulations
1. Always maintain good RP etiquette and manners (Try not to flame in OOC chat, ect.)
2. Maintain a good level of communication with your fellow Druzhina during events (via skype/discord)
3. Keep a good level of activity, or otherwise, let the Druzhina leaders know if you can't

1. No undead
2 No Vampires
3. No heretics
5. No cravens

Member Listing:
Boyar Radoslav Bolshekov @AntonVoron
Voyevoda Emil Dragovich @Inquisitater
Sotnik Yaroslav Bolshekov @Mooffins
Sotnik Tobek Bolshekov @KyleDinny

Last edited:
References from other players: @AntonVoron @Muffins_ @Lumiess
Nobility Experience?: House guard as Aldrich Sangnoir and Shiori Draylas, as well as Regalian Guard RP.
Activity: 30 a week, as many events as I can.
Character App: [x]
IG Punishments: None.
Reason for Applying?: You asked and I want active character interaction.
Character: Shiori Draylas.
Character Race: Half Shendar half Chi'en-ji Silven.
References from other players
: @AntonVoron @Muffins_ @Lumiess
Nobility Experience?: House guard as Aldrich Sangnoir and Shiori Draylas, as well as Regalian Guard RP.
Activity: 30 a week, as many events as I can.
Character App: [x]
IG Punishments: None.
Reason for Applying?: You asked and I want active character interaction.
: Shiori Draylas.
Character Race: Half Shendar half Chi'en-ji Silven.

Dear dirty Shendar,

I despise your people, and all they stand for. The flesh of both lines of your most severe ancestory stink of heresy and failure. HOWEVER. You have come to us with a set of skills we shall need - as a Vladno of honour, if you live to the human code, I shall love you like a son. If you fail, I shall scorn you.

Spirit bless,
Baron Bolshekov

-References from other players: @Icaruscien and more if you really need it.
Nobility Experience?: Lots and lots.
Activity: (Roughly how many hours a week?/Event attendance?) Too much for my own good at this point.
Character App
IG Punishments: (Bans, mutes, jails) None.
Reason for Applying?: So Thomas will release my family.
Character: Jennette Burton.
Character Race: Ailor.
Note. I may switch the character out at some point. You will be notified and thoroughly informed if that will happen.
-References from other players: @Icaruscien and more if you really need it.
Nobility Experience?: Lots and lots.
Activity: (Roughly how many hours a week?/Event attendance?) Too much for my own good at this point.
Character App
IG Punishments: (Bans, mutes, jails) None.
Reason for Applying?: So Thomas will release my family.
Character: Jennette Burton.
Character Race: Ailor.
Note. I may switch the character out at some point. You will be notified and thoroughly informed if that will happen.
-References from other players: @darkarely @Film_Noir @Ghirko
Nobility Experience?:
Activity: (Roughly how many hours a week?/Event attendance?) Variable from ten to several dozen sleepless hours
Character App: In heavy, heavy progress on a desperately dmamaged computer
IG Punishments: (Bans, mutes, jails) None
Reason for Applying?: A need for catalyst in further roleplay, an interest in lawkeeping and generally a desire for more articulate roleplay than pubtrawling
Character: Qiang-Rahc Zhou Kearney
Character Race: Converted Url Ailorblood.